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Posts posted by G STAR RAM

  1. 4 minutes ago, Shuff264 said:

    Completely exposed our one dimensional way of playing, if getting it wide and chucking it in the box doesn't work we really have no clue.

    NML, CBT, Collins were all poor, Washington looks like he won a competition to be a footballer.

    Smith had a good game, as did Sibley and Wildsmith.

    Warnes in game management poor as well, too slow to make changes in the second half and even when they did come he didnt do enough. Looked too scared to lose the point to actually go for it.

    Its another game in this season thats a missed opportunity, and another game they bored me to tears.

    Interested to know what changes you think he should have made?

  2. Just now, RoyMac5 said:

    Yep, we missed them, off target. 

    Wildsmith pulled off a sharp save from a low shot. But well goalies just have to stand in their goal, not like those poor wingers. 😄

    So they weren't good chances then?

    I remember a couple of daisy cutters, I'll have to have a look back for this sharp save.

  3. 1 minute ago, RoyMac5 said:

    None whatsoever. I wasn't that keen on Rosenior but at least he knew how to play football along the ground as well as in the air. 😄

    Which was obviously very successful given where we were in the league when he left...

  4. 1 minute ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Except the had three shots on target to our none. Wildsmith pulled off a very good save, you didn't notice?

    Don't remember Wildsmith making anything other than a couple of very regulation saves?

    So you think any of their chances were easier than CBTs or NMLs? Did you notice them chances?

  5. 1 minute ago, Jayram said:

    He should have stroked it across the box, not fizzed it at 90mph. Washington bottled it, like he did the chance he had against Blackpool the other week. 

    Yes I think he should have passed earlier, he let the defender get back and then had to put a bit more on the ball.

    Doesn't excuse the fact that CBT could have done pretty much anything, other than what he did, and the ball would have ended up in the net.

    Washington didn't do much wrong with his chance against Blackpool, having watched it back it was nowhere as easy as it looked in real time, he was actually quite wide out.

  6. 19 hours ago, Ram-Alf said:

    Arsenal Vs Bayern Munich.

    Rio Ferdinand Says...Bucayo Saca should have had a penalty in the dyeing seconds.

    Ian Wright says...Bucayo Saca shouldn't have had a penalty in the dyeing seconds.

    Ram-Alf says...Bucayo Saca knew full well what he was doing...by sticking his left leg into Neuers legs in the hope he would get a penalty, Referee never fell for it...neither did I 👌

    Fast Forward to 3.53



    Saka kicked Neuer if anything, free kick to Bayern Munich and a yellow card for Saka.

  7. 1 minute ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Lol, yeah and where did Rosenior have us before we gave the job to Warne?

    Outside the play offs just like he has with Hull. I've noticed you've gone quiet on how Rosenior is doing at Hull these days, any reason?

  8. 3 minutes ago, Jayram said:

    I was there last night and my god it was a hard watch. The constant Wildsmith to Nelson, Nelson to Wilson followed by the ball being lumped up the line invariably to a Wycombe player made my eyes bleed. A lot of people on here blaming CBT for the early miss but Washington was clean through and should have buried that himself. On the extremely rare occasions where we kept the ball on the deck we cut through them but of course that’s not the Warne way so it was back to lumping it. Not one player looked on it last night just like at Northampton. 
    It is just so dispiriting to see us floundering in a match like that at such a crucial stage of the season. 

    Washington had the goalkeeper infront of him, CBT just an empty net. The pass from Washington wasn't the best but the miss was horrendous.

  9. 9 hours ago, DCFC Kicks said:

    Every time I start to feel slightly positive towards Warne, a performance like this comes along and ruins it. Absolutely nothing all game. I don't even know how to describe it. I can't even remember much details of the game. It's just a blur of nothingness.  

    Absolutely nothing other than an open goal and a one on one, where our strikers managed to miss the target on both occasions. 

    Either of them go in and we are all happy with a comfortable win from a tricky away tie.

    Fine margins.

  10. On 19/03/2024 at 14:13, sage said:

    Read 2 books on holiday.

    How they Broke Britain by James O'Brien, with chapters on various politicians and advisors who he sees as getting us to where we are now. Thought and anger provoking. If you interested in politics and centre or leftist especially.

    I wouldn't even say you need to be centre or leftist to enjoy reading it.

    I've spent years being called far right yet I still enjoyed the read.

    I dont particularly like JOB and don't agree with everything he says, I think it is clear that he has vendettas against certain people that he doesn't really back up with anything substantive, but it's definitely a thought provoking book and one that I'd definitely recommend to people. 

  11. 50 minutes ago, Tamworthram said:

    Hundreds? Seriously? What circles do you mix in? 

    I’m not surprised that hardly anyone actually faces “criminal charges”. I only copy and pasted what it said on the Gov.UK website that it is a criminal offence. I would imagine the overwhelming majority just receive fines and may just have their company struck off eventually. It sounds a bit like speeding. Speeding is a criminal offence but most people just receive a fixed penalty notice I reckon. If you don’t pay your penalty or continue to offend (clocking up more penalty points -akin to continuing to fail to file your accounts) the consequences become more serious.

    But that doesn’t alter the fact that accounts “must” be filed and not “should” be as you stated. In DCFC‘s case, I suspect, as I said earlier, that our administration superseded any further action.

    In Charlton’s case (and any other company) I don’t believe they can continually chose not to bother filing their accounts as you were suggesting without significant consequences.

    I've worked in accountancy and auditing for 27 years.

    I wasn't suggesting Charlton wouldn't file their accounts.

    Was just pointing out Derby have not filed their for over 6 years and nothing has become of it, the reason being they would not be struck off because their creditors would object to the striking off application m

  12. 6 hours ago, Tamworthram said:

    I thought you’d said they had never filed any accounts?

    Not filing your accounts is a criminal offence (as per the following extract from Gov.UK) so, to say you “should” is surely a little misleading.

    I guess in DCFC’s case, it was all overtaken by the subsequent administration. I can’t imagine if we hadn’t gone into administration we would still be allowed to be in breach after all this time without some kind of sanctions.


    Not filing your confirmation statements, annual returns or accounts is a criminal offence - and directors or LLP designated members could be personally fined in the criminal courts

    I could tell you hundreds of people that have set up limited companies, never filed any accounts, had the company struck off and never faced any criminal charges.

    DCFC were filing accounts right up until 2018, none filed since then.

  13. 28 minutes ago, Tamworthram said:

    Maybe I am getting confused but this is what it says on the Companies House website:

    each year, every company must file a set of accounts with Companies House, which show how a company has performed over the accounting period. This is required whether the company is trading or not.

    And this is what is says on another government website:

    All companies must send their accounts and reports to Companies House every year, whether:

    private or public

    large or small

    trading or non-trading

    If you submit accounts late, the law imposes an automatic penalty. The period allowed to file your accounts depends on whether these are your first accounts since incorporation or subsequent accounts.

    I know anyone can object to a company being struck off but surely a creditor isn’t going to let it stop there and if they did and the company continues not to file their accounts, isn’t the penalty doubled each year or something? (admittedly small fry compared to the companies likely other debts).

    I guess we are both right. It clearly states that companies MUST file their accounts. Technically they don’t have to but, as with all legal requirements and laws, if you breach/ignore them there will be consequences. A fine might not deter a club (or it’s parent company) from filing their accounts but I think the EFL rules (section 16) state that sanctions will be applied if they don’t file their accounts with the registrar of companies (Companies House?). 

    Anyway, going back to the original point, didn’t DCFC file their accounts (and therefore were not in breach - well not until administration) because they were part of a larger group? Charlton have to file their accounts.

    DCFC stopped filing their accounts after 2018 and are in breach.

    However, I assume not struck as there would be objections.

  14. 2 hours ago, Tamworthram said:

    I don’t think that is strictly true. According to my understanding a company MUST file its accounts or risk a fine or even being struck off. I guess DCFC didn’t have to file individual accounts because they were part of a group 🤷🏻‍♂️. I assume Charlton are not and therefore their accounts are showing as overdue. I don’t think they can just ignore that and never file their accounts.



    Your understanding is wrong. Every limited company SHOULD file accounts at Companies House.

    You're correct that should they not file accounts that Companies House can apply to strike the company off the register, however, anyone can object to the striking off and, on the assumption that the business has creditors, they would almost most certainly object to the striking off.

    I think you are probably getting confused with a group company taking an exemption from audit if the group of accounts is audited.

  15. 37 minutes ago, Tamworthram said:

    But even so, the accounts have to be filed. Charlton Athletic’s accounts are showing as overdue and so they have they have to be filed.

    They SHOULD be filed. Derby County are living proof that they don't have to be filed.

    Likelihood is though if they aren't filed, sooner or later someone will pull the plug.

  16. 1 hour ago, Tamworthram said:

    The company clubs trade under or the parent company they are part of have to file their accounts.

    But the parent company filing their accounts could tell you very little, hence why when Derby County Football Club Limited failed to file their accounts none of us knew the true scale of the problem

  17. 18 minutes ago, Mick Harford said:


    I'm going off what my Brum supporting mates have said, but they will lose a few high earners in the summer, people like Hogan, plus they have the money from naming rights coming in , but their main source of optimism is that they will be being run in  a better way than the previous lot (How that tallies with getting Wayne in and then sacking him after a few months I don't know)

    But don't forget they are on their 3rd management team this season.

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