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Posts posted by Gaspode

  1. 1 hour ago, kevinhectoring said:

    If he’d forced the issue (don’t think that’s his style) I think we’d now have a different manager 

    Think the club was right to wait and see and he’s likely got until Xmas. It’s a more thoughtful approach than we saw from MM  

    LR now got some thinking to do as to how far to adopt the tactical changes that we saw against Wycombe. I think DC’s team will be watching his next step very carefully 

    Twilight Zone Getting Weird GIF by MOODMAN

  2. I love the way everyone seems to think they know what’s happening with no actual information - as I said way back when this news was breaking, there’s a fair chance that Liam either wanted more money than the club was willing to pay or was demanding a longer contract than DC was happy with. In either of those scenarios, the only correct course of action is to say to Liam ‘thanks for what you’ve done so far but we’re going to look externally’. The last thing the club needs is to be held to ransom by a relatively untried manager and end up having to pay more than they’re happy with - that’s not being unfair on Liam in any way but is good business….

  3. The reports are that he had a meeting with the board last night - I wonder if Liam was pushing for a longer contract than DC was willing to offer - perhaps he was after 4-5 years and we only offered a rolling 12 mouth deal or suchlike. I guess he’ll stay on to help the transition to the new man while putting his name forward for new opportunities (if he doesn’t already have something lined up)

  4. 19 minutes ago, Rammy03 said:

    Also, what's this about? Derby crown court it says

    They wouldn’t try a case in Derby Crown Court if had any involvement in the city - now if it happened in Nottingham then Derby is the obvious place for the trial….

  5. 9 minutes ago, Curtains said:

    Liam you need to wise up fast to this Division 

    I've just read an interview with Graham Potter where he talks about his 'football philosophy' - it's clear the Liam also has one....unfortunately Liam doesn't have his pick of top players to implement this philosophy and while playing better football will normally result in more wins in the PL, in League One it is meaningless as your strikers will typically score one in four chances and so dominance and pretty football doesn't translate to points on the board.

    As you say, Liam needs to wise up quickly, accept that this division calls for a different approach, and pick the team to fit that approach, rather than maintain his desire to play to his preferred style. When things aren't working, change them, don't dig your heels in through stubbornness and continue to watch us struggle to get wins.....Saturday has suddenly become a huge game.....

  6. 16 minutes ago, Elwood P Dowd said:

    I would hope that the people around the Queen would be smart enough to confiscate Harry and Markle’s phones.

    If they'd had any sense they'd have pushed Markle off the castle ramparts a long time ago....

  7. 8 minutes ago, Elwood P Dowd said:

    I think this “Mobility” issue she’s had is more serious than has been reported, she does appear to have lost a lot of weight recently.

    I just hope that they allow her to die in dignity and her final hours are not disclosed to Netflix’s/US TV, the Queen doesn’t deserve that.

    What are the odds on Markle announcing it on Twatter before the official announcement?.....

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