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Posts posted by Gee SCREAMER !!

  1. 50 minutes ago, DCFC Kicks said:

    They've just got rid of Worrall. Do they have any home grown players left anymore? 

    I hardly even know any of their players anymore. Its like they've just turned into a conveyor belt of mercenaries.

    Just Yates.  But it would have cost more than a loan fee to get a passport photo without shattering the glass on copious lenses and all those extra plane seats for his dragging knuckles. 

  2. 3 minutes ago, Mucker1884 said:

    With respect, this ain't the thread for using the word "lucky", regardless of context, and regardless of our personal thoughts towards "The privileged few".
    Cancer is a b****** to all classes, and all peoples.

    Your correct in many ways regarding lucky, but with a relative who had stage 1 that has turned to stage 3 and radiotherapy to chemotherapy following scan cancellation and a further 3 week delay, there is no doubt that enough cash can make a substantial difference to care. 

  3. 37 minutes ago, Caerphilly Ram said:

    I reckon it’s where we’d get the best from him, Adams to play the deeper midfield role putting himself about a bit, breaking up play and stopping teams waltzing through the midfield which should free whoever from Hourihane/Bird/Thompson/Sibley/Fornah to push forward a bit more. 
    Hourihane, when playing, needs to be closer to goal due to his shooting ability in my opinion. 

    To drag out centre backs who are 6ft 4 and will lump away indiscriminate crosses all day.  You'd think that may be a plan.

  4. 5 hours ago, Mucker1884 said:

    Muckerette's memories of the old BBG are just 2 games in total, from the late 80's/early 90's, and are thus...

    1.  First Game:  On the Popside v Newcastle... didn't like the claustrophobic vibes of a near-full terrace vibe... wasn't keen on the pushing, shoving, and swaying... absolutely hated the hefty waft of B.O. from the guy in front, who managed to keep both arms aloft for the entire game.  It was a no from her!

    2.  So let's try this then..., A wonderfully romantic trip to FA Cup Third Round Land.  v Burnley.  In the posh seats (Ley Stand).  She was halfway through her "This is much better, darling" spiel, when she had to change it to "Where TF has the pitch gone"!  Got a bit foggy, innit!  Postponed it, din't they🙄


    She never bothered again (at The BBG)!   🤣

    That's the coldest I've ever been at a football game.  

  5. 5 minutes ago, Jourdan said:

    I think Clowes is as committed as ever. If he wasn’t, he wouldn’t have sanctioned the move for CBT, for example. £400,000 is £400,000 more than he might have felt necessary.

    If you look at the signings since he took over the club, I think Clowes has tried to build a competitive team and strike a good balance between ambition and prudence.

    People want to complain about our transfer business this season, but every season has cases of players not working out. I think people seem to forget that only 11 players can play at any one time and not every signing will work because other players are getting game time and playing well and getting recognition.

    Last season, there were senior players like Stearman, Davies, Chester and Loach who barely got a kick. There were young players signed like Oduroh who never looked like making an impact. So it happens, not just with Warne signings but there are all kinds of managers get signings wrong. 

    Added 100 k there.  That's a million it seems under our current budget.

    4 hours ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Apparently we can only sign players better than the ones other teams have recruited? An odd process. 😄 

    Didn't he say earlier in the week we'd lost out to another League 1 club on a striker we wanted.

  6. Just now, ryanjohno94 said:

    Listened to warnes interview about not getting a striker that's better than what we have fair enough we haven't got the money to waste on players but surely there was a decent enough striker lower down in the league to get for not alot of money like Smith from reading they are desperate for money they would of sold him

    If Collins gets injured. That's anyone with two feet

  7. 18 minutes ago, CBX1985 said:

    Real world point.  How many times do we reach a point, in any job, where we want to move on - no difference for footballers than the rest of us.  His contract is up in the summer and we'd get nothing.  If he wants out at which point he'd have just left; as things stand, he is staying until end of the season (as he would have anyway), we get paid for him.  BC get to know they have their man next year.  Everyone is a winner - so yes this is a win for all sides.

    Footballers are employees and we'd drop them as quick as you like, so them wanting what's best for themselves seems perfectly fair enough. 

    Real world point.  If your s**** at your job and miss key targets, do you get to sit on your arse for 4 years getting splinters at 25x the average salary.  Swings and roundabouts.

  8. 9 minutes ago, Jourdan said:

    Blind to what?

    We want to improve the squad but all the indicators point to it not being easy or straightforward at this time.

    If Collins gets injured, it will be a great shame and a huge blow. But we can only wait and see how things develop. You are panicking about a situation that might not even arise.

    At the end of the day, can the club really win? Sign no-one and people complain, sign someone and they don’t quite click and people complain, sign someone and they get injured and people complain, sign someone and they don’t become our best and most productive player inside 180 minutes and people complain.

    The sooner the summer is here, the better.

    So Warne can sign another 6 crocks with good attitudes- or in real terms don't have any opinion that may rock his boat- and bad injury records.  He won't even have his heavily relied on Rosenior squad that was put together in a few weeks to fall back on .  Good times. 

  9. 7 minutes ago, Jourdan said:

    What is the evidence that Bradley and Ward are on good money?

    There is enough evidence out there to suggest that the budget / restrictions are prohibitive, or did you miss where we were priced out of moves for two back-up strikers from a struggling Championship club and all the other indicators?

    or is the very obvious indicator that we spent a fairly un-prohibited pot on wages for players who are getting splinters or splints.

  10. 34 minutes ago, Dcfcsr92 said:

    Birds comment "Ashton Gate is a great stadium and it's always rocking" is it really? Is that a dig at our fans because we are not whilst being under warne? Paul warne has sucked the life out off our fan base! But its fine we are winning games. 

    Why is he back here then. He'll be as useful as Plange was when he got a move.  Quite nauseating really.  Take your Robins scarf and feck off.

  11. 4 minutes ago, Jourdan said:

    It will help the club financially, which is still an important consideration to make whether people like it or not.

    And perhaps we’ll have more muscle when the transfer window comes around again in the summer.


  12. 1 minute ago, vonwright said:

    To be fair to Bird he doesn't seem the type to give less than 100% - and especially to us. Plus why does he need to avoid injury? He's already secured the move, he's only here on loan 

    None want's to go to a club injured.  We're the exception to the norm as we actively search for invalids on 2 year deals.

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