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Reggie Greenwood

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Posts posted by Reggie Greenwood

  1. 47 minutes ago, tombomb said:

    If anybody has 2 tickets available for the Cheltenham game please let me know. We live just south of Bristol and would like to go to the match on Saturday. Thanks 

    Might be best putting this in the Cheltenham thread as well

  2. 1 hour ago, jono said:

    But you’re ok with sheddy old stinking Diesel engines with no filters and their cancerous particulates belching out  ? 

    Honestly though, I do I get it, I think those tanks and humongous clouds are a bit weird and I can see that you could get narked by them blown in your face. But all in all, outside in the grand scheme of things,  it doesn’t bother me  in the least. Each to their own I guess. 

    Can’t recall I said anywhere I was ok with Diesel engines ? Just as bad for me. 

  3. 7 minutes ago, jono said:

    Walk down the street and smell the diesel. Or indeed the vapour from the chips burgers and onions. I think scale, effect and a thousand other things should be in your equations. Far worse for me is the old double 1970/80’s  deckers ticking over outside the ground filling the air with fumes that genuinely are noxious rather than just off putting to individuals.

    A lot of knock off vapes have all sorts of noxious materials in them. I’d prefer not to take the chance of breathing them in 

  4. 1 hour ago, Poynton ram said:

    Just seen he has been suspended from the Tories for allegedly spreading misinformation about the covid vaccine. From memory wasn’t he very vocal about giving support to Derby during the administration and spoke well. Could be the end of his political career now I guess

    The bloke who a Judge said was a serial liar in a court case he lost against his own family members 

  5. 2 hours ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Although Rooney had to pull him up about his attitude in training. Not at all a fan, wastes too many chances and couldn't trap a bag of cement.

    Bad injury record with us and Cov as well 

  6. 16 hours ago, Magicman said:

    Both Harry & Meghan have been telling lies that were exposed when fact checked. They are a toxic couple of celebrity wokers. Money grabbers , victimhood & hypocrisy knows no limits when the smell of $$$ is in the air. 

    Wokers? What does that even mean ??

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