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Posts posted by G STAR RAM

  1. 10 minutes ago, Crewton said:

    I was thinking more of the statistic that shows that no-one has scored more goals in the last 15 minutes+ of games and no-one has a larger +ve goal difference in the last 15+ minutes of a game either.

    But maybe you've usually left by then....



    That's probably only because it takes Warne 75 minutes to stumble across a formation or tactics that work. I'm getting quite good at this.

  2. 13 hours ago, IlsonDerby said:

    Who are these ‘bargain basement’ players you’re alluding to? 

    Every player we have signed would have had a queue of suiters in this division lining up for them. 

    Basement bargain signings were what Rooney was using in the relegation season. 

    Bargain basement refers to the price paid for goods and them being cheap.

    With all of out signings being freebies, I'd suggest they are all bargain basement.

    I'd add that there is usually a reason players are available on a free, and it's probably reflected in our current injury list.



  3. 1 hour ago, Gee SCREAMER !! said:

    The one hand behind the back .  That's another discussion and one I'm not convinced on .

    It's not a matter of not giving 100%.  It's using that player in the most effective way.  Why use your only fit striker to chase a ball down from 30 yards at the goalies feet, especially one who's had little game time.   The person that should have been pressed was their centreback who we were happy to have the ball all game.  An injury easily avoided or at least put off for 2 or 3 very important matches.  

    We are unable to sign anyone for a transfer fee and, therefore, at a disadvantage to other teams in the division, that's just a fact.

    Not being able to pay fees puts you into a different market, with different problems.

    Nobody could say how things would have played out had Gayle not got injured early on, its all theoretical.

  4. 10 minutes ago, Gee SCREAMER !! said:

    That's the position we're now in.  

    Yes even more so when you have one hand tied behind your back, so suck it up and get on with it.

    To suggest we should be playing players but asking them not to put 100% would be criminal in my opinion and is a sure fire way to get fans on their back.

  5. 11 hours ago, DRBee said:

    It may be that Warne does try something that works but sadly he then reverts back to type when he forgets why he was getting the players to play that way. We've gone through this cycle of events several times this season. 

    Or it could be that having a squad made up of bargain basement freebies and players in the twilight's of their careers, due to the financial constraints we were under, means that we are prone to injuries which in turn necessitate changes in formation and tactics.

    Of course when they work it is because Warne is lucky and when it doesn't work it is because Warne is a tactically naive PE teacher.

    Think I've got that right. 

  6. 4 hours ago, Millenniumram said:

    We now likely have to beat Portsmouth to go up. Our chances of promotion have taken a huge dent.

    One of Bolton, Peterborough or Barnsley will win all their remaining games. We now have to win all of ours. To lose that game today, with the chance to go 7 points clear, can be described as nothing else than bottling it.

    You'll have to let us know how much you win. I assume you will be lumping on all 3 teams to win all of their games, safe in the knowledge only 1 would need to do it to net you a very tidy profit.

  7. 4 hours ago, sunnyhill60 said:

    Quote  from the minutes  "Atmosphere - Many supporters leave the ground early and watch the TVs in the concourses. Could these be turned off by at least the 90th minute with a plea from the club to stay in the ground and get behind the players?"

    Typical Ramstrust busy-bodying. Let fans make their own decision - there are some very good reasons why fans may choose to go to the Concourse before the final whistle and view the TVs.

    What about us fans that don't want to be standing up and down every 2 minutes, and constantly having our view blocked by people, are we busy bodies too?

  8. 22 minutes ago, Chris_Martin said:

    Surely it would be easier to just answer the question rather than write several posts like that but ok🤣

    Several posts? All one of them you mean? 


  9. 1 hour ago, On the Ram Page said:

    Elder and Nyambe certainly. Collins has scored a lot of goals in Champ - age not on his side. Rooney should be ok. Hopefully Adams, if we can get him. There’s 4/5 more

    Both are players who, in their prime, have stepped down from the Championship to League One.

    Not been relegated but stepped down, which would suggest there was not much interest from Championship clubs for their services.

    Personally think they would both be steady enough at Championship level.

  10. 8 minutes ago, Stive Pesley said:

    Ignoring Hourihane as he's already said he is retiring next season apparently - that's 9 players

    I'm not great at maths but in a 21 man first team squad, I'd probably describe 9 as "less than half" rather than "the vast majority"


    It could also be argued that 2 of the 9 listed have been at Championship clubs and failed to break into the team.

    The rest have form at Championship level although 2 of the named are clearly in the twilight of their careers.

    I'd say that leaves 5 out of our 21 man squad.

  11. 9 hours ago, Chris_Martin said:

    well yeah if you like, bolton do play a more advanced style than us.

    why are the only options, look good and lose or look bad and win? it is possible to look good and win you know. Seems to be something that a lot of people on here have forgotten.

    in regards your last paragraph, that's one way of looking at it. You could also say that warne doesnt know how to use our current players. We know the vast majority of the squad are all capable of playing at a higher level than league one, so why would they have to change considerably if we went up

    We won our most important game in a long time on Saturday and all you have done since is spout your usual negative b*******. Seriously, why don't you just take a day off and let the fans enjoy the moment instead of trying to rain on everyone's parade. Better still, why don't you disappear and only come back when DCFC are actually bringing some joy into your life.

  12. 10 hours ago, littleover ram said:

    Their argument is the club statement was they couldn’t compete as a newly promoted club without parachute payments the previous season.

    tough. Take money for a season and get relegated and build back up. That was Norwich’s model for years. They don’t have a right to stay in the PL more than one season 

    Another counter argument here is that they could have afforded to spend way more had they stuck to the EFL limits...

  13. 18 hours ago, uttoxram75 said:

    Describe your celebration to us when Wilson scored.

    I imagine it was like one of them goals where the fans are waiting for a VAR decision. 

    He punched all of the data into his luck spreadsheet and then had to wait for the results. 

    Imagine there were absolute scenes when the computer advised that the xG was less than 1 and if the header had taken place against an average opponent on a neutral ground on a windy day it would not have gone in.

  14. 2 hours ago, TomTom92 said:

    I’d say it’s easier this year in the sense of we’ve had time to appoint a manager and recruit accordingly. Also easier in the sense than last years top 3 are better than anything in League 1 this season IMO. So easier to achieve our goal of promotion.

    But this season is hard as we’re playing what’s in front of us which in this case is 4 others teams of equal strength. So if we go up then we definitely deserve it.
    The above said, I do think this season is a good opportunity to go up as I think next years league 1 will be a pit of vipers.
    But providing we do go up and with the restrictions off there’s nothing to suggest that next year should be all doom and gloom just because we aren’t as strong as Plymouth were last season. 

    The fact that the top 3 haven't ran away with surely makes it a more competitive division?

  15. 11 hours ago, Chris_Martin said:

    Didn't mean anything by it, just simply asking your opinion on the league.

    my opinion is warne is achieving the minimum requirement/expectation with this squad of players in terms of league position.

    Regardless of that, would you not agree the league is easier compared to last season?

    Do you actually have anything meaningful to back your last paragraph up.

    You do realise that 75% of the teams are the same as last season?

    So really you need to compare who went up and down last season, unless you have evidence that teams that were in the division last season have got worse?

    Personally, I'd say some have got better and some worse, so the league is pretty much the same standard as last season.

  16. 2 hours ago, Wanderlust said:

    Well done. Thought we deserved more but that's football.

    See how it goes from here on in, but glad I don't have to watch that every week TBH.

    We'll live 🙂

    To be fair nobody wants to watch their team lose every week, you'll get over it though sweetheart 😘

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