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Posts posted by Gaspode

  1. 7 minutes ago, JoetheRam said:

    That press conference was a total embarrassment and laid bare her lack of intelligence. Bond markets have reacted accordingly.

    Early G.E is inevitable now, if the Tories want to be re-elected in the next 20 years their MP's need to step up and call one now.

    They're waiting for Labour to submit a vote of no confidence in the government - that way they'll be on the hook for the mess they'll find themselves in....

  2. 2 hours ago, Unlucky Alf said:

    This guy has to follow him...Chris Phelp Chief Secretary to the Treasury, He's the guy who sits down and advises the Chancellor, He was creaming himself after the mini budget, Then rowed back up Niagra Falls saying he had nowt to do with it ?

    He's gone....

  3. 3 minutes ago, RadioactiveWaste said:

    Given there's also been leaks about the findings of what was supposed to be highly confidential financial information the FIA are rapidly losing any confidence anyone had in the process.

    You would hope the FIA did a conflict of interest check on Lodi, having formerly worked for an F1 team shouldn't necessarily be a disqualifier but you'd hope any conflict would be found/declared if there was.

    I'm still amused Williams were also none compliant, I mean, they'd love to have that much money!

    I think working for the sister company of the team that breached the cap should have some bearing on whether he's fit to play any part in the whole fiasco. Brawn theatened teams that they would lose Championships if they breached yet it seeems that Red Bull are free to do whatever they choose - I wonder why?

    They apparently are claiming that the breach was only due to them overspending on catering - conveniently ignoring the fact that the total spend for the year is the key part and how that's split up is irrelevant - they've also alledgedly been paying engineers as consultants rather than as employees so they can keep them off the books.....

    The whole thing stinks - at a time when the FIA needed to be squeaky clean following the 2021 championship fix....the sport's dead unless they get a grip..

  4. 8 minutes ago, RadioactiveWaste said:

    He probably said that or something like it, doubt it'll have any baring on the FIA's decision.

    In the court of social media however...

    It won't make any difference, but it shows Horner in his true light - bigger issue is that the FIA's head of financial regulations is apparently former Toro Rosso CFO Federico Lodi....

  5. 1 hour ago, Sparkle said:

    Currently it’s hard to find three worse sides in the premiership - I think Southampton will be down there whilst Bournemouth are doing better than most thought they would, Wolves have a chance because they never look like scoring a goal 

    Unforunately this season gives Forest a better chance of staying up than normal - there are 6-7 teams that are just not clicking this year. If Forest can pull a couple of results out of the bag (unlikely on last night's showing), they could escape relegation simply because they are not quite as awful as some of the other dross on show.....

  6. 18 minutes ago, darren22 said:

    It's happening every game now & I for one detest it ?  Not sure how anyone sorts it out now especially as commentators Ex players/ pundits think it's an acceptable part of the "Game", It's not its cheating & should be treated as such ?

    They occassionally use the word 'simulation' if the ref spots a dive, but they never state that someone has 'cheated' - players don't want to be called cheats so if it was called out more often, it would make them think twice.

    There's also all the crap along the lines of someone 'winning' a free kick or penalty - you don't 'win' a penalty, it's awarded if you've been fouled - if a player has 'won' it because they've over exagerated the contact and thrown themself to the ground, then they shopuld be booked for ungentlemanly conduct - even if the pen is given.....

  7. 11 minutes ago, darren22 said:

    Seem to remember that happening ! Not sure what can be done about it? But the way it's going on now, its ruining the game & the players & managers all seem to think it's an acceptable part of the game ?

    There were a couple of examples in the Everton vs Man Utd game yesterday - when the ball came in from an Everton corner there was the most obvious shirt pulling from Shaw - camera was directly on him as he tried to rip the other player's shirt off his back - nothing given, no VAR review, nothing from the commentators....the other one I recall was an Everton forward going up to head the ball as a Utd player grabbed his shirt and pulled him backwards so that he didn't get clear contact on the ball - again, nothing given and the only comment was that the defender had done well to 'put him off'. Until cheating is called out as such by the commentators and ex-players, I can't see it changing. Currently, they all think that a player using the 'dark arts' is being clever rather than ruining the game.....

  8. 6 minutes ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

    FIA yet again turning the whole show into a farce. I guess they've broadened the 'audience' but for how long? The Netflix generation are pretty fickle and so many diehards now totally disenchanted with the ruling body's unwillingness to make RB play by the same rules as everyone else. Expect a whitewash on the budget cap overspend in 3, 2, 1...

    I'm getting that way - so many penalities being applied, so many inconsistent decisions, so much apparent bias, so much incompetence - I just want to see the best drivers racing each other without all of the bull that now surrounds the circus.....

    On another note, any of those in any way responsible for letting the recovery vehicle on the track while cars were still out there should be kicked out of the sport for good - could easily have had another very avoidable tragedy today....

  9. 12 hours ago, i-Ram said:

    I’d rather put spoons in my eyes than eat food at one of their establishments. That is if they ever have any staff to take the order. Weatherspoons is what happens when you put a Tory in charge of a pub chain. (Bit of politics there for @Stive Pesleyand @ariotofmyown).

    My lad and his mates love 'Spoons' - they just find a table and use the app on their phones to order their food and drinks so they don't need to find staff to take their order....

    Personally I'd much rather have a nice old buliding in use as a pub than standing empty or demolished....

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