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Posts posted by G STAR RAM

  1. 1 minute ago, Caerphilly Ram said:

    I understand the disappointment everyone is feeling, and am sorry to be a pedant here, but Clowes didn’t say we had a top 2 budget. He said we have a very good budget, one that he “thinks” is good enough for promotion (which could still happen remember).

    In fact the exact quote is;

    "Paul has been given a budget, I think a good budget for League One that is good enough to get us out of the league. But it's football and nothing is guaranteed."

    The effective use of that budget will be an ongoing conversation until, and probably beyond, the season’s end.

    Quote taken from here;


    Unfortunately as we see increasingly on this forum, people hear what they want to hear, rather than what is actually said.

  2. 2 minutes ago, JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta said:

    But we did sell someone, and that deal presumably wasn't cooked up in an hour earlier today.

    If we had to sell to buy then fair enough, but we only did the selling part.

    Without knowing what happened with the Bird transfer its impossible for us to comment.

    Warne seemed pretty confident of keeping Bird.

  3. 7 minutes ago, Barney1991 said:

    He’s great for saving us but doesn’t mean we can’t question some of the decisions he makes. 
    the keeping on of Stephen Pearce for one. Coming out backing the manager and then stating he will be backed in January and has failed to deliver. In an interview saying we have a near top 2 budget yet lately it looks more like a mid table league 1 budget. 

    We signed CBT and Adams, aswell as extending the loan of TJJ, is that not backing the manager?


  4. 2 minutes ago, BPV said:

    I don’t think it’s entitled for the fans to want a striker in, a position that everyone, including the manager had highlighted as a priority.

    Plenty of clubs in this league with less money than us signed a striker. We needed bodies in as we literally have no fit backups. 
    This month was purely and simply a failure 

    How much money do we have to spend?

    And why was it reported last week that we couldnt make permanent signings without selling someone first?

  5. 1 minute ago, Srg said:

    So you want to play the back up under 21 strikers, as the first choice is the one we loaned out? That seems like a solid strategy. 

    I don't know much about the u21 strikers, that is why I asked the question. 

    My only real recollection is that Warne was an awful manager 2 or 3 weeks ago for not playing Weston?


  6. Just now, nottingram said:

    Thats fine but at no point since the summer has that been the message from the club so people are going to be disappointed.

    If they’re at the limit of the business plan then just say that? Don’t tell everyone two weeks ago you’ve put in a very good offer for Michael Smith. If he is the only player they could identify with this very good offer then what on earth is going on. 

    The optics of selling Bird are bad too. I’m sure it makes sense and the club shouldn’t be run on how things look externally, I admit, but it isn’t great. 

    It was said last week when we signed CBT, that the reason he was signed on loan is because there was not enough left in the permanent signings pot unless we sold someone. 

  7. 1 minute ago, Srg said:

    Warne been banging on about a striker for literal months, pissing around with grandads from Sheffield. Then we end up with absolutely nothing, other than shipping out the only backup striker we had. Something doesn’t add up whatsoever. 

    The rest of the business has been fine and understandable. This just doesn’t add up at all. Why fixate on two old blokes from one club? Why has it taken til the last day? Why be so brazen about what you wanted just to be left with egg on your face? I struggle to believe the party line we will be fed about getting in players who will improve us. It’s just not true. If Collins gets injured Saturday we are up the creek with no paddle. 

    Are the u21s playing without strikers?

  8. 2 minutes ago, BPV said:

    Can’t stand these kind of responses.

    If the club were open and transparent instead of getting fans hopes up, the reactions would be a lot more understanding.

    Why go around telling the media there are pots to spend to strengthen and then fail to do so? 

    The club have thoroughly let the fans down this January. 

    I cant stand the entitled attitude of some of our fanbase.

    Because them pots are limited and the players we went after were not available within our constraints?

  9. 1 minute ago, Goldstar said:

    There's always someone wanting to go against the grain just to be different 

    Not to be different, just because I respect that a local businessman has rescued us from the mire and, despite losing millions in the first 9 months, on top of his £50m + original outlay, already has some fans screaming for more.

    Yes, the same fans that in hindsight lambasted MM for his reckless spending.

    Yes, the same fans that have spent most of the season saying how great our squad is and are being held back by our poor manager.

    So, yes, if going against is standing up against these spoilt brats who want everything I'm happy to do that. 

    If we can't afford someone within our business plan, then we don't buy, its a simple as that. 

  10. 37 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Like with other players in the squad Warne doesn't get the best out of them. TBH he makes Birdy look ordinary a lot of the time and can't see why he'd want to loan him back. I assume it meant we got a bigger fee but paid a loan fee - juggling our 'money pots'?

    I'm amazed he's taking a midfielder back on loan...

    Well done on using yet another thread to attack Warne though 👏

  11. 23 minutes ago, May Contain Nuts said:

    Well done, you've successfully shown me evidence of someone either, at best, paraphrasing what the manager has said, or at worst making a statement based on conjecture - albeit one with plenty of evidence that points toward it being, if not the truth, not far from it. Absolutely nowhere is there a quote attributed to the manager.

    I'm not defending anyone. As I said earlier, I think the discussion had gone awry because things were phrased badly, and there were two posters stubbornly locked into a 'You show me...' "No, YOU show me..' stalemate, which I sought to resolve by providing some evidence of what has actually been said.

    I just think your attitude toward others and ceasless need to treat this place like a court of law are utterly ridiculous, and that's not just limited to this thread.

    The irony of you being 'calling out' people for making things up to bash another with isn't lost on me.

    Cool story 👍

  12. 18 hours ago, RoyMac5 said:

    How long have we been wanting one? Warne isn't interested in midfield, he's said so.


    2 minutes ago, May Contain Nuts said:

    Nobody attributed a quote to him, unless you can point me to the post where someone has claimed Warne has actually used the phrase "I'm not interested in midfield".

    At worst what's happened in this instance is the use of conjecture, not hyperbole.

    And yes, you very much were banging on about it, repeating the same question multiple times to prove a point that nobody had actually argued against.

    You keep on defending people for making theoretical things up to bash with Warne, I'll keep on calling them out 👍

  13. 4 hours ago, May Contain Nuts said:

    Like someone who understands how humans being speak, understands what the word paraphrasing means and like someone who actually wanted to discuss the topic at hand in a civilised manner, rather than like someone who wants to hold everyone to weirdly exacting standards like you're a prosecutor grilling a witness and need to find a way of proving them wrong?

    Essentially it boils down to the original post saying "he's said so" instead of "he's said as much", which naturally you've jumped on. 

    All the context has been explained to you, yet you're still banging on about midfielders he's using in an advanced / attacking role.

    There is no context to attributing quotes to someone who has not said what was being attributed to him.

    I think you're confusing paraphrasing and hyperbole.

    I'm not banging on about anything. Just pointing out that 'he is interested in a midfield' is just yet another made up thing to attack the manager with and can be filed along with:-


    'Nobody wants to play for him'

    'He's a PE teacher'

    'He wouldn't keep us in the Championship'


  14. 11 minutes ago, DRBee said:

    This is just not true - see whoscored stats or just imagine how he scored his recent goals or assists.

    Most of thet ime our centre backs are very deep  - too far back and thats one of our problems.

    Hourihane is doing what Warne tells him.

    I don't need to look at whoscored stats thank you, I go to the matches.

    Lost count of the times I complained about Hourihane walking between our 2 centre backs with a hand in the air telling everyone to slow down and playing pointless 5 yard passes.

    During our good run he was actually getting around the pitch a bit more but he's gone back to being a complete passenger. 

  15. 1 minute ago, RoyMac5 said:

    I said "How long have we been wanting one (That is a holding mid)? Warne isn't interested in midfield, he's said so."

    You took that literally. As has been pointed out (with quotes), Warne has made his feelings about the midfield clear.

    But I don't believe he has ever stated "I'm not interested in midfield" and it is no surprise you couldn't find it when you Googled for it. 😄 👍

    Of course I took it literally, how else was it supposed to be taken?

    As has been countered by quotes saying he doesnt want to lose Max Bird and he wants his midfielders to be braver, and also by the fact that he signed Embleton and Fornah, saying he isn't interested in midfield doesn't seem to be true.

  16. 13 hours ago, Curtains said:

    Radio Derby are saying tonight that it’s restrictions Derby agreed with the EFL .

    That's been known for a while.

    It was also said that the EFL asked for no amendments to the business plan that DCFC submitted to them. 

  17. 9 hours ago, May Contain Nuts said:

    The only place I've steered the conversation toward was some form of resolution to your argument with another poster wherein neither of you seemed to want to budge.

    There's nothing to budge on.

    Either he made the quote attributed to him, in which case post a link up to it so we can see the context in which it was said.

    Or the quote was never said, in which case people can see which posters just make up things to try and attack Warne with.

    Its really that simple. 

  18. Just now, Curtains said:

    I should of said IMO .

    Never mind .

    I can see Roy’s point on this as Warne  emphasis is on getting forward quickly as opposed to bolstering the midfield defensively which is often why teams run at us .

    Warne may get us promoted with his style .

    In essence Roy is right to say Warne doesn’t play with a holding midfielder.

    Not sure if you're watching the same game as me.

    Hourihane spends most of the match alongside our centre backs.

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