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Posts posted by Gaspode

  1. 1 hour ago, Frogram said:

    You might appreciate the French " Andouillette " 

    ( Best of luck )


    I did some work in Paris 20 odd years ago - one evening we went to a large 'authentic' (i.e. full of locals) restaurant. One of the British blokes I worked with was a bit of a poncy 'gourmet' type who liked to try and impress with his knowledge of French wines and French food. We all played safe and went for chicken/beef or steak, but Paul had to show off and so ordered Andouillette - when it arrived, it looked (and smelled) like something that had recently been chopped off a donkey. To his credit he did try a mounthful,(but only one) before he pushed it to one side and ordered a replacement.....

  2. 8 minutes ago, jimbo jones said:

    We’ve been handed a 2 point deduction because McKiernan’s bat failed to go through a bat gauge due to tape around it against Hampshire ?‍♂️ 

    Just seen the statement - authorities state that he didn't realise he'd made it too big by taping it but that it is the cricketer's responsibility to ensure that his equipment is 'legal' - and then they penalise the club! - they're as crap as the EFL.....

  3. 1 hour ago, Anag Ram said:

    Yes, it’s great but whilst I’ve not seen the last episode I haven’t really enjoyed Saul’s decline in the past three episodes. His humour and relationship with Kim were his redeeming features and whilst I understand the inevitability (and the parallels with Walter White) it has made it less entertaining. I’ve also missed Gus Fring and Co.

    Very clever show, though.

    I was of the same opinion, but the final episode is pitched just right and rebalances those previous episodes - think you’ll enjoy it…..

  4. 44 minutes ago, SamUltraRam said:

    After 3 games I've been pleasantly surprised by the style of play from our opponents so far. - very similar to the Championship

    Decent footballing sides and not the expected sh1thousery that I'd heard about - and no constant long balls, long throws or time wasting.

    However, this week we play against a Steve Cotterill side & a Scott Brown side - so my opinion may have changed by Saturday night

    I'd agree regarding Cotterill, but Scott Brown has been in management for about 10 minutes - not sure it's fair to criticise the style of play from his team just yet....

  5. 23 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Why is it any different to any other pushy-shovey in the area?

    Because it was so blatant - and because it had a direct impact on the result. Spurs player quite clearly had hold of a big handful of hair and simply pulled the Chelsea player backwards as the ball came into the area. If the ref gives the free kick, Chelsea hoof the ball up the pitch and win the game….

  6. 4 minutes ago, Unlucky Alf said:

    New rule, If you have long bushy hair you are allowed to pull it out by the roots, Chelsea Vs Spurs, Ball was in flight, Incident right in front of the Ref, He has a word gives another corner and Spurs equalise. 

    And worse than that, VAR reviewed it and didn’t see anything wrong!….

  7. 59 minutes ago, Unlucky Alf said:

    I was on water rates a few years back, Seven Trent put a water meter in FOC, My bills came down by a quarter as being single

    I agree it's a lot cheaper for singles or couples (particularly if they have a larger property in a nicer area), but that's countered by big families (or selfish gits that want a lovely green lawn) using a lot more - never understood why the water companies have not pushed for everyone to have a water meter fiited - they wouldn't need to threaten us with hosepipe bans if everyone wwas already being careful about how much they used....

  8. 1 hour ago, Wolfie said:

    Nobody has said you can't water plants. Pisses me off to see sprinklers on lawns when I walk round where I live.

    I've got a hot tub. The water has been in it since winter and I need no more than a bucketful every couple of months to keep it topped up.

    I don't have a paddling pool but I would assume that they are emptied onto the garden anyway.

    Annoys me more that we have a water meter so have to watch our use of every damn cup of water whereas those on water rates spray the damn stuff everywhere without a care in the world - that and the ridiculous number of leaks that the water companies bleat on about fixing but don't address properly via proactive maintenance....

  9. 12 hours ago, Rev said:

    Just finished Afterlife.  

    3 series of hoping the useless Bamford would top himself, and spare me the misery of watching any further.

    Alas, not to be.

    Jeez - could you not have started with 'spoiler alert'....

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