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Posts posted by G STAR RAM

  1. 10 hours ago, Mckram said:

    Clowes won’t part ways with Warne. He will give him until 10+ games of next season before even considering a change.

    It will definitely hit the attendances next season though, either way whether we’re in the Championship or League One.

    It’s not good when I enjoyed our relegation season under Rooney more than this season. I genuinely came away from that season happy with performances on the pitch. 

    Despite the fact that we lost nearly every single away game?

  2. 6 hours ago, CapeTownRams said:

    Disappointed when PW tried to duck responsibility this way… u aren’t telling me Nyambe couldn’t have lasted five more minutes..

    Sure, we may have conceded anyway but these- in my mind needless- substitutions didn’t help us at all. Changes for changes sake and to show who is in charge etc…


    He took 2 injured players off to show who is in charge?


  3. 20 minutes ago, Tamworthram said:

    I thought Bradley did OK except for one occasion when he was forced into hoofing it with his much weaker right foot. I certainly don’t think he weakened us unless you’re comparing him directly with Cashin in which case, any replacement would have “weakened” us.

    Anyone even mentioning Bradleys performance today isn't really watching the game and is just resorting to the same old criticisms of Warne.

  4. 18 minutes ago, DavesaRam said:

    Well I had a few extra today to anesthetise me against what we were about to watch, but it didn't work - it was still painful!

    The match officials were awful, yet again throughout the entire match, with the frustrating things being the consistent offsides for virtually every time we seemed to have broken through their lines. It would be interesting for forum members who sit in the East and West stands who may be in line with the play to tell us just how many times we really are offside. Are we just that bad at beating the offside trap? Especially s the first time Shrewsbury break clear the player is 4 or 5 yards offside but Eddie the Eagle-eyed linesman didn't see it! But the biggest issue is the holding and wrestling at corner kicks. Twice the ref gave a warning to Bradley and his opponent for the day, the second time signalling  "I'm watching you", then watched Bradley being bear-hugged over 8 or 9 yards but gave nothing, followed by Barkhuisen getting the same treatment, this time with his shirt being pulled 2 feet away from his body. All three times the ball was in play, so should have been penalties. Then Adams got hauled to the floor, and no he wasn't wrestling back, just trying to move toward the ball. But the ref proved he'd got n o balls by carding both of them. And while Adams was lying on the floor he was deliberately kicked by another defender, which in the days of real refs and real football rules is a red card. Although Hourihane was very lucky to not get a red card for that stupid challenge in the second half

    So we could, and should have had two penalties, but it wasn't the ref who cost us the match. It was Paul Warne. He admitted to getting his line-up wrong for the first half, and the changes for the second half turned the match on its head. We were "tearing them a new one" for the spell up until the goal, and suddenly the league positions weren't lying. "Oohh this looks good" I foolishly thought. "Carry on like this and we will win comfortably"! Not thinking for a minute that having looked like a tactical clever man we wouldn't follow through. But Warne "Billy Davis'd it and got us sitting back defending the lead. And as ever, it only takes one bit of poor defending and the points were down the lav. HOW STUPID! HOW ABSOLUTELY STUPID!!!

    And apart from one bit of bd defending, I can't fault the players today, apart from being forced to do what Warne says. The loss of points is purely down to making the team sit back once we've scored the one goal, because we have done it so many times, and we have paid the price far more times than we should have done. In terms of late goals alone, someone has posted that we have thrown  9 points away. We could literally be several points clear in first place. And that without having really turned up for mor than a few minutes all season, its just that this league is so diabolically bad even a team that is playing as poorly as we do can still be up near the top. 

    Listening to Warne's RD interview on the wat home, he did admit to getting his team selection wrong for the first half, but then put the blame for not going for the jugular on the players not being clinical enough. apparently it wasn't because he got them sitting back. He's dumped blame on the players before now, several times, but toward the end of the interview criticised them for not "Seeing the game out and taking our time". To me that is a giveaway that the players didn't fail because they weren't ruthless enough, but failed to "see the game out", which is another way of saying "sitting back on a 1 - 0 lead. Sorry Paul, this one is entirely on you. 

    And before Paul Warne or the happy clapper moan about the fans turning on him too easily, think again. The support was stupendous today, probably the best its been for a while, because it carried on for the full 90.

    Sorry guys - its automatic or bust this season. We are capable of winning the play-off final, but for that we'd have to turn up, Warne would have to use the right tactics, and crucially, having got those things right, we'd still be in the hands of the match officials. With decent refereeing our useless tactics wouldn't have mattered today.

    Couple of things:-

    Every single offside decision in the first half, at least, was correct in my opinion. 

    At what point did Warne come out and tell all of the players to sit back and defend the 1-0 lead?

    The support wasn't stupendous. Booing your team when drawing is anything but stupendous.

  5. 27 minutes ago, sage said:

    Nothing changes.

    We don't play great football. We have enough good players to win more than we lose.

    Substitutions made too late. Bradley gives most people palpitations 

    We look good enough for top 6.

    We don't look good enough to finish top 2.

    Only people who are still hanging on to his performances from 3 months ago and are too stubborn to change their opinion on anything.

  6. 3 hours ago, Ghost of Clough said:

    Chris Martin is the real PotM - 5 goals in 4 games. Since I cant vote for him, Collins is the next best option (5 goals in 6 games).

    Bishop and Cole only scored 3 and the others had 4 goal contributions.

    Why does that make him PotM? If it was just about goals surely it would just be Top Scorer of the Month?

  7. 8 hours ago, kevinhectoring said:

    If your implication is that Warne thinks Vickers is better … I think Warne deserves more credit 

    No, my implication is that this is a squad game and a member of said squad has come in and has not done anything to lose his place. 

    Wilson was on the bench today, is he being punished?

  8. 2 hours ago, kevinhectoring said:

    his throw ins alone are better than most of our corners. 

    It’s lucky for us his punishment is over. Anyone know what Wildsmith is being punished for ?

    Who said he is being punished? Or is this just another non existent thing being used to attack Warne with?

    He had a couple of poor performances and was dropped. 

    Maybe the management just think that Vickers has done ok and doesn't deserve to lose his place?

    Personally, I prefer Wildsmith but am certainly not viewing it as him being punished.

  9. 5 minutes ago, europia said:

    I'm not frustrated or even disappointed by the predictable (non) signing of a striker. I would rather the club was just up front about it and treated the supporters with some respect or at least in an adult way. In any business transaction, if you are serious and professional you don't let a crucial deal get anywhere near the deadline unless you have a contingency plan to fall back on. All this stuff that trotted out 'just couldn't get the deal over the line'  'close but ran out of time'  'thought we had someone lined up' etc etc.... just puerile nonsense. 

    There's an awful lot of unprofessional clubs then.

    Or maybe its just not like normal business transactions. 

    Maybe a better comparison would be buying a house.

    Would you buy a new house without selling your old house?

  10. On 05/01/2024 at 14:00, Eoghan1884 said:

    Bird clearly is best in a 2 behind a 10 in a team who like to dominate possession, we rarely play a formation to get him playing to his max (excuse the pun) and we never play possession football anymore. So I do think he’s unlucky as we’re not really suited to him at all anymore. If he doesn’t want to sign a new contract, sell him and with the money on top of whatever we already are willing to spend we could sign 3/4 players to help get us with promotion with loans and perms.

    I love Bird and would be happy if he stays but it could benefit all 3 parties involved if he does go this January. I certainly would keep cash out of the two of them if that was a choice needed to be made 

    In the 17 games since the Stevenage defeat we have averaged 56.4% possession, with a low of 34% vs Peterborough and a high of 71% vs Crewe, also hitting 66% on 3 occasions, its a myth to say we don't have possession.

  11. 12 minutes ago, MACKWORTHRAM said:

    I mean in fairness to Warne. If you have agreed everything, medical booked, clubs agreed, players agreed.

    For their gaffer to say at 8pm actually no, I have changed my mind.

    There really isn't a lot you can do is there. 

    Are you new to the forum? 😂

    He should have had a line of 10 strikers outside the medical room in case of all eventualities. 

    Shows how far we have fallen that nobody else would attend a medical.


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