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Posts posted by Gaspode

  1. 15 minutes ago, vonwright said:

    Given that he's gone for what I assume is a fairly nominal fee, it's weird that no Championship club came in for him. He was arguably our best and most consistent player last season, and last season we were (points deductions notwithstanding) a lower-mid-table Championship side.

    Maybe clubs are wary of signing someone who has shown such utter contempt for the contract that he signed - not only that, but he also appears to have refused to return to the club while his issues were addressed. Suspect he's done some serious damage to his reputation in the UK with his actions.....regardless of his ability on the field

  2. 34 minutes ago, Phoenix said:

    One January some years ago, my cousin who lives in Ashbourne, was taking his daughter to Manchester aiport for a flight to Canada. It was snowing and by the time he got to Manchester there was about 2-3 inches lying. This, naturally, caused flights to be cancelled for the unforseeable future.

    My cousin, fearful that the people who were to meet her in Canada would have a wasted long journey, and not being able to contact them, phoned the airport in Canada (don't know which one) to warn them. Don't ask.

    "Gee, you're planes are grounded!? How much snow have you got!?".

    "About 2 - 3 inches"

    Peals of laughter on the other end of the phone.

    When folk get upset about the country grinding to a halt for snow, you have to ask yourself (as a tax payer) if you'd really be happy to pay the many, many tens of millions for extra snowploughs and prep that we'd need to keep the country running, in the full knowledge that they'd all be sitting about deteriorating for 360 days every year? Countries that cope better than us with wintery weather tend to do so because they expect more show and ice so are willing to pay....

  3. 3 hours ago, Phoenix said:

    For diversity and inclusivity, visit Leicester Royal Infirmary.

    I read an article many years ago in the Daily Telegraph, where the reporter obviously decided to go on a mission to find the Head Honcho for his local Hospital trust. He went through layers and layers of management until he reached the very pinacle, 11 layers.

    He was told that was after they'd already reduced it by 3 layers.

    Just think how many nurses you could employ if they did a cull.

    I think it was one of the Troubleshooter prgrammes that Sir John Harvey-Jones did for the Beeb where he was asked to go into a large organisation that was inefficient (may have ben a police force) - I remember him stating then that no matter how big it was, if your company/organisation more than 6 layers from the lowest paid member of staff to the CEO, you were doing it wrong....not at all surprised that there are so many levels in the NHS....

  4. 6 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    ....“I finished the teamtalk, I turned around and Krystian is standing there,” Rosenior said. “He’s not leaving the club because he doesn’t want to be here, he’s leaving to follow his dream and we should appreciate that and give him the best chance to do that.”

    He must eat cheese before he goes to bed - most people would consider playing for that club in front of their toxic fans more of a nightmare than a dream.....

  5. 1 minute ago, Srg said:

    We did the same thing, albeit with older players, with Wigan the season before. Can’t blame other clubs, it’s the rules that are s****. 

    But the point I was making was that these vultures are deliberately targeting young promising players knowing they'll get them at a fraction of their real value - with the potential for huge profits a few years down the line.

    The players we picked up from Wigan were never going to significantly increase in value and they wanted to get them off the wage bill - whereas we would have wanted to keep most of the young players.

    You're correct that the rules are crap that allow this, but I still detest those clubs who saw we were in trouble and thought they could take advantage....

  6. 8 hours ago, Andicis said:

    I remember people on here trying to claim Palace were a nice club trying to help us out, haha. I think that shoots that theory dead.

    They and several other vulture clubs need to live long in our memories - so much for the so-called 'football family' when there's the chance of grabbing a promising youngster for a pittance because his club is in trouble....

  7. 8 hours ago, Ram1988 said:

    I hope we aren't waiting for the Byrne situation to be sorted before we can get a right back in. If he doesn't want to play for us surley we should just release him before we becomes a negative influence.

    Ah, so you're suggesting that any player that "doesn't want to play for us" should simply be released? - regardless of the length of their contract ; how much we paid for them; what their possible resale value is? That will make the football transfer market an interesting place....good grief

  8. I was subjected to a police dog shoving its nose into my groin when we played Stoke a couple of years ago. I thought it was just being friendly so I reached down to scratch it’s head only to be given a right telling off by the accompanying bolshy policewoman. Perhaps if she’d explained it was a sniffer dog and asked if I minded being searched I might have reacted more favourably….

  9. 2 hours ago, alanmarklewis said:

    Could be a great signing for them seeing as they didn't have to pay a transfer fee.

    At least they're buying a few players in an attempt to be competitive, can't knock them for trying.

    They'll have almost certainly stumped up a huge signing on bonus for him though - and as West Ham were alledgedly talking about £150K per week (and possbly a longer contract), I think the lowball (relative!) wage agreements being quoted may be wide of the mark.

    Great signing if (BIG IF!) they get the West Ham version rather than the mardy, petulant, can't be bothered version that's been on show too often in his career - and if signing him on such huge wages doesn't destroy moral in the rest of their squad....

  10. Loved watching that team - who knows where we could have got to if Maxwell hadn't been such a crook....

    I was in the away end for that game - a great result, but completely overshadowed by what had happened at Hillsborough

  11. 28 minutes ago, LazloW said:

    Could be a genuine misunderstanding or mistake by both the club and/or the Council (but everyone likes to give the Council a kicking!).  Might also be an over zealous warden who made an error (the Council probably aren’t going to push them under the bus).

    The good thing is it got sorted, albeit it wasted your time and probably caused a degree of concern and frustration.  Things like this shouldn’t happen, but they do. 

    The DET do love a story like this though - even though ‘Council mistakenly fine people parking at Pride Park but cancelled it so all’s well that ends well’ isn’t really much of a story.

    People would stop giving the 'council a kicking' if they didn't c***-up so often and if they occassionally held their hands up and admitted that they'd made a mistake. Implying to the OP that they're doing them a favour by cancelling an unwarranted fine only adds to the desire to kick them up the backside....

  12. The problem is that you're assuming the council are capable of logic....

    They know they screwed up, but they're not going to publicly admit that as they'd have to cancel all the tickets/refund everyone - as it stands, they can sit back and wait for people to contact them for a refund.....and keep the money from those that pay up without making a fuss....

    If I was you, I'd contact the DET - they'd love a story about the council that claims to supportt the club issuing fines to fans that have legitimately paid for their parking....

  13. 22 hours ago, Crewton said:

    BBC4 showing the whole series of Boys From The Blackstuff tonight. Just watching Yosser's Story - Bernard Hill with possibly one of the finest performances ever in a British TV programme. 

    Watched it when it was first on TV - I remembered the humour but I’d forgotten just how bleak it was…..

  14. 1 minute ago, JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta said:

    If Rooney comes back here and tries to take players off us knowing the situation he left us in then he isn't really the bloke we thought he was.

    unless he brings £20M with him.....?

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