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Posts posted by G STAR RAM

  1. 1 minute ago, Zag zig said:

    Wish one of these days a club would take him on. Rather suspect though, in a lot of cases there’s no smoke without fire and clubs probably don’t want the scrutiny either.

    Really dislike the bloke, because essentially he’s become an expert in others woes, never mind football finance.

    When you said take him on, I thought you meant employ him, was going to say don't give Forest ideas, let Clattenburg settle in first.

  2. 48 minutes ago, ap04 said:

    Hell yeah for numerous reasons, would be good to know which you personally trust though so that I know how to enlighten you going forward (if I were you I'd go with mine).

    Definitely your database, sounds like there has been so much hard work that has gone into it and basically I'm struggling to see any flaws with it.

  3. 48 minutes ago, ap04 said:

    I think they should introduce this as a template in seminars and masterclasses, "How to attain 0 attempts and 0.01xG (Cheltenham) in games you target a win". Judging by the resounding approval at dcfcfans it'll be all the rage.

    You honestly think that teams are still going to be using xG as a metric now the cat is out of the bag about your 'lucky' database?

  4. 1 hour ago, DavesaRam said:

    On reflection, the somewhat toothless display in the first half was part of the plan. We set up to give Stevenage absolutely nothing, and it almost worked, with the only real threat being the shot which Wildsmith saved. The other chance was a deflection. I feel that we did actually play pretty well, despite creating virtually nothing on goal. Solid may be a good way to describe it. I wanted changes earlier on in the match, as most people probably did, Sibley for Nyambe who looked pretty shot ("gassed out" being the Warnese words for it!) in th second half. But Smith coming on first was the catalyst because it changed how we played the midfield. So could it be that Paul Warne is becoming a master tactician?


    Doubt it, was probably a fluke or a set up that he just stumbled on.

    Likewise with the signing of Gayle, I'm guessing it was just a chance meeting outside Padel, that can be the only explanation with nobody wanting to play for him and him having no pulling power.

    Just hope our poster keeping tabs on such things has updated their database accordingly.

  5. 6 hours ago, Eddie said:

    which invariably works, and has the Warne outers ripping their own teeth out in frustration.


    Oh come on @Eddie what was you expecting to find in the Warne Out thread?

    Oh wait, it's not, it's just another thread that will be hijacked for posting anti Warne comments...

  6. 8 hours ago, plymouthram said:

    I was referring to Dajaune Brown who is under contract until June 2026, so that suggests he's rated by someone at the club. But I think in my opinion sending out a talented youngster on loan to a lesser club is'nt going to make him improve. If anything they go backwards in their development due to being with an inferior club with no where near the same facilities as his parent club.

    Like when Dean Sturridge went to Torquay?

    David Beckham to Preston maybe?

    The quality of a teams facilities should not really affect the quality of a player in my opinion.

  7. 16 minutes ago, plymouthram said:

    I don't get it !!!! They state that sending a player out on loan to help develop him and get more game time. Lets look at the facts, staying at Derby with better coaches, better training facilities, training with better players and playing with better players, surely this would enhance his career. We had good promising kids at Derby in the past and they go out on loan to a lower league team and their career nosedives. E.G. Jack Stretton to name one that happened recently.

    Are their careers nosediving though or is just proof that Derby are making the right decision to let them go?

    Struggling to think of many that we have let go that have gone on to higher levels.


  8. 42 minutes ago, DavesaRam said:

    Yes, but even when he has scored, and in one match he scored two, he has ended up on the bench or dumped right out of the squad for the next match. How can you "make the shirt your own" when the boss keeps ripping it off your back?

    When was he dumped right out of the squad?

  9. Just now, Anag Ram said:

    Five at the back doesn’t really work for us. I actually thought Bradley was the weakest of the back three and was amazed he got MOM.

     He was okay for sure but Nelson and Cashin were solid.

    Nyambe and Elder are not attackers, they’re defensive fullbacks.

    Shout out to Korey Smith and Paul Warne. Smith brought a degree of calm to the midfield and it was his raking pass that set up the goal.

    Worked extremely well today as we didn't concede.

    Bradley a very well deserved MOTM, didn't put a foot wrong all game and won every single header. 

  10. 4 minutes ago, CapeTownRams said:

    Glad for the win obviously.

    But let’s not have the fluked result (cos that’s what it is and was) disguise a desperate performance created to a large extent by a woeful tactician of a manager. Don’t give me the line that it was PW’s sub of Sibs that got us the win. It was just luck, no more. Plus a large dose of desperation.

    I can accept bad performances and understand the pressure on the players, particularly at home.

    But our setup was appalling.
    If we had gone attacking mode from the beginning (when Stevenage would realistically just be looking to get to HT at 0-0), scored two goals by H-T and then reverted to a back 5, then there would have been some logic to events. But PW’s talk about it being better to go for a win ( and risk losing) rather than draw is total BS. Talk is cheap but not matched by actions.

    Stevenage deserved a draw. We got (very) lucky. Yes, we are where we are in the table and that’s good. But i am reminded of a tv interview with Matt Le Tiss who said that whilst Southgate was a nice guy he couldn’t help feeling that we would never win a tournament with him as manager and that he almost felt that with the players England have he( Le Tiss) could have managed them to a Euro final and WC semi. I feel the same about PW- it’s a ‘thanks Paul’ but no more. I have always been supportive of him but after today I seriously question his real credentials, yes, even acknowledging the current league position we find ourselves in.

    Matt Le Tissier also said the war in Ukraine was being staged by actors, and he sounded as ridiculous then as you do now.

  11. 20 minutes ago, Ghost of Clough said:

    Alternatively, you could look at goals/assists per 90.

    23/24 - 0.22 (1 in 402 mins)

    22/23 - 0.29 (8 in 2458 mins)

    Prior to that he was at Newcastle in the Premier League, and anything earlier isn't anywhere near relevant to his current ability.

    Essentially he's a '1 in 4' type player at a Championship club. He would still do a job for us in League 1, which is all we would need until one of our other forwards returns.

    It's also a better option than moving Mendez-Laing central and being forced to use just Barkhuizen, Blackett-Taylor (struggling with injuries), Wilson (may be needed at RB), and Sibley (may be needed at LB) on the wings.

    If Wilson or Sibley are needed at full back then we change accordingly. Not playing them on the wing because they may be needed elsewhere would be a very strange decision.

  12. 46 minutes ago, TomTom92 said:

    Please see exhibit A: Shefki Kuqi record before and when signing for us on loan. His numbers look poor but he did a job for us for the 3 months he was here.IMG_0646.thumb.jpeg.45f440687e87a52a54dfff530311bbfa.jpeg

    1 goal every 6 games.

    NML currently averaging 1 in 5 for us, Barkhuizen 1 in 7. They could do a job for us, no?

  13. 10 hours ago, MackworthRamIsGod said:

    Why are people quoting Gayles scoring record and using it as a reason not to sign him?

    He is better than anything we have got (not that we have anything now) and potentially better than anything in league 1.

    Chris Martin, CKR, David McGoldrick. None particularly prolific before coming, none too shabby in the end hey!


    Perhaps because people are wanting us to sign him as a striker to score goals and it appears he hasnt really done that for quite some years?

  14. 1 minute ago, TomTom92 said:

    The players I’ve suggested. If you think they’re not good enough then that’s your opinion. Mine is that they would be good enough. 

    My opinion is irrelevant to be fair.

    The club either think they are good enough, or cannot afford them, and on that basis are correct not to sign them.

  15. 25 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Really? Like we wouldn't know to budget for expensive 'January' strikers? I think the obsession with 'got to be someone who is better/adds' to the squad or whatever it was is a problem. If we have no striker on Saturday any striker with two legs is better! Last January not getting a striker in was a mistake according to Warne. He's done the same again, waiting until the final hours only to be surprised when a deal falls through.

    So anyone with two legs is better than nobody, but not the players that we already have, who also happen to have two legs?

  16. 19 minutes ago, TomTom92 said:

    Yes especially if it means we aren’t wasting NML. Plus it’s not like I’m suggesting some melt from the national league. These are proven professionals at this level.

    Who are?

  17. 27 minutes ago, TomTom92 said:

    You saying Gayle/Wickham would want more than what we were willing to pay for Smith/Gregory?

    I'm not saying anything, I have no idea on our budget or what wages players want, hence why I'm happy to leave it to the people who do.

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