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Posts posted by Gaspode

  1. 7 minutes ago, Unlucky Alf said:

    Geriatram is the man who can tell you all about this, Not sure which department store it was on the East Street area of town, Money was put in a canister and shot through a very long tube, A minute later said tube was back with change and receipt.

    This guy who was known as "the fiddler on the roof" made a few bob but was caught and served time.


    Midland Drapery.....

  2. 2 hours ago, Half fan said:

    ....It is sadly well known that social media can inflict a lot of harm on its targets....

    I have a simple solution to that - I have determined that anyone who has a different opinion to me is a bell-end - consequently there are an awful lot of bell-ends.....(both on here and particularly elsewhere.....)

  3. Last night will at least have shown Warne that he can't afford to have Sibley playing anywhere defensively - his complete lack of footballing awareness (never mind tackling ability) was quite shocking. At one point, an Exeter player ran at Sibley with the ball, knocked it past him and then ran round him to collect the ball before Sibley had even begun to turn - and in the next few minutes there were a number of other situations where his body positioning was so wrong that the Exeter players just waltzed past him (or played the  ball past him) with ease.....

  4. 21 minutes ago, alram said:

    worrying that they seem to have got solid now and aren't playing with 2 at the back anymore

    Their fans will enjoy the performance and the result today. Opposing managers will also have enjoyed the performance - Forest were absolutely wide open at the back every time the ball was crossed into the box - they got lucky that the scousers were off colour today, but they need to address their defending urgently or they’re going to get hammered a lot this season….

  5. Weird looking at the Villa bench after they went behind - Gerrard and 3 or 4 of his coaches all sitting in silence. Looks to me as if he’s lost the players and doesn’t expect to get anything from the game - perhaps he’s already been told that he’s out the door…..

  6. 31 minutes ago, littleover ram said:

    I don’t know how I feel about Bielik. He’d be fantastic at this level and an addition to the team but he could have shown more loyalty to the club which spent a record fee on him and paid him while he had two career threatening injuries.

    It’s like an ex coming back when they feel a bit lonely and unloved 

    He’d got his international manager saying he needed to play at a higher level to get in the World Cup squad and we needed his wages off the books so we could bring more players in - not really sure there was any lack of loyalty in those circumstances….

  7. 12 hours ago, uttoxram75 said:

    Aldi own brand Chocolate Oaties taste better than McVities hobnobs (according to blind taste panels) and are about 1/3 the price.

    Also, if anyone is partial to McVities Ginger Nuts, the Tesco own-brand 'Miss Molly' version tastes just as good at a third of the price....

  8. 1 hour ago, Rampant said:



    He's a left back. Don't think we ever played him in any other position tbh unless he filled in at CB now and again.

    He played as an emergency striker for us when we didn't have any forwards available (and he scored) - think that was what @Mucker1884 was alluding to.....

  9. 4 hours ago, PistoldPete said:

    I have 6,000 posts in 12 years so average one per day. But a high proportion of those posts were in the Administration Thread which should count double in the saddo stakes.    



    I'm on nearly 4000 in 12 years - though I tend to go for quality over quantity (whether that is good or bad quality is obviously open to debate)......

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