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Posts posted by Gaspode

  1. 5 hours ago, Gee SCREAMER !! said:

    Anyone seen West Hams set of games. Pretty heavy run . I'll have a look in 3 games time

    Unless West Ham learn how to defend properly, then they’ll take one of the relegation places at a canter - £100m rated Rice in midfield and Bowen upfront yet they played like a pub team against Newcastle - and more worrying for them, they didn’t look like they were up for the fight….

  2. There's often a huge gap in the middle of the park where none of our players seem to dare to tread - against Ipswich for example (though certainly not exclusively in the past couple of months), their number 5 frequently had no-one within 10 yards of him - meaning he picked up all of the loose balls and got them moving - leaving us to chase back in desperation. Whether that's due to the players we have not being suited to the central midfiled 'general' role or simply that they're too knackerd/incapable of covering the pitch is hard to say, but I can't see an experienced manager like Warne deliberately setting them up to give such easy possesion to the opposition.....

  3. 19 minutes ago, RadioactiveWaste said:

    I like to think of it, not so much sacking cooper to ensure relegation, so much as an opportunity to appoint someone incredibly ill suited to the championship.

    There must be someone with the right look of ability masking a deep and pure ineptitude who forest could turn to.

    Frank if he doesn't go back to Chelsea?

  4. Crazy if they sack him - it's the recruitment that's killed them, not the manager. Assuming they go down, they may well get promoted again next season if the keep Cooper - anyone else would be starting from scratch and that's a huge gamble - then again, the owner has piddled so much money on staying in the PL, that he probably thinks he has to do something if there's even a faint chance of them staying up....

  5. 20 minutes ago, David Graham Brown said:

    I was thinking wistfully about the Roman Amphitheater, and judging the referees performance at the the end of the game we either put our thumbs up, or in the case of Saturdays game down. The penalty for a thumbs down? I’m open to suggestions.

    Release the lions?

  6. 17 minutes ago, The Last Post said:

    I was in Leeds a few years ago, Son in Laws stag do and England Cricket a great weekend was had, Any way, We're in this bar as you do and we're talking to these lads from Derby, Here for the game we ask, No mate, We're beggars...I lol, No seriously it's easier money up here, Derby is full of beggars, He reconned he would clear £300 for the day, He said at night is the best time...pi$$ed up yorkies spunking their loot, I like to think I aint green...but Christ on a bike.

    I given to those in doorways in Derby City centre...but always think...is it for food and a hot drink, Or smokes, Drugs or alcohol...it's a no win situation 

    It may be an urban myth, but there was supposedly a bloke used to sit near the underpass to the Main Centre before it was demolished - would sit there all day with his little cup collecting money - and at the end of the day, he'd go through the underpass to the car park and get in his Merc.....

  7. 12 minutes ago, The Last Post said:

    I give to Cancer research and The Salvation Army at Xmas, Both done through their own websites, No 3rd party taking their cut, Does all the money go to saving the poor or sick...not a clue, But I sleep well at night.

    On a side note, 2 young uns knocked on my door the other day, Both had T Shirts with save the Children, Told them I don't give to doorstep collectors, Also those chuggers who go into pubs with balloons and a bucket for cash, The amount of people who give is quite astounding...probs through guilt 🤷‍♀️

    I have vague memories of one of the Sunday rags investigating the finances of (if I remember correctly) the RSPCA a few years ago - something like 90% of the money donated by the public went to pay staff including the 6 figure salaries of the chief exec and several of their mates in the 'management'.....

    I always used to tell the sally army to bugger off when they used to do the rounds on a Friday night - cheeky sods don't agree with drinking alcohol but are fine with taking money off drunks....

  8. 7 minutes ago, Collo_DCFC11 said:

    Good defender but as with Knight, I think our fanbase hugely overrates him. I think he will be a mid-top end Championship defender and have a very decent career but that is his ceiling for me.

    Pros - comfortable on the ball & great passing range, good character, tackling and last-ditch defending (although this is often caused by his cons!) and decent enough in the air.

    Cons - positioning, pace, mobility, height, concentration and decision making

    To answer the initial question, I think he is a decent defender, slightly out of form, as per the majority of the team but when/if we get over the blip, he will be a key player in the run-in at this level.

    Sol Campbell made an entire career - including far too many England caps - from good recovery tackles after he'd screwed up the basics of defending including concentration and positional awareness....

  9. I wonder if he’s carrying a slight injury at the moment - last few games he seems to have lost a bit of mobility and the little burst of pace that used to get him to intercept the ball - may just be a loss of form, but he’s not been the same player since he came back from his injury…

  10. FA have brought this on themselves by not banning Fernandes when he pushed the assistant ref - they’ve effectively removed the invisible barrier that meant the officials should never be touched and as such made players like Mitrovic think they can get away with thuggish behaviour….. if they don’t give him a lengthy ban it’s only a matter of time before a ref gets punched….

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