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Posts posted by Gee SCREAMER !!

  1. 5 hours ago, David said:

    Not sure it can be put on Derby, he had the chance on loan at Sheff Wed, didn’t take it at all, went to Luton, released which suggested same story.

    All went downhill once that weird story hit the tabloids, from the outside for whatever reason looks like he fell out of love with the game. 

    Was never a Johnny Russell where you could see the smile gone, but he just doesn’t look bothered.

    Going over to Australia and now on trial at Doncaster would suggest otherwise, unless he’s going through the motions to get contracts that pay the bills.

    Tough one. Remember when we signed him I thought it was great, remember him at Barnsley, their fans were gutted when he left, likewise at Huddersfield. 

    I was quite pleased when they signed Johnson and he was excellent for a month, then wasn't , then did pretty well for Rowett and Lampard, but had seen Butterfield play on three previous occasions and he was as non descript as I thought he would be.

  2. 28 minutes ago, Ambitious said:

    Stoke are looking to sign Sam Surridge from Bournemouth for £5.5m which is absolutely insane money for a player who has struggled to establish himself at any level above League Two.

    I'd imagine that Liam Delap is still up for grabs. 

    Haven't they lost 91 million .  I'll be honest the whole thing is ridiculous.  Spend what you like like the old days.

  3. 25 minutes ago, Ravabeerbelly said:

    Cashin was excellent but if he’s 6’1” I’m a Dutchman.

    Im saying he’s 5’10” maybe 5’11” 

    However it’s largely irrelevant as he didn’t lose an areal battle all game and his reading of the game was first class. 

    If he was 6’5” but lost headers and got in the wrong position all game would that be better?

    If Albentosa left a pair of boots that should add another couple of inches.  6'1 same as McGrath . Sorted

  4. 27 minutes ago, hintonsboots said:

    David Mellor, big Fulham fan, then switched to Chelski once the ££££ arrived.

    Chelsea averaged 11k fans at midweek games pre the Russian takeover.

    I rest my case M’Lord.

    But I have it on good authority that they've always been one of the worlds biggest clubs who hadn't won there domestic league once in a 100 years till 2005.  That cowshed they played at in division 2 during the 80's half empty and full of decaying concrete was clearly a hallucination brought on by an accidental LSD spill into the water supply and Frank could never consider staying and slumming it at Derby County when they came knocking.

  5. 29 minutes ago, David said:

    Because it gets clicks, they all jump on.

    I keep getting TalkSport promoted tweets on my timeline, they are paying Twitter for me to see it as the engagement will see a higher return in their own advertising revenue.

    Couple of days ago they had Trevor Sinclair talking about the Keogh sacking, oh how the Leeds and Forest fans loved his opinion on a situation that he’s clearly only read the headline in a paper and because he now plays with his son he was bigging him up as this great guy, which I’m sure he is, but I’d love to know how many interactions he has personally had with Keogh to be given this airtime.

    It’s actually funny now seeing these tweets, luring people in for their crap. 

    But none of that gives me sleepless nights, what does is the situation with the EFL and the state of the squad with a week to go until we kick off. 

    That’s why I’m refreshing Twitter, not for sound bites or laughing rivals, but hoping for news


    I'd be embarrassed to give opinion on such things if I were him.

    Former England footballer Trevor Sinclair has admitted drink driving and racially abusing a police officer.

    Sinclair was arrested in Lytham and became agitated and accused police of being racist, a court was told.

    Blackpool Magistrates' Court heard he racially abused the officer who arrested him, but has since accepted the police were not racist towards him.

    Sinclair has been sentenced to 150 hours of unpaid work and disqualified from driving for 20 months.

    He has also been ordered to pay £500 compensation to the police officer he abused.

    Solicitor Nick Freeman said Sinclair was "totally appalled by his behaviour, embarrassed and contrite".

    'Obnoxious, aggressive and racist'

    The court also heard that Sinclair, 44, urinated in a police car during the arrest in his hometown on 12 November.

    After Sinclair pleaded guilty to drink driving and a racially aggravated public order offence, the prosecution dropped other charges including assault on a police officer, failing to provide a specimen and criminal damage.

  6. 2 hours ago, ariotofmyown said:

    I just clicked on the link and yes it is true....the S*n have a live Wayne Rooney blog ongoing. Seriously. 

    I probably won't pay attention to that seeing as the got the year wrong for The Joiners debacle .  There really wasn't a lot of research to do.

  7. 3 minutes ago, oomarkwright said:

    I still don't get why he didn't sign at the R's and wants to play for us in our situation. His loan spell wasn't spectacular. 

    Looks like competition. 

    West London Gazette

    He was in decent form for Rangers before being sidelined, but would face stiff competition for a place were he to stay.

    Sam Field was recently signed on a permanent deal from West Brom and Luke Amos is on the way back from injury, while QPR are trying to agree a deal with Fulham to sign Stefan Johansen.

    They have also expressed an interest in 22-year-old Ipswich Town midfielder Andre Dozzell.

  8. Cher for her song - If you believe. The first auto tuned song to hit no#1 . Opened the floodgates to Cowells crap flooding the world and a chart full of people who gyrate incessantly but can't sing a bar.

    and Craig Forsyth for that fanny arsed non tackle in  a 50/50 with 5ft and a cigarette nub Hoillett at Wembley in 2014

  9. 5 minutes ago, angieram said:

    I will watch all the athletics once it starts. Until then might just tune into Adam Peaty.

    Feel for the athletes who have been performing in front of admittedly reduced capacity crowds at Diamond League meets to find empty stadiums in Tokyo.

    Feel for the athletes who have trained for five years then caught covid at the last moment and haven't been allowed to travel.

    I understand why Tokyo doesn't want any more foreigners in the city than they absolutely have to, but surely they could have some local socially distanced spectators to give the competitors more of a feeling of normality and create a bit of atmosphere?

    I honestly don't know why a bloke from near Stoke who supports Forest gets so much local airtime.  He was on Radio Derby this morning.

  10. Bogle may as well have played for Forest the amount of goals he gift wrapped for them.  I assume Forest had a gander, saw the 1 year and had a pop at a paltry sum to take the piss.  Alas, Derby have the option of a years extension.  I have no doubt Derby would sell if the offer was right, but I'm not sure he'd want to go .  Better of staying here for a year and moving to a club who might do something next summer .

  11. 2 minutes ago, David said:

    @i-Ram and @Boycie

    Frankie Boyle and Sir Alex Ferguson.

    I’m going for maximum entertainment, plus throwing in an oldie who I could listen to all day.

    2 Scotsman as well that will know how to drink, wouldn’t be a quiet night up there in the capsule.

     Any chance I can have our mate from OTIB as a guest forum member alongside Stephen Pearce and Mel Morris as celebrities- pop them together in the same room with the Bristol City away match from 18/19 on loop.  Think I might take @i-Ram as well as we like some of the same music which would help drown out his screams.

  12. 1 hour ago, Igor Igor Whats the Score? said:

    Yes, I also saw the Watson and Stretton piece but nothing on Duncan. My excitement after his bang average Spanish videos is now waning ?

    He may have found his way to the normal home for the North Wests forgotten and bewildered football wonderkids.  I'll give them a ring and see if he's been spotted wandering around outside.



  13. 15 minutes ago, Inverurie Ram said:

    I agreed with @Rev regarding the manager of the club, but a good manager also needs a good team of clubbers behind him to progress. So who's coming to Progress with me?

    Honourable Police Officer (Scarier than Slater out of Only Fools & Horses) (as above)



    Cracking club along with Renaissance. Don't do this to a fat man in his forties.  Going have to get my tight t-shirts from the back of the draw now and try them on.  Bet they look like boob tubes. 

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