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Posts posted by Gaspode

  1. I've got a new name for his tour - it's The Peter Kay 'You Can Stick Your Ticket Sales Up Your Bum' Tour.....

    I was just over 5000 in the queue for Nottingham - an hout later when I was finally allowed onto the site, they had the odd single seat left. I know folk like to go in groups, but letting people buy 10 tickets each has screwed those of us that only wanted a couple - and the resellers are already listing plenty of tickets, so it suggests that lots are buying way more than they need to make a profit......

  2. 25 minutes ago, Mucker1884 said:

    Listening on Talk Sport 2...

    Hearing a bit of "Derby, Derby, Derby..." during the pre-match anthem was heartening! 

    The travelling Rams in good voice during the opening minutes.  ? 

    Thanks for that mate - hadn’t realised they were doing commentary. I lasted nearly 10 minutes with Dawes wittering on and not having a clue what was actually happening….

  3. 1 hour ago, ketteringram said:

    No. No need for any police to be involved at all once there's no risk of them falling. Just leave them there.

    I guess the idea was to prevent them leaving (or falling off) - leave them overnight so they have to sit through the fume from the evening and mornig rush hour would be ideal.....

    I wonder if anyone can calculate the amount of excess pollution they and their friends have been responsible for by bringing the traffic to a standstill? - seems to be self-defeating to me if your protest is actually making the situation worse.

    Same as the numpties complaining about the A38 improvements in Derby - delaying/blocking the junction improvements means more stationary traffic and more noxious gases in the atmosphere.....

  4. 30 minutes ago, Stive Pesley said:

    If I have a "narrative" on climate change then it's that the problem is global and can only be solved globally. People who continue to look at it from the perspective of individual countries and who is worse than who - are akin to bickering toddlers blaming each other for the stink that emanates from both their nappies. It doesn't bring anything to the debate, it only detracts



    Maybe I misread your comment - you seemed to be pointing out that the UK was a worse polluter per head than China - which as you say is utterly irrelevant in the big scheme of things.....

  5. Many years ago I was sent for a day trip to one of the company's depots in Guildford - thought it would be a nice jolly until they gave me the keys to the pool car - an Autin Montego estate. It looked like a shed on wheels - and it drove like a shed on wheels. It just had no substance to it at all - slam the driver's door and the whole thing rattled - absolutely terrifying on the motorway in torrential rain.....the epitome of everything wrong with British car manufacturing in the late 1980s....

  6. 17 minutes ago, Stive Pesley said:

    Or brush up on your cockney. China is 39 times bigger than the UK, so by size you're saying that we are worse polluters

    Pretty sure the damge to the environment should be measured on totals emiited rather than a per head basis - though that evidently doesn't fit your narative so doubt you'd agree....

  7. 1 hour ago, Tamworthram said:

    The rules for league 1 and league 2 seem to be the closest to a sustainable model. Wages will always be the biggest operational costs and, as I understand it, these are restricted to a percentage of turnover. It’s not a level playing field  as the likes of Sheffield Wednesday and Derby will have much greater income than smaller clubs but the purpose of the rules isn’t to create a level playing field. You can even include funds from rich owners in your turnover but only if it’s by way of a donation and not a loan.

    Dontations rather than loans should always have been the rule at all levels of the game - if a rich owner wants to help his club, fair enough - just don't expect to get the money back when you get bored.....

  8. 16 minutes ago, Mucker1884 said:

    Wait!  WHAT???? 

    What is it with you this week?  First you just blurt it out that Elvis has died... with no consideration for people's sensitivities... Now this!  I'm stunned... Stunned, I tell yer!  When the hell did this happen?   ?


    I just hope you don't blurt out any more shocking revelations between now and when Santa visits.  I doubt my heart will cope!  

    It's disgraceful isn't it? I'm so shocked that I'm going down to Woolies to treat myself to a bag of Pick n Mix and then nip round to C&A for as new pair of polyester underpants.....

  9. 1 hour ago, Eddie said:

    Have you tried getting one appointment, let alone two? I was advised that, as I am classified as "Extremely vulnerable", I ought to get both as soon as they became available to me.

    Next time I require medical advice, you can be sure that I will ask you first. How much do you charge for a consultancy?

    Got my flu jab at Boots (could have had next day if I’d wanted to) and according to the nhs website there are plenty of opportunities to get a the booster when I decide to….so yes I have tried to get 2 appointments thanks. 
    By the way I wasn’t offering medical advice, just suggesting that applying common sense might be appropriate….even more so for those like yourself that have underlying health issues….

  10. 30 minutes ago, Reggie Greenwood said:

    I didn’t have both together (refused the flu one as it’s made me ill in the past )  but my Mum was given no choice by the Heath visitor. Whacked both in even though she asked for them separately. She had a bad headache for about 3 days after . 
    NHS seem to be offering both at the same time so probably more about “efficiency “ than any laziness. 

    I know they’re offering them together (I know quite a few who’ve had them), but I’m surprised so many are agreeing - why take the risk of being ill if you don’t need to. Your mum’s health visitor was bang out of order ignoring your mum’s request…..

  11. Just gone for 'celebs' as the list would be way too long if I included politicians:

    Ryland, Michael McIntyre, Jamie O'Hara, Tik Tok Lingard, Micah Richards, Alex Scott, Alex Jones, Huw Edwards, Fiona Bruce, Noel Edmonds, Ant & Dec, Prince Harry & Meghan, Andy Twigge, Sally Pepper and Ed Dawes - can't stand any of them and they all deserve the worst the jungle can throw at them - with any luck they could simply leave them all there at the end of the series and make the world a better place....

  12. 9 minutes ago, David said:

    Wait for the World Cup when we see a team of pundits out in a Qatar studio outside the stadium, a job that couldn't possibly be done from a studio in London. 

    The BBC News will almost certainly send a team of news presenters (i.e. auto-cue readers) out there as well - along with their own bunch of make-up artists, cameramen, sound engineers, lighting engineers, directors, gophers, etc.....

    For many, many years, BBC Radio Derby would send their own reporter to the tennis at Wimbledon - I suspect the other local radio stations did similar - all to report via the radio on something with virtually no local connection and to do something that could have quite easily been covered by one reporter for the whole country.....East Midlands Today also send reporters to natioanl events  when there is no justification (other than as part of the 'send the staff on a jolly' approach to wasting money....)

    It's frustrating to see them slash whole services when they plead poverty rather than try to work more efficiently - almost as if they're doing it to make a point rather than geunuuinly trying to save money....

  13. 12 minutes ago, SamUltraRam said:

    Or maybe it's the Director General at the BBC that you should contact, not the Tories.

    "Around £19 million from the BBC’s local budget will be “reprioritised” from broadcast services to online and multimedia production."

    So the BBC would rather spend your money on attracting a younger, probably woker audience

    Why don't they just shelve the Eurovision Song Test, that'd save loads of money 

    Crazy thing is that a lot of their ‘target’ audience don’t listen to radio and don’t watch TV. My lad is 22 - he streams any content he wants via Spotify or Netflix/Amazon Prime - he’s simply not interested in anything the BBC produces yet they insist that they want to produce more content for his generation and sod the older folk who rely on local radio and TV…..

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