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Posts posted by Gaspode

  1. Reports that Reading will get another 6 point deduction after breaching the financial plan they agreed to last season when they were deducted 6 points and had another 6 point deduction suspended subject to them sticking to the agreement....

  2. 1 hour ago, Chopper said:

    On Twitter (usual disclaimers apply) a bunch of them, when not sharing memes of Neville and Scoles snogging with a "That's you that is" to us and Villa, suggest that they actually want the EFL to get involved. 

    Now I don't know enough about their particulars or the behind the scenes gossip to judge but who in their right minds actually want the efl to notice your club? I dunno, perhaps they are deflecting, naive, or I'm just paranoid.

    Most of them have wanted their owners to move on for a number of years - I guess they think the the EFL may make this happen - they haven't yet twigged that the EFL model is to punish the club for allowing crap owners to operate rather than punish the owners themselves - the alternative would be for the EFL to admit that they're really (really!) crap at governing the clubs and making sure only 'fit & proper' owners were in place....

  3. 26 minutes ago, Mucker1884 said:

    Filament-thin retractable dog leads, in a sort of invisible steel-grey colour, on an overcast steel-grey sort of day, at least as long as the smooth wide tarmacadam shared cycle/footpath is wide, when used in conjunction with an 8" tall rodent-reminiscent curious dog, and an owner who is half-way to being comatose sat on a park bench, whilst simultaneously seemingly forgetting that he had been put in charge of said curious dog and aforementioned semi-invisible retractable lead.

    A big shout out for Hydraulic disc brakes, says I, as due to the very low height of the lead, I strongly suspect the poor dog would have been decapitated, as opposed to the cyclist (me!) being flipped over the handlebars.

    I saw the owner sat on the right, well in advance.  I also saw the dog on the left, with plenty of time to react accordingly, and utilise the full 2.5m width of the seemingly clear pathway between, with equal ease and consideration.

    What I almost failed to see in time, was that FUCKIN' POXY LEAD!   



    I has a similar experience a few years ago (thankfully didn't come off the bike) - explained to the woman how dead her beloved dog would have been if I'd hit it or the lead stretching from where she was wandering onto the grass on my side of the path. Her response was that I shouldn't have been riding my bike there - to which I responded in fairly robust language that I was riding on a fecking cycle path which was quite clearly denoted by all the pictures of bikes painted on the fecking pavement....

  4. 39 minutes ago, ilkleyram said:

    It was. And he was making a good point very well. So too with linos. If they’re regularly a yard or more behind play then they’re always going to be guessing about whether a player is offside or not. 

    Whether the efl has the money or will to make them professionals or not is a reasonable question. They probably don’t have the money. 

    We've had a few linemen this season that have relied on their guide dog to tell them what's happeing on the pitch...

  5. 3 minutes ago, The Last Post said:

    If I go to away games I'm resigned/expect to be standing up as a good few do, The person "who complained" has the right to do so, Also they have the right to sit where they choose if a seats available...I guess not many if any stand up in the West Stand? 

    I think most of them prefer to be lying down......or at least reclining grracefully.....

  6. 10 hours ago, Alpha said:

    Oh dear. Is that really what it's come down to? 

    It's almost certainly Lewis pushing to have the Merc painted black, but as far a weight saving goes, there are suggestions that the colour of the paint can make signifcant savings.

    If you saw the documentary on Dave Brailsford when his cycling team were winning everything (obviously ignoring any drug related help they were alledged to have had), one of Brailsford's guiding principles was to micro-examine every single element of the team - they made numerous minor changes to save weight - a few grams here or there may sound insignificant, but when that is applied across numerous areas, the overall saving is worthwhile....

  7. 6 minutes ago, Stive Pesley said:

    I wouldn't expect any classic comedy, coming back after 45 years to be any cop

    I expect it even less after hearing Cleese being such a reactionary old grump about so-called "cancel culture" these past few years

    I suppose it all comes down to whether his primary incentive is to make people laugh, or if it's to annoy the "wokies" and be controversial

    I hope it's the former


    Quite hopeful he might manage both....

  8. On the verge of being sacked by Southampton after his post-match claims that he was one of the best managers in the game but had been forced to compromise his playing style at St Marys.....

  9. 1 hour ago, Oldben said:

    Cardiff fans had something to say about Collins when he played for them.

    He's improved a lot from that position.

    As a team we are penalised by the efl with their transfer ban, which runs through this season and next season.

    I'm grateful that Collins agreed to sign for us, he does appear to play with his heart.

    However, he's not a player I'd have brought to the club if we could have paid a transfer fee.

    I've made much of my desire to sign any of the highest scoring strikers in this league.

    Even if we were a top 2 side at present, places are decided on goal difference as well. Our goal difference isn't that great.

    Mcgoldricks contract ends in the summer, he's performing great for us but I'm not convinced I'd renew his contract. He will be 36, you only get slower at that age.


    Desperate times if we're taking the opinion of Cardiff fans as gospel....and thankfully, you're not in charge of transfer policy at the club...

  10. 15 minutes ago, Tamworthram said:

    I hope you’re right but isn’t there a counter argument that breaking the rules/business plan may have resulted in further sanctions and that is the reason we are abiding by them/it? I know the EFL work in mysterious ways but in the real world breaking rules usually result in consequences. 

    It's not a counter argument, it's a statement of fact - if we breach the agreed plan we'll be penalised (again) - and quite rightly....however if the business plan for the start of this season set out a maximum amount that we were allowed to spend and (by having a larger than expected turnover and being sensible/frugal with our recruitment) we've spent considerably less than that agreed figure, Clowes can legitimately say to the EFL "there you go, I told you I would run the club properly and that I'm not another Mel Morris, how about you give me a little more leeway so we are more competitive next year?".

    The whole point of the imposed business plan is to make sure a club that's managed to clear a big chunk of its debts via administration does not immediately return to the old ways of gambling the club's future on stupid signings they can't afford. It feels like a punishment, but it's actually there to prevent what happened to us in the past being repeated by the new owner - Clowes has demonstrated he will run us sensibly and I'd hope the EFL will appreciate that when they review our siutuation at the end of the season...

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