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Posts posted by Gee SCREAMER !!

  1. On 03/12/2021 at 08:26, derby8 said:

    3/12/1949, Derby 7 Manchester City 0.

    3/12/2005, Derby 2 Norwich 0.

    Never. The giants of world football getting humbled by Derby 7-0.  Seem to remember actually beating them 6- 0 as well but must be my imagination.  Did we not beat Man Utd once whilst they lost Bolton or somebody meaning they got relegated.  Must be dreaming again.  Had another that prior to 2012 they hadn't won anything since Neil Armstrong got back from space.  Can't be right for one of Europes biggest 15 clubs surely.  Bit like that Spurs who were last league champions in sepia.

  2. 15 minutes ago, Tamworthram said:

    Serves you right for going to Rhyl ? . More scousers than Welsh there and barely counts as Wales.

    Seriously though, Worked in North and West Wales for a couple of years and have been there several times on holiday - as recently as this September to Conwy. Never experienced any anti-English feelings. 

    Did come back to flyer under my windscreen at Betws-y-Coed that said 'visiting here does not mean moving here'.  That's probably more common now but haven't had it again personally. Also cut my foot open in the sea at Rhyl when I was 9 on a glass bottle and half bleed to death.  Driving through there 25 years later it looked exactly the same and the funfair reminded me of the one off Father Ted with the spider baby ride.  Rhyl is also the murder capital of the UK per head of population. My mate grew up in wales as his dad worked there before moving to Derby From Aberystwyth at 13 and liked it.  He also speaks fluent Welsh and worked as a doorman being 18 stone and 6ft 4.  It was quite entertaining at Alton Towers many years ago when 3 lads started talking about us in Welsh and sniggering.  He let them carry on for a bit till he started talking back to them in Welsh.  The colour draining from there faces was quite the picture.

  3. 17 hours ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

    They say that Welsh girls are obsessed with sex and death and having had two Welsh girlfriends I can confirm this, as both tried to kill me on more than one occasion.

    I can also confirm that Cardiff can be a very good night out, but be wary; as accommodating as Welsh lasses can be, their male counterparts can be rather less so. ???

    Having spent a night out in Doncaster I've got the necessary survival tools. Nowhere can be as bad as that. Rougher than a Mammoths ball bag in the ice age. 


    On 16/12/2021 at 06:49, sheeponacid said:

    Or black… people tend to forget that we have some small populations of black squirrels……estimates now put them at over 20,000. They have  enjoyed a steady but continual rise in their numbers since first being  discovery in the UK in 1912.

    Originally thought to be greys with a DNA defect, research now suggests that they are American black squirrels, who possibly escaped from a private collection. Their few colonies tend to be in East Anglia & Hertfordshire 

    To put their population into some sort of context we have around 140-150,000 Reds & 2.5-3m Greys.

    The Reds population continues to be under pressure, which is why their remaining strongholds need to be so vehemently protected from the more dominant Greys. Strangely enough a slight rise in Pine Martin numbers (still estimated to be at less than 4000) appears to be helping the Reds in some areas were both they & the Greys populations overlap each other.



    Apparently there's incredibly rare White ones in Derbyshire and a few in Staffordshire.  One less at that minute as some twit shot one with a air rifle last year for a laugh and left it in agony till it was collected and put down by the RSPCA. 

  5. 19 minutes ago, NottsRammy said:

    You know what im getting at im not saying that am i .

    What im saying is people are making out that Hughes is alot better than he actually is , have very over inflated opinion of him . 

    I think Hughes was a very good young player who regressed whilst here via a combination of a nasty knee injury and being forced into   making heavier tackles than he was comfortable with under later management. He wasn't physically up to it and every one looked like it was limiting his own game. Probably what caused the knee injury.  For Hughes read Giles Barnes who was probably better in my opinion.  Derby County and knees don't go well together.  A fit midfield of Hendrick, Bryson, Hughes and Thorne  would get 100 points in this league mind, without the need to spend 10.5 million on replacements . Shame they were broken at different times.

  6. 32 minutes ago, IslandExile said:

    Those suggesting Morris without Lampard do not know what happened on the training ground, in team selections or at the bar in the Joiners.

    Management duos work together. Each having different, complementary roles.

    The classic example was Clough and Taylor.......a few of us lived through the in-sole-charge Peter Taylor era. Let's just say the role of manager did not suit him.

    If you want lesser examples, look at Jason Tindell at Bournemouth after Howe left - just not suited to the top job.


    So, please do not be influenced by who sent the better tweets.

    Bit harsh .  They only lost 5 or 6 in 30 + games in his first season and went 13 unbeaten to stay up, with a poor squad. Wouldn't mind a bit of that at the minute.

  7. Just now, Barney1991 said:

    Don’t see him going but if he did my choice has already moved clubs in Ryan lowe. Think he will do a great job at Preston and his other 2 jobs he’s done great and played football so he would have been my choice. Shame we didn’t get Steve cooper in instead of Rooney at the time he would have been my first choice but now no chance. Can’t think of anyone that at the top of my head available who I would jump at tbh and I’d rather Rooney stayed 


  8. If he was offered this job, he can walk away pretty easy by the structuring of the deal and not looking the villain.  '  It helps Derby as Everton have structured a plan to give them 20k a week between now and the end of the season and they aren't paying my wages.  I've took less wages to ensure that payment is covered during my interim period' .  Can smell that line already.  We won't be getting a chunk of money like Rowett and Lampard, even if a  buyout clause is in his contract, we're not in a position to force the full amount if we need money that will be useful.

  9. I would imagine any Gadsby deal would involve the same as before .  Dealing with the debt and selling on when things are healthier.  Also has the benefit of getting somebody in who knows how to deal with things, both with creditors as we were in a mess before when he took over and dealing with bankers  at the Gibson level .  Hence the 3 amigos lovely period at her majesty's pleasure. Just the job to fight fire with fire.  I'm surprised he wants back in and he won't have the cash to do anything but service the debt .  That will do for now though. 

  10. 1 minute ago, uttoxram75 said:

    Same here mate. Went through the Findus Crispy Pancake years around the same time, kids were born in 83 and 84. Luckily I wasn't a single parent, must have been tough for you fella. 

    Me too when my dad left and I was basically working from 12 to help my mum with a mortgage he kindly signed up for just prior to heading off.  Only the minced beef ones though, not keen on those cheese and bacon ones they brought out later.  

  11. 2 minutes ago, RadioactiveWaste said:

    I think the avereage number of fingers on leeds fans hands is five. They quite often lose one or two when they first start trying to fasion rudimentry tools and weapons from the materials they find and in the savage battles over the best bin territories as the males seek to attract a female.

    The top silverback never lets his out of his sight


  12. 6 minutes ago, LeedsCityRam said:

    Fantastic manager for us. Still no idea why he swapped newly promoted Division 1 Newcastle for newly relegated Division 3 Derby but very glad he did.

    If only he'd been given Lionel's money whilst we were still Division One in 89/90, we could've been looking at trophies in the very early 90s.

    That was the issue I think.  He was promised a longer contract on promotion that wasn't too quick in appearing. 

  13. 48 minutes ago, enachops said:

    What a player. It was short lived, but Asanovic is one of the greatest to wear a Ram on his shirt. Brilliant player.

    Some other crackers : Saunders volley vs Man City from Shilton’s GK.

    Paul Blades top corner vs Cov?? Memory fade. 
    Phil Gee vs Arsenal

    Carsley v Southampton 



  14. 31 minutes ago, Crewton said:

    Mark Paterson scored a screamer against Burnley (FA Cup? 1992) and I think the game was abandoned for fog? 

    Good night turned bad for him. Scores a belter, then ruptures his knee ligaments and his goals lost when the games abandoned with a horrendous freezing fog..  That might have been the coldest I've ever been at a game. Not sure he played for us again.

  15. 57 minutes ago, PistoldPete said:

    Nixon says Kirchner wants to know what the price is. But the admin team have to get the best deal for the creditors. And maybe the creditors (especialy HMRC) want to know what the best offer is? So it's a bit of a CATCH 22. 

    Basically as I stated last week,  you won't strike a deal with the main creditors till an offers made .  They won't finalise an acceptable offer till an offers in place.   Then the buyer may have to adjust the offer if it isn't enough.  Basically, kirchner and anyone else interested needs to make an offer first.  My feeling is he talks a lot but hasn't made the offer that administration would deem to be acceptable to creditors. 

  16. 40 minutes ago, Red Ram said:

    Ashamed to be a Derby fan today.

    Keogh always gave absolutely everything in a Derby shirt during his seven years with us, player of the year twice, as good as it gets at this level, picked in all of the various Derby teams of the decade. On a personal level, he was fantastic with my two boys when they were mascots and he was captain. But yeah let's boo him for getting injured in an accident which due process has concluded he wasn't at fault for.

    His sacking was indefensible. It was always obvious he'd win his appeal. Just another example of Mel doing a Boris and thinking the rules didn't apply to him.  

    Embarrassed to be associated with those of you that booed Keogh. Derby fans used to be so much better than this.






    The same Derby fans who gave Poom a heroes ovation when he scored against them in the last minute when we were perilously close to the drop, were the same one's to give Paul Williams and Paul Kitson absolute pelters when they came back. In my opinion Derby fans are very fair in both respects, always have been and nothings changed.  

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