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Posts posted by Gaspode

  1. One unexpected consequence of this:

    Scrapping the 45p tax upset a lot of Tory MPs who thought it was a bad idea/sent out the wrong message - fair enough, but Looney Liz and Krazy Kwarteng have spent the last 10 days sending their loyal supporters out into the country to brief everyone that it was a great idea - u-turning now makes all these folk look like a load of complete muppets - so they are also more than a little pee'd off with the leadership.

    Just what the new PM wants, a conference where almost everyone in the hall is annoyed with her......

  2. Suspect there are a couple of reasons for the u-turn:

    1. too many Tory MPs aware they're out on their ears at the next general election (which will probably happen anyway - asssuming Starmer can't find a way to c***-up the huge poll lead that Labour has) - Tory conference could be quite unpleasant without the u-turn...

    2. They need to bring some money in while waiting for the magical 'growth' to kick in - and as Andrew Neil pointed out to the obnoxious Tory Party Chairman Jake Berry during his interview last night (well worth a watch if you didn't see it): they've ring-fenced the NHS funding; Truss has stated she wants to increase defence spending (due to Ukraine); they won't reduce planned pension increases (pensioners being their core voters); Education and local government have already been cut to the bone during the austerity years; so the only obvious target for public spending cuts to pay for the crisis is to reduce benefits (watch this space) - and even the most stupid politician can see that cutting benefits while reducing tax for the most wealthy is a pretty awful look.....

  3. 48 minutes ago, Gee SCREAMER !! said:

    Back in the 90's I occasionally went to the Rock House at the top of Babington Lane.  Every time, the sink in the toilet was filled with empty Red Stripe tins and people were pissing in it.  Never found out the reason behind this rather odd tradition. 

    Pleased to hear things hadn't changed by the 90s ?

    Main issue was the size of the bogs - nowhere near enough urinals (seem to remeber only 1 or 2) for the number of folk that used to attend so the sink was the only option for the desperate (which a lot of folk were after spending the evening drinking in various pubs and then wandering into the Rockhouse to finish off the night out - a lot of full bladders requiring relief by then.....)

  4. 14 minutes ago, PistoldPete said:

    Do I get to keep the same phone number with Sim only? I’ve always had a phone contract but I guess I e been ripped off. 

    When you have a phone contract, a large proportion of the amount you pay is effectively paying for the phone itself - so once your contracted period is complete, that element of the monthly charge is effectively just profit for the phone company. You then have a choice of:

    1. calling your phone company and asking for a better deal (either a new phone deal or else a SIM only deal for a lot better price - both keeping your exisiting number);

    2. Look around for another phone deal from any other supplier;

    3. Look for a SIM only deal.

    With 2 or 3 you can certainly keep your exisiting number - you normally sign up for the new deal (which includes a brand new SIM card), ask your old supplier for a PAC code and then request that your new supplier ports your exisiting number over by telling them the code (they contact the old supplier on your behalf and tell them you're moving) - dead easy - normally via a page on the website or else you can even trigger it via a text message in most cases - normally only takes a couple of days.

    Only thing to watch out for is that some phones are 'locked' to the original provider, so if you keep your exisiting phone it may not let you use a SIM from another supplier - they used to be able to charge you to make the phone SIM-free  (i.e. let you insert a SIM from another supplier), but I think the law has changed recently - I don't think there should be a cost if you're now out of contract but it's good to look into it before you say goodbye to the old supplier....

  5. 9 minutes ago, PistoldPete said:

    Anyways, any idea on mobile phone contracts, mine has expired. Should I go sim only?  

    If your phone is working o.k. and you're happy with it, then definately go SIM only - it will save you a small fortune....

  6. 5 minutes ago, Grumpy Git said:

    Neither did the current lot when Theresa May got the gig.

    They sort of did, but then Leadsom stood down and so May was elected unapposed. The point is that it suits both big parties to ignore the electorate when it's convenient to them so they're unlikely to change the rules any time soon....

  7. 14 minutes ago, Unlucky Alf said:

    "Liz Truss will become Britain’s next prime minister after beating Rishi Sunak in the bitterly fought Conservative leadership contest.

    The foreign secretary, who won 81,326 votes (57.4%) of Tory members to the former chancellor’s 60,399 (42.6%), takes over from Boris Johnson, who was ousted by his own MPs earlier this summer."

    It's about time that when a PM resigns it then automatically triggers a General Election, To let the amount of voters as above to decide who runs the Country is as crazy as letting Gino Pozzo run Watford FC

    You're right - but it would need the main two parties to agree to any such rule change - and Labour are on dodgy ground as they didn't even have an election when Blair handed over to Brown......

  8. 16 minutes ago, sage said:

    A lib dem i know said the very same thing, i agree re outcomes but i don't think it's deliberate

    I may well be giving them far too much credit ?- though it's hard to know who actually holds the power in most of the political parties - there are shady figures at work behind the scenes who may well be brighter than the average MP....

  9. I don't post  politics on here (as we all know it's against the rules), but I suggested to someone this morning that this has all the signs of being a long game played by the Tory party:

    1. Elect a thoroughly incompetent PM (that unlike Boris, no one likes either) and watch them royaly screw up (which she appears to be doing with indecent speed);

    2. Get the Labour party confident enough to push for a vote of no confidence in the government thereby forcing a general election; and then

    3. Sit back for the next couple of years while the new Labour government has to try and dig us out of the huge hole the country is currently in while not being able to deliver on most of their traditional promises.

    4. The Tories then come back at the following election with a nice big majority (possibly with Boris back in charge by then)....

    It may sound far fetched, but there's no easy way out of the mess following Brexit, Covid and the Ukraine war - far better from their perspective to let Labour do the donkey work and then pick up the pieces...


  10. 19 minutes ago, angieram said:

    We've just taken out Virgin on a fixed 18 month deal at £17 something a month BUT then it goes up to £50 a month. At which stage we'll be back to some other crappy provider.

    I think we live too far out of Derby to get any other fibre Broadband. The Virgin is very good, though.

    I never renew anything without at least trying to get a better deal by obtaining alternative quotes. Got to have patience, though. (And time to argue with your previous provider who are continuing to bill us despite writing to us to say our old Broadband ended on 5 September!) 

    If you ring Virgin 6 weeks or so before your contract ends, they’ll normally offer you a similar deal to the one you’re on - not guaranteed, but we’ve only had small increases for the past 4 or 5 years even though the price should have increased by a lot more….

  11. Maybe it's all cunning ruse - play a formation that the players aren't used to; slot players into positions they're not familiar with; pick out of form players that can't get into their club sides; convince opposition managers that we're an overly negative, timid bunch with no desire or balls - then arrive in Quatar and unveil the real England who have a plan; have a formation they know and are comfortable with; pick the best players in each position (rather then the favourites); unleash the talented attacking talent and let them free to rip oppoition teams to pieces.....or maybe not ☹️

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