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Posts posted by G STAR RAM

  1. 10 minutes ago, DavesaRam said:

    Playing wide and  crossing into the box is perfectly valid until it becomes the only option, and yes we have benefitted from it. But an awful lot of our defeats and stalemates have come from just that, especially when it is combined with a deliberate avoidance of midfield. As with Northampton and Wycombe, all the opposition have to do is stifle our wing backs and we are stuffed. And earlier in the season all the crosses in the world are no use if either no-one us in there, or if they sail over the heads of the few who do eventually turn up.

    The evidence is there - when we have addressed these issues we have gone on a run of good results, even though our goals have predominantly come from crosses.

    And since the Stevenage “fans rebellion” Paul Warne has shown signs of listening and changing, and fair play to him for that, because we have been much better as a result.  Have every hope for the last two matches.

    The Northampton and Wycombe results both came as a result of profligacy infront of goal.

    If teams as poor as them have been able to stifle us, it's strange that much better teams have been unable to.

    As for Warne listening to the 'fans rebellion' I've seen you say it a few times and there is absolutely no way he made any changes to please the fans, and you're only kidding yourself if you actually believe he did.

  2. 12 minutes ago, Ghost of Clough said:

    Only 2 first team appearances for Northampton this season (in the EFL Trophy). Loaned out to Rushden and Diamonds (in the Northern Premier, 2 levels below the National League) since October where he has scored twice in 19 appearances.

    That wasn't the question, I asked how much of him you have seen?

  3. 2 minutes ago, DavesaRam said:

    If we’d played football and used midfield all season instead of “whack it wide and cross it”, we’d have been top yonks and yonks ago.

    Would we? Does that style of play suit our top scorer James Collins?

    What about our second top goal scorer NML? Most of his goal contributions have come from out wide haven't they?

    Not saying that the way we play is brilliant or anything but a change to the style that you have suggested pretty much negates most of attacking threat, the one that has us as 4th top goal scorers this season I hasten to add...


  4. 33 minutes ago, Ellafella said:

    Interesting; so what happened? Or is it just a coincidence? I recall we lost at Stevenage, fans were unhappy, Hourihane entered into a heated discussion with fans, Mr Clowes gave the Pom-pommed one the vote of confidence and the rest is history. 
    So what does the table mean? 
    My take on where Derby are headed…On balance, we should get auto from this point but I’m not taking it for granted. So if we do,  am I confident of our next season? I have to say I’m not. I’m not confident because I think our current blend of football is not capable of producing sufficient goals in open play at Championship level. It may be considered bad timing to have this discussion now, but that’s what I see ahead. So, if and when we get there, it’s going to be intriguing. 

    Find it really strange that people try to predict what we will do next season without even knowing what personnel we will have.

  5. 15 hours ago, Bris Vegas said:

    Very few away teams do. 

    It’s a big week for Liverpool. They have a mountain to climb in Atalanta before playing 3 PL away games on the spin in a week.

    Their season could seriously crumble in the next two weeks.

    I had them down to win the title, but I’m edging towards Arsenal now.

    City’s fixture pile up will catch up with them, especially if they go far in the CL.


    Have Liverpool won a game since you predicted they would win the treble?

    And now as soon as you jump ship to Arsenal they blow it as well 😂

    Let me guess, you predict Man City will win it now?

    Please please please do us a favour and predict Bolton or Peterborough to go up in 2nd place 🙏 

  6. 45 minutes ago, ripleyram88 said:

    I never said he didn't sign any technical players or doesn't play them. Every team needs some players with ability, you can't win anything with 11 cloggers. 

    McGoldrick, Sibley, NML, Hourihane, Barkhuizen, Bird are all players he didn't sign, and he obviously can't sign a whole squad, so he's played them. He had to play McGoldrick and NML they were/are too good for the division. Bird has been sold and the others are having their contracts ran down.

    He often came out after games saying we had no bite or aggression in midfield when playing with Hourinhane and Bird.

    He has signed physical players and technical players, but you can see by the way he sets up and the way the team plays, he's swinging towards the physical side of the game. Record set piece goals is an indicator of that. Run more than the opposition first, technical stuff second.

    When Ward, Wilson, Nyambe all fit, Nyambe played. No one knows what type of player embleton would have been. JJ when fit, was second or third choice and CBT can hardly get a game because he's not fit enough for Warne ball.

    Think you're taking alot of poetic licence with your summary here.

    Why is record set piece goals an indicator of physicality? Is it not an indicator of good coaching? From what I can see, we've realised goalkeepers at this level don't like the corners being landed in their 6 yard box and we have exploited that. 

    Where does the CBT not fit enough for 'Warne ball' come from?

  7. 12 minutes ago, IslandExile said:

    But you've answered yourself there....a forum is all about people expressing their opinion. So, why can't people express opinions about players or team selections without it being called "slating the team"?

    You've seen all of the posts that I've quoted.

    They weren't constructive. 

    They weren't an analysis of the team selection.

    Just the usual negative claptrap from the usual suspects.


  8. 17 minutes ago, IslandExile said:

    Some of us were expressing the view that Sonny Bradley does not warrant a place in the team. That is vastly different than "slating the team". Moreover, we can hold an opinion about players before any particular game kicks off. 

    You were not talking about "general slating" of the team; you were gloating that, one individual, Bradley had scored twice despite the views held by others about the quality of his defensive play.


    Gone back to your original point. I apologise.... You weren't just talking about Bradley. 

    However, my point remains, people are entitled to opinions about individual players and team selections before a game. That is very different to "slating the team"

    Correct and I'm entitled to my opinion about people jumping on the manager and individuals before a ball has been kicked, that's what a forum is about isn't it?

    I certainly wasn't gloating about anything, I don't particularly like Bradley. In terms of warranting a place in the team, that is for the manager to judge and, from my point of view, it looks like he made the right call yesterday. 

  9. 14 minutes ago, IslandExile said:

    I didn't say that either. You are not reading posts but working towards your own preconceived ideas.

    Your post was criticising those of us who aren't convinced by Sonny Bradley's quality. 

    I was merely saying that the fact that he scored two goals from corners does not make him a good enough defender for our club.

    My post was criticising 'supporters' for slating the team, players and the manager before a ball had been kicked.

    Not sure it is me with the preconceived ideas.

  10. 2 hours ago, IslandExile said:

    A big centre half scoring twice from corners and putting in a creditable display against a poor offensive team with nothing to play for does not necessarily make Sonny Bradley a good choice for our team.

    I think a bigger factor was that it allowed Warne to play his preferred 3-5-2, so freeing up wing backs who cannot be classed as full backs.

    So, your euphoria aside - which we all share - please look objectively at the reasoning behind the discussion. Thanks.

    Ah so it was down to Leyton Orient being poor then. Thought it might be.

    There was literally no objectivity in the pre match posts. Read them and you will see that. Thanks.

  11. 7 minutes ago, nottingram said:

    Was less annoyed at him falling for their players flop under Wilson’s “challenge” when Hourihane did an even worse one second half he couldn’t wait to give us a free kick for.

    There was an absolutely hilarious throw in decision though 

    The Hourihane free kick was an absolute joke, their player was nowhere near him. How are officials falling for this so easily?!

  12. 1 minute ago, ariotofmyown said:

    It's because you've posted a lot on this forum and have articulate and seemingly well considered views. You do tred the line on arrogance though, which winds people up, especially when you seem to be posting just to get reactions. Why post the same opinion on next season in the matchday thread every time we win? It's not even relevant to the match.

    The people who post personal remarks about Warne and players are nobodies, no one really cares what they say.

    You are a celebrity on here. With great power come great responsibility.

    Reminds me of a modern day Nostradamus with his ability to predict the future if I'm being honest.

  13. 10 minutes ago, Ellafella said:

    To be fair, very few Derby fans could see goals in that line up and they were correct. Not to be churlish about a 3-0 win but we didn’t score from open play although we could’ve had 3 had chances gone in. But credit to the management team who saw the weakness in Orient’s back line. 

    So the lineup was not the problem, it was the players. If they are not capable of putting changes away it doesn't make any difference what formation we play.

  14. 9 hours ago, DavesaRam said:

    Apologies if my opening statement was a little deflating. I tried, rather poorly it seems, to provide a contrast with how it looked with how it turned out. However, after Wednesday night, we we stood on the threshold of making automatics secure, and not only let the door slam in our face, we slammed it in our own face. Yes, some of the players didn't turn up, but most of that failure was down to tactics, hence ethe caution. But what a turnaround. Instead of running scared of the opposition and surrendering a load of territory, we put in a most accomplished and secure performance. It wasn't Stevie Mac 1 stuff, but we had way too much for Leyton Orient and played like it. After Wednesday, who'd have thought it? 

    You don't have to apologise to me, everyone is allowed their opinion and I certainly don't believe mine is any more valid than yours.

    Just think it's sad to see so many of our supporters clearly not enjoying what could turn out to be one of our best seasons, for so many reasons, in the last 50 odd years.

  15. 1 minute ago, Van der MoodHoover said:

    Did you have any opinion on the lineup before the game or, like me, didn't you check it out until the match was underway?

    Personally I prefer to judge the team after a performance rather than before it.

    Don't tend to know the lineup until I get to my seat which is usually a couple of minutes before kick off.

  16. 17 hours ago, IslandExile said:

    Couldn't resist, could he?



    17 hours ago, Millenniumram said:

    That lineup is a sackable offence.


    17 hours ago, rammieib said:

    We deserve to lose with that line up. 

    We lose CBT and Washington and replaced with Bradley and Thompson.

    NML is consistently awful up front centrally so where do we play him…. Up front centrally.

    Jesus Christ.


    17 hours ago, rammieib said:

    And what a kick in the teeth for CBT. One bad game (where everyone offensively was bad) and he’s dropped.

    Are people looking at that line up and genuinely excited for this game?

    Also - today would have been a great day to work on the goal difference as well. Nope, scrap that.


    17 hours ago, JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta said:

    Does Bradley have compromising information on Warne or something?


    16 hours ago, TheTinMan said:

    Managed to keep a clean sheet midweek with little attacking threat so obviously the extra man in defence makes sense 

    Wasn't going to do it but was awake early, so I thought I would compile a list of the experts from yesterday...

  17. 15 minutes ago, Tamworthram said:

    This kind of comment really annoys me. He was a fool at Northampton but once he’d overcome the errors in his early days at Derby I don’t believe he’s been that much better or worse than most players. It reminds me of the “Keogh’s always got a mistake in him” stuff we used to see.

    Unfortunately some people are too entrenched in their own opinions to worry about the bigger picture. 

    Think they would have preferred Bradley scoring an own goal today rather than the 2 goals he scored.

  18. 9 minutes ago, DavesaRam said:

    That was actually the most comfortable afternoon at Pride Park for ages. Having said that, my heart sank when I saw the team sheet, because like a bad smell, Bradley was back in. My only surprise was that Warne's other boyfriend Hourihane wasn't starting, but like Bradley of old, he was the first sub to come on! But they guy done well. But as for CBT - he is clearly a confidence player, and almost vanished after the miss on Wednesday evening, so what better way to boost his confidence than to drop him. Nice one. I hope he gets a chance to shine before the season ends.

    Getting to my seat before kick-off looking at the teams out on the pitch, and I felt confident of a win today, and indeed we simply had too much for them today. It was a good performance all round, no-one messed up, no-one failed to turn up, and no-one got injured, and for the modern game, that last one is a miracle! Stand outs were Thompson, who makes such a difference in the middle of the pitch, Cashin (as always) and Sibley, who had one of his best games for a while, and the defence was pretty sound, ensuring no shots on target I believe. And a big shout out to Wilson, who continues to do amazing things with the ball.

    First half though, apart from the corners, there wasn't much of a threat on goal from us, either, although we looked the most likely to score. But as the game opened up in the second half we created a lot down our right. One particular move had Sibley flicking the ball over his opponent, a three man one-touch passage and a cross, with NML putting a deft flick on the ball which went inches of the top corner. What a goal that would have been. See - we can do it! (Play football, I mean).

    There were some bizarre decisions from the match officials in the first half, which I put down to League One standard refereeing, but second half they managed to lower the bar considerably, but thankfully nothing match-changing.

    And finally a BIG, nay HUGE shout out to the fans- the support was superb today, with large sections of North Standers joining in with the noise - Good Onya! And the Orient fans singing "National League Champions - you'll never sing that!" - Excellent!

    I like reading most of your posts, but your first paragraph today is really poor.

    2 games to go and promotion in our hands and it still feels like so many of our 'supporters' have personal axes to grind.

    Very sad times and I'm not sure some of our fans actually deserve the promotion that we may achieve. 

  19. 23 minutes ago, Dcfcsr92 said:

    So you think nml should be captain? He gets alot of credit for getting us 2nd yes but captain decisions have been bad hourihane? Nml is a joke also with the squad we have we should be top 2 i aint going to say hes done well i think he has achived the target what should of been in place tbh 

    No, I think you should be captain, and manager, and chairman if you have the time.

    I have no doubt with your wisdom at the helm we would have been promoted in February. 

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