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  1. Like
    GB SPORTS got a reaction from angieram in RIP Colin Murphy   
    Great football man, but as Angie says, didn't have the killer instinct to succeed at top flight club.
    He was a great coach though, and archetypal good guy.
  2. Clap
    GB SPORTS reacted to YorkshireRam in Russell Brand   
    This is fairly ironic given that Youtube as a service provider can act entirely at their own discretion. It's explicitly in their terms and conditions they can remove any content, at any time, for any reason. That's for removal, demonetisation is the step below that, so entirely above board. However this won't be done because they think he's guilty, they simply won't want to be associated with funding someone currently embroiled in a sex offence scandal... They'll act in the best interest of brand representation and it has nothing to do with 'guilt' or legal culpability, just optics.
    So I'd just be a little careful criticising the logic of others when your own isn't watertight. 
  3. Clap
    GB SPORTS reacted to Ram-Alf in Russell Brand   
    Yet again the BBC who we fund are "seen" to be culpable, It's like painting the Forth Bridge...it's never ending, The BBC is/was the 18th Centaury Hellfire Club 😡 
  4. Haha
    GB SPORTS reacted to Tyler Durden in Derby v Lincoln Match Thread   
    To give forum members the chance to start another lot of duplicate threads about Warne after the game before their bedtimes 
  5. Clap
    GB SPORTS reacted to Anag Ram in Derby v Portsmouth Match Thread   
    I live in Bristol and every Bristol City fan I’ve spoken to has raved about Jason Knight.
    Can’t see many of our other players tearing it up in the championship.
  6. Clap
    GB SPORTS reacted to Caerphilly Ram in Summer Rumour Mill   
    Tyreece John-Jules is 22
    Tyrese Fornah is 24 (was 23 when signed)
    Kane Wilson is 23
    Elliot Embleton is 24
    Josh Vickers is 27
    Joe Ward is 28 (was 27 when signed)
    Callum Elder is 28
    Curtis Nelson is 30
    Connor Washington is 31
    Sonny Bradley is 32 (was 31 when signed)
    Waghorn is 33. 
    7 of the 11 signings are under 30, this false rhetoric that we only signed old players is factually incorrect and in truth pretty boring now. There’s plenty of other things you can moan about with Warne.
  7. Like
    GB SPORTS reacted to RoyMac5 in How would you feel if Mac returned again?   
    Who is manager alongside Paul Warne coach? But I can't see why Mac would want to leave Man Utd unfinished business or not.
    Time for Colin, everyone would know he's here on a mission and needn't be thought of long term. He knows what he's doing and has been successful at more than League 1 and more than Rotherham. 
  8. Sad
    GB SPORTS reacted to Shipley Ram in RIP Colin Murphy   
    RIP Colin Murphy, rather thrown in at the deep end at Derby. He was appointed with the intention of keeping the managers seat warm while Clough was persuaded to return. If only.
  9. Haha
    GB SPORTS reacted to Gaspode in Russell Brand   
    It's not called Herpes anymore - it's been renamed to Evri.....
  10. Haha
    GB SPORTS reacted to Srg in Tyrese Fornah - signed on a 2-year deal   
    Really crap Shania Twain impression that
  11. Like
    GB SPORTS reacted to YorkshireRam in Russell Brand   
    Far, far, far less people have been wrongly convicted, than the amount of people who never got justice because of the flawed judicial process for cases like these. It's such a weak strawman argument. 
    The justice system doesn't work for these cases, so basing moral or ethical opinion upon their verdict is short-sighted, at best. 
  12. Like
    GB SPORTS reacted to Archied in Russell Brand   
    I just found the way he talked about women in his comedy disgusting , the stunt with the granddaughter of the actor from faulty towers was beyond disgusting amongst many other stunts , he s pretty much everything I find stomach churning in a bloke , that said I’ve been open enough to state right off the bat that I’m fully aware that this does not make me best placed to judge how much is witch-hunt for his outspoken position on political issues ( not really seen any of his stuff as I avoid him but it’s out there that he is taking certain positions quite loudly to a fair sized number of followers) and the msn now which I’m pretty sure comes into play and I’ve stated my concern re trial by media 🤷🏻‍♂️
  13. Clap
    GB SPORTS reacted to Anon in Russell Brand   
    I was particularly unimpressed with the Andrew Sachs debacle. I felt that both Brand and Ross behaved appallingly.
  14. Clap
    GB SPORTS reacted to RoyMac5 in Russell Brand   
    Just like Saville.
  15. Like
    GB SPORTS reacted to Jubbs in Russell Brand   
    I'm sorry but some of the posts in here have me raging. 
    It's always instantly defending the accused rather than sympathising with the victim, or in this case, victims.
    This isn't just a small accusation that has no evidence, this has been on the cards for years and the victims are finally ready to come out. That's okay and if you actually listened or read any of the news articles, any previous attempts to come out, the victims have been intimidated by Brand's lawyers. There's no way C4 or The Times would have been able to publish anything without evidence.
    For the past few years Brand has been placing himself on the right side of the political spectrum and has been going with this "anti mainstream media" view because he knows this is his best chance of getting some defenders from the public. When the people speaking out in your favour are Elon Musk, Andrew Tate, Carlson Tucker and Katie Hopkins, I can make my own conclusions solely based off that.  
    Look at this from earlier on this year:

    This is after a 3 year+ investigation with medical records and text conversations etc, this isn't just a small accusation.
    Here are links for anyone suffering or has suffered.
  16. Clap
    GB SPORTS reacted to Archied in Russell Brand   
    Yep , seems this topic is headed the usual way , he was the darling of the left when at the height of his disgusting self whether that be regards the allegations or his disgusting so called comedy , as I say I’m not the best to make judgements at this point as my personal view of him is below the gutter , seems these kind of people get a pass from one side or the other all too often when they could and should have been stopped from going on to where we are now
  17. Clap
  18. Clap
    GB SPORTS reacted to Ghost of Clough in Summer Rumour Mill   
    Ryan Nyambe should be the target in my opinion. Adds pace to the back 3, but also covers RB/RWB. He filled in at LB a few times for Wigan last season, but not someone you want as a regular at LWB.
    Since Warne insists on sticking to 3/5 at the back, someone highly capable at CB is needed. Since we only have 4 players capable at CB, with one of those needed at LWB.
    In terms of everyone (except Rooney) being fit, a starting back 5 of:
    Nyambe   Nelson   Cashin
    Ward                                           Forsyth
    Backed up by:
    Wilson                                        Elder
  19. Clap
    GB SPORTS reacted to Rev in Why was there a minutes round of applause   
    I really don't know why we acknowledged the two disasters in any form.
    Surely that's for us to do as individuals, in our own time, if we so wish.
    They both happened on another continent, have nothing to do with a game in the 3rd tier of English football, and I don't imagine the solidarity displayed would even register in either affected area.
    In all likelihood, Malaria and malnutrition kill more Africans every single week than these two disasters, yet we don't give them a weekly round of applause. 
  20. Clap
    GB SPORTS reacted to IslandExile in So who would we have then?   
    It was if Eustace went to Rangers.
    Wayne is not doing so well in the US.
    Someone put it brilliantly on this forum the other day:  "Rooney wasn't a great manager but he was a great figurehead, at a time when we needed a figurehead more than a manager".
  21. Like
    GB SPORTS reacted to Carl Sagan in So who would we have then?   
    I remain in the Mac or Wilder camps, if either would come. I hope Clowes has asked them the question. You always need to be prepared with a plan for succession. 
  22. Like
    GB SPORTS reacted to Turk Thrust in Jonson Clarke-Harris - Joined Rotherham   
    Hope it’s soon. I’ll be 78 next year! Can’t hang around forever
  23. Like
    GB SPORTS reacted to Comrade 86 in Jonson Clarke-Harris - Joined Rotherham   
    Full marks for consistency. I don't think I've seen a single positive post from you about the club, nor any player for that matter, since you joined the forum. 
  24. Clap
    GB SPORTS reacted to BaaLocks in Will Derby County get back in Premiership   
    If you were there watching us draw 1-1 at a muddy, muddy BBG against Newport County you will know we've been here before.
  25. Clap
    GB SPORTS reacted to Leeds Ram in Fan Forum (not this one)   
    If I'm honest, I think it says more about a bloke that he felt comfortable staying in a job as the chief financial officer after he almost led to the liquidation of the institution he was in charge of. 
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