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Posts posted by Donnyram

  1. 5 minutes ago, Stive Pesley said:

    Then again, I've seen someone on one of the FB groups who had been ITK before claiming that it's all a done deal and the administrators asking for bids is just a charade. I guess only time will tell 

    I think that whatever the actual situation is (and I suspect that there is genuine interest) the administrators will give positive messages about significant interest in the club - a bit like car sales! 

  2. 4 minutes ago, Crewton said:

    Fulham have signed Harry Wilson this season in a deal in which they pay nothing now. Zilch.

    The ACL injuries - what can anyone say? Sign no-one for a fee in case they get injured?

    Just re-read my post and understand where you’re coming from……. as I said, I understand the approach but was a gamble (maybe not massive ?)…… it’s back fired because of the injuries…. pure bad luck.  My reference to Thorne was intended as tongue in cheek

    I’ll check for context better next time ?

  3. 13 minutes ago, Malty said:

    So I’m now hearing that we still owe Arsenal 8 mill for bielik and lech Poznań 2 mill for jozwiak.

    I don’t know how I could feel leaving a club owing so much to so many … and leaving people to lose their livelihoods on the process in order to pay for my own mistakes.

    I really really want to have sympathy for Mel. I really do, but this week and these revelations are starting to really get to me. It was Mel that made those commitments … and other people that have to pay for it. I’d love to ask him about this and understand his point of view, because from the outside it’s beginning to really stink.

    I think we need him back on radio Derby answering questions from the fans.

    I actually get this but it’s another massive gamble that has back fired.  

    High fee with low up front payments for a young player of high potential on a 5 year contract.  If he helps to get us promoted in the first 3 years then happy days….. if not then sell him to at least get the money back to pay Arsenal and hopefully bag a profit.   I guess they didn’t consider 2 ACL’s in 2 years affecting his value potential…….. it’s not like that has ever happened before to a talented young holding midfielder ?

  4. 17 hours ago, seths-cap said:

    You get them at their best.

    ……. at their best….. (ignoring loaned players e.g Mount)

    Craig Bryson

    Jamie Ward

    Wayne Rooney

    Need goals more than anything at the moment…….I’d have gone with Ince but I think we need players with the same team spirit and work ethic so for me Jamie Ward is right up up there.  Banking on our old guard at the back continuing to do the business

    Couldn’t resist Wazza at his best ?



  5. 8 minutes ago, Ted McMinn Football Genius said:

    Forever hopeful that we can scrap our way out of this.

    1- we’ve eroded the -12 points already

    2- we are hard to beat and well organised (it appears)

    3- several other teams could well be compounded with some level of points deductions too

    4- we have the best midfielder outside the Premier league due to return to our ranks by January ????

    5- king CKR is due back in to the squad

    6- if we get new owners before January then just maybe we can make a few additions ????

    7- our fans are standing up to be counted and as a whole we are unified against everyone else (good old siege mentality) ??????

    8- we have FORTRESS Pride Park

    9- we have something to fight for


    if we do manage to pull this off then someone should make a film about it.


    The key point is finding a buyer before January….. without that we will have to sell players for sure.  With new owners you would hope we will be able to add a few loans / free agents that I’m sure Rooney will have lined up.  With that in place………… bring it on and enjoy the ride ??

  6. 13 minutes ago, Ramos said:

    I think a lot of people like myself and (about 6 of my mates) won’t activate their mobile tickets till probably Wednesday or whatever the last second is you can do ha  - I imagine the number of tickets left May suddenly reduce by Wednesday afternoon. Let’s hope for at least 25k.  

    Let’s hope there isn’t a national shortage of WiFi to go with the lack of fuel ?

  7. 8 hours ago, kevinhectoring said:

    If the club or the auditors had in advance conducted an analysis to support their approach, I think we would have read a lot about it in the judgements. We didn’t,  in fact one of the panels (can’t remember which) did not find there was any systematic basis for our approach. Second thing is that the club was asked in the proceedings to produce all internal documents relating to the approach. None were provided. This suggests that no analysis supporting our case was done in advance; and that our accounting policy was driven by a desire to pass FFP rather than a zeal to give a true and fair view  

    The fact that (as we now know) we failed on a straight line approach supports that we adopted our approach to pass the test 

    not proof positive for sure but this is why I don’t think our approach was driven by detailed analysis 


    Great response, thank you.  Didn’t know all of that so certainly puts in more balance and possibly explains why the outcome was reached.  I’ve no doubt that we changed the approach to push the FFP boundaries but a bit naive if we didn’t have the new policy properly documented with supporting data.

  8. On 23/08/2021 at 09:02, Donnyram said:

    The latter is too subjective to be a reliable method for a P&S calculation in my opinion.

    There is almost certainly sufficient data to justify a different model based on a player retaining a decent chunk of value until he is into the last year of his contract.  Clearly not enough for the EFL though

    Picked up on the Mel Morris interview that they used data from over 25,000 transfers. The position taken by the EFL still seems unreasonable to me but I'd love to hear its position to put balance to the debate.  I'm no accountant but from what I've understood it seems that what we have applied is within the accountancy principles and on the face of it may be closer to reality than a straight line model.  The results of all this could be the difference come the end of the season irrespective of administration. 

  9. 2 hours ago, Donnyram said:

    Just bought tickets for the Mrs and number 2 son to add to mine and my eldest sons season tickets so 4 of us from Donny on Wednesday.  Don't think I'll be able to persuade my mum! 


    Thoughts please.... my youngest has a Uni mate who is a Reading fan..... should I agree to him joining us Wednesday under instruction to keep quiet and sit on his hands??  My instinct is no chance but every penny counts....??? ???

  10. 45 minutes ago, Rambalin said:

    Derby appeal the red there is a good chance it will be overturned Sharps heavy touch took the ball wide and there was a defender who would have been between the ball and goal In the next phase. 

    On second thoughts this is Derby so they would probably ban Roos for the season. 

    If we appeal they will probably send off Jagielka retrospectively out of spite ???‍♂️

  11. 39 minutes ago, QuitYourJibbaJivin said:

    A big concern of mine is how is the club going to pay the wages for the next 100 days. If Mels finally got his wish to stop funding the club, how is the club going to generate enough revenue each month to pay the bills? Be an absolute travesty if Mel is still expecting his rent for the ground each month as well.

    One way the fans can help is to get as many bums on seats as possible for all home games…….. and bring with them the same positive support that we’ve seen so far this season ?

  12. 12 hours ago, ram59 said:

    I'm afraid that you are not correct there, character witness statements can be used to back up the defendants' statement, in this case Fozzy denying any deliberate act. Many times in court cases, the defence will highlight that the defendant is of good character and has no previous convictions if that is the case. All witnesses in court cases can have their character examined during the case, controversely so in the case of rape victims. Incidently, my late father, a company director and special constable at the time, gave a character reference for a close friend of mine, which his solicitor believed to be instrumental in my friend being found not guilty of a charge in a criminal case.

    Blimey have I missed something big……. has Fozzy shot someone???? ?

  13. When we were in the old 3rd division back in the mid 80's we had a home game against Gillingham I believe.  It was absolutely hammering it down and therefore there was every chance we would get soaked stood on the terrace on the Pop Side / Columbo Terrace unless we were at the back under the stand.  My mate had a bright idea - Gillingham will bring a handful of supporters and in all likelihood they will be moved from the Ossie end terrace into the mid tier seats due to the weather so "let's go into the away end" ?.  In my teenage years I went along with it and as predicted we were moved into the seats with around 50 or so Gillingham supportors from "down souf".  Didn't seem such a great idea during a tense 1st half that was fortunately goalless and we made our way across to the main stand at half time claiming we'd "got lost".  Stewards move us to the C stand and we were able to properly celebrate the Bobby Davison winner! ?

  14. 11 minutes ago, EnigmaRam said:

    If we’re not gonna be out of embargo to be able to sign players before the window shuts we may aswell continue talks to get the smallest deduction possible. 

    Bang on.  The football decision is balancing the points deduction with a quick exit from the transfer embargo and whether we are confident of making up the difference with new players

  15. 17 minutes ago, Crewton said:

    I think the whole issue of amortisation of playing assets is problematic, but the straight line method recognises that what is being amortised is the initial transfer fee, not the players value at a particular point of his contract. The latter is too subjective to be a reliable method for a P&S calculation in my opinion. However, hauling us over the coals for using a different method is obtuse, when their preferred method did not form part of the FFP regulations (as far as I'm aware). The fact that they also signed off our alternative method without spotting it was problematic should have made them a bit more conciliatory - instead, they doubled down on it due mainly to the lobbying of Gibson and others. We've been pilloried for, basically, not breaking any rules (so far). They even changed the embargo rules recently specifically to address our accounting transgressions and cash flow difficulties which can be mostly attributed to failed takeovers and Covid. 

    The latter is too subjective to be a reliable method for a P&S calculation in my opinion.

    There is almost certainly sufficient data to justify a different model based on a player retaining a decent chunk of value until he is into the last year of his contract.  Clearly not enough for the EFL though

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