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Posts posted by Gaspode

  1. 11 minutes ago, Stive Pesley said:

    Hmmm - i was with him until he said that WW3, Asteroid strike or climate change destroying earth didn't matter, because there would be a million people on Mars. Surely it's going to be hundreds of generations before any Mars colony is totally self-sustaining with no requirement  for any type of support from Earth? 

    Then I remembered that it was TikTok 

    If he's taking Jessie Lingard up there, then I'm not going....

  2. 32 minutes ago, ziggyram59 said:

    I really think Arsenal have done a Newcastle in the 90's and Leeds plenty of times in the 70's and bottled it and will lose the Premier League Title to Manchester City and if they lose on Wednesday to City then they will have blown it big time. Different times but at least when we won our 2 championship's we never bottled it

    but surely we wouldn't have won the championships if we'd bottled it would we?

  3. 1 hour ago, CBRammette said:

    Why does the modern game obsess with stats and hence we always have to pull people's stats apart to suit an argument? He's been truly marvellous and a joy to watch is actually all I care about. He also noticeably looks after the youngsters.  

    Tin hat on, but I've often thought that those that obsess over stats to justify their opinions need to spend a bit more time watching the football and a bit less time with their eyes on their phones. Stats can be useful - to a point - but obsessing over them takes the joy out of watching a craftsman at work.....

  4. 9 hours ago, Bob The Badger said:

    Whilst completely ignoring the advice of @Rev that it's wise to watch Succession weekly we started watching Tulsa King to fill the gap and at least let it build up a few episodes.

    Hated, Stallone's hammy acting and after half an episode decided to move on to Strike as I've heard good things in here about it.

    Jeez, it's like Midsomer Murders with swearing. I was expecting a lot and after two episodes I am bored senseless.

    Toying with going back to Tulsa King and giving it a fairer shot.

    Thought it was only me that thought Strike was crap - though I’m not a fan of J K Rowling’s writing anyway so I didn’t have great hopes for it - I also managed two episodes of the first series before giving up….

  5. 5 hours ago, Gee SCREAMER !! said:

    Anyone seen West Hams set of games. Pretty heavy run . I'll have a look in 3 games time

    Unless West Ham learn how to defend properly, then they’ll take one of the relegation places at a canter - £100m rated Rice in midfield and Bowen upfront yet they played like a pub team against Newcastle - and more worrying for them, they didn’t look like they were up for the fight….

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