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  1. Clap
    europia got a reaction from atherstoneram in CALLING MEL MORRIS   
    The maverick approach to the clubs finances is unforgivable. The previous DCFC owner opted to not pay HMRC, racking up a debt of almost £30m, which he then dumped into administration. I find that highly offensive. I have run a company and always paid the tax due, whether I agreed with the taxation policy or not. No doubt most, if not all Rams fans have to pay their taxes. As well as the financial shambles he chose to make an enemy of the EFL, then left the battlefield. That act in itself has a significant bearing on todays problems. Everyone makes mistakes, but they shouldn't be confused with conscious decisions made by people who know exactly why and what they are doing. 
  2. Clap
    europia got a reaction from David Graham Brown in CALLING MEL MORRIS   
    The maverick approach to the clubs finances is unforgivable. The previous DCFC owner opted to not pay HMRC, racking up a debt of almost £30m, which he then dumped into administration. I find that highly offensive. I have run a company and always paid the tax due, whether I agreed with the taxation policy or not. No doubt most, if not all Rams fans have to pay their taxes. As well as the financial shambles he chose to make an enemy of the EFL, then left the battlefield. That act in itself has a significant bearing on todays problems. Everyone makes mistakes, but they shouldn't be confused with conscious decisions made by people who know exactly why and what they are doing. 
  3. Like
    europia reacted to i-Ram in CALLING MEL MORRIS   
    Ok, another spirit has appeared. Someone perhaps called Mel or Mal? Maybe Maladministration? Anyone?

  4. Clap
    europia reacted to dog in How history will judge them   
    I don't have the time to go on the Boro or Why sites, but if anyone else has, it might be worth letting them know that football has a long memory and in the same way that some people have not forgotten nor forgiven (eg) Bob Lord, in the same way they will be the same. Neither forgotten nor forgiven
  5. Haha
    europia reacted to 1of4 in EFL Vs HMRC?   
    I think you mean a business meeting, that includes the consumption of cheese and wine
  6. Haha
    europia reacted to PistoldPete in EFL Vs HMRC?   
    Invite him to a party and he will listen. 
  7. Like
    europia reacted to StaffsRam in Rob Couhig on Sports Scene at 6   
    The reason is that time wise they have us over a barrel. If we weren’t in admin, or if we had the time to take this down the arbitration route then they wouldn’t even bother because we all know they can’t prove their case, there is simply no argument to counter.
    Circumstances being what they are tho, they make the claim on the basis that the admins will have to try and resolve the matter, via some sort of settlement, before we can leave administration/prove funds.
    Its opportunistic greed at its worst.
  8. Like
    europia reacted to Ram1988 in Rob Couhig on Sports Scene at 6   
    There is a radio 5 Derby County special at 11pm if anyone will be listening?
  9. Like
    europia got a reaction from EtoileSportiveDeDerby in Rob Couhig on Sports Scene at 6   
    Yes it's a concern. Quantama's bluster and bravado at the beginning of the process looking more and more like a sales pitch to justify their obscene fee. 
  10. Like
    europia reacted to kingsy1884 in Pragmatic Solutions wanted   
    Find ways to fund the club until the end of the season and fight them in the courts.
    If we have to pay the claims we are as good as dead anyway.
    Better to go on or go down fighting.
  11. Like
    europia reacted to Gee SCREAMER !! in Quantuma   
    Wouldn't bother I've seen their twitter replies.  Tried the human consequence before as have others for months.  Aggression is all they understand now to make life uncomfortable.  This way of doing things has got us further in 3 days than 3 months of softly, softly.  It's always the way.
  12. Like
    europia reacted to BramcoteRam84 in Quantuma   
    What have Quantuma done? They didn’t just release a statement on Friday night, they released a hand grenade which has exploded spectacularly, fans have latched onto it creates momentum and within 2 working days parliament are involved. They’ve not spoken because they haven’t needed to.
    EFL have nearly spontaneously combusted with their statement last night. Basically implied their insolvency rules are open to interpretation and subject to change, in other words they make it up as they go along ???
    Boro come out today citing systematic cheating as the basis for their claim on a set of arguments already settled and ruled upon by disciplinary commissions (ie stadium sale) and also the same arguments as the case they brought to the LAP which was ruled against, no systematic cheating was found in ANY of the judgements in the original IDC, subsequent LAP, and final IDC ruling, all they have is subjective opinion.
    Wycombe, while RD gave Couhig the platform to prove he’s a sharp lawyer, they also let him reveal his reasons for the action, which proves they absolutely have no case at all because the IDC did not rule on the Derby sanction, the fine of £100k and the restatement of accounts until after the season had ended, therefore there is no way the points could have been applied earlier, the whole process we also know was delayed by Boro’s failed action, the LAP judgement told us this.
    They have all questioned the actions of Quantuma, of course they are going to!! They want to deflect from the weakness of their arguments and all those parties are concerned about how they’re being portrayed. Are Quantuma bothered, maybe/maybe not but it’s not about saving public face it’s about getting a deal done no matter how dirty it gets. They’ve not spoken to Boro and Wycombe because they don’t believe the claims and have a legal way around them potentially, so they weren’t priority, doing a deal with HMRC was absolute priority, while Pauline Latham said we wasn’t entirely happy about her meeting with the administrators, I’m sure I read another post say she believes it has implied Quantuma have a deal with HMRC. In fact we go back to Quantuma’s statement last Friday and that also implies they have a deal in place with everyone (or at least a route forward) except Boro and Wycombe. The events of the last few days have refocused everyone and led all parties to say they’re willing to come to the table to try and sort this out - maybe that is what they wanted and exactly what was needed.
    The MPs are now challenging ALL parties to get this deal done and that is the right approach and Quantuma will be under pressure to deliver on their requirements.
  13. Like
    europia reacted to Tombo in Rob Couhig on Sports Scene at 6   
    Couhig talks the talk but don't dwell on him being given airtime on the radio. We've made massive strides in the past few days.
    Stay on target. Keep pushing
  14. Like
    europia got a reaction from Rammy03 in Wayne Rooney   
    With Everton going after Martinez it's an indication that they are after a reputable experienced manager. That would criteria would  exclude Rooney at this time. Which is  probably the sensible thing for all parties. 
  15. Like
    europia reacted to The Scarlet Pimpernel in The Administration Thread   
    This needs serious consideration by the EFL and the MP's who are asking questions at the moment. 
  16. Like
    europia reacted to IslandExile in Petition to the Sports Minister   
    Wow. Nice comment from a fan of the Dirties:
    Im a LUFC fan who knows what its like like many other clubs to feel screwed over by the EFL, Derby have been punished enough, more than enough. Naturally im not the biggest admirer of DCFC but me and millions in the world know how much a club means to a community and someone as historic as Derby to go out of existence would be an embarrassment. MOT 懶 Good luck gentlemen and F the EFL
  17. Haha
    europia reacted to Tyler Durden in Crowdfunding   
    Why don't we give Peter Shilton all of the proceeds for him to invest as he saw fit, what possibly could go wrong with that
  18. Haha
    europia reacted to Ellafella in Petition to the Sports Minister   
    That’s us screwed then. ?
  19. Haha
    europia reacted to Tyler Durden in A call to action   
  20. Haha
    europia reacted to i-Ram in The Mods   
    I agree, and stimulating old minds is good too. Sitting at home doing a jigsaw or crossword, watching Bargain Hunt, or knitting a scarf for a nephew, is all very nice but they all desperately hope someone will ring their doorbell, and this is why I like to use this board to help with some social interaction for them.
  21. Like
    europia reacted to AbuDerbyDave in Message for MM   
    MM think it’s more LL (Lord Lucan) at the moment has anyone seen him?
  22. Like
    europia got a reaction from David Graham Brown in EFL statement   
    Yes, in all probability the EFL don't have a procedure for evaluating a funding plan, so can reject on a show of hands. Hardly likely to be an unprejudiced outcome....
  23. Haha
    europia reacted to PistoldPete in The Administration Thread   
    Why not? Do you think he has any friends? 
  24. Like
    europia reacted to PistoldPete in The Administration Thread   
    I think some people have commented how arrogant some of the replies have been. So it seems to have his stamp on it.
  25. Clap
    europia reacted to Van der MoodHoover in The Administration Thread   
    My impression of some of the recent efl utterances is that they had expected us to do the pushing for arbitration months ago...... 
    I mean what a system! When faced with a ludicrous and vexatious claim our admins choices appear to have been either fold, or submit to the kangaroo Court of the EFL with no appeal. 
    Instead they chose to disregard the claims as not in keeping with the law and here we are! 
    And the UK calls out other nations for being kleptocratic gangster regimes! 
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