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Posts posted by therams69

  1. 14 minutes ago, Nuwtfly said:

    There’s plenty on this forum who have been ridiculing posters for their criticisms of Mel for a long, long time. Have a look at the way @therams69was being treated on here. Can understand why the term “heads in the sand” was being used now…

    They have mate. I still stand by my comment, harsh maybe, but I stand by it. I had alot to say and it was hard for me to disclose certain things which led to alot of criticism. Another one of them ITK accounts and all that and every word or term i would use would be used against me hence why I stopped posting on here.

    But I strongly felt many were all too believing of Mel. Perhaps blind faith and all that. The silence from when i posted in May to now was deafening, we should have seen what was coming. The signs were there. 

  2. 1 minute ago, IslandExile said:

    Yeah, immaterial now and no need for a distracting argument but a couple of things, well four.

    1. I was being honest.

    2. This is a forum with a wide spectrum of views, not a lobby group. We all supported @David's stance on the letter.

    3. No one had their head in the sand. To insinuate that is elitist and insulting. Just because people did not agree with you is not justification for you resorting to such accusations.

    4. The letter, the NDA covered meeting and any other action you wanted, but didn't name, have - nor would have had - no impact on the outcome.

    As you said, no need for a distracting argument so I am not even going to bother in replying to your points.

  3. 23 hours ago, IslandExile said:

    You were not slated.

    You were simply asked what any of us could do that would affect anything. You repeatedly refused to answer that - probably because the truth is there was nothing we could do to alter the course of the club.

    Let's be honest, I was.

    I said for us to collectively get together and put some pressure on for answers which transpired a couple of months later after dialogue with other groups. Only 1 group from the supporters charter wished to not put their name to that, this forum. Personally felt that was a mistake but I guess means nothing now does it. We didn't do enough and you cannot say nothing could have been done to alter the course of the club, we will never know that. However, head in sands like many that replied to this thread didn't help did it.


  4. 7 minutes ago, JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta said:

    I'd imagine imagine reason we didn't get it is because they couldn't provide it.

    The club could have rang you personally to say 'everything is grand, no need to worry' but I wouldn't have made a difference, we'd still be here and you'd have simply added being lied to on your list of grievances.

    The thing is, as I stated, it wasn't the club who needed to call me. They all felt the same, scared and worried and have been for months.

    We needed Stephen or Mel to come out publically, they didnt and look. We should have pushed harder for it harder hence my head in the sands comments. Far to many stuck by him blindly.

  5. 29 minutes ago, Angry Ram said:

    Did you go to that sham of a meeting a few weeks ago? 
    People were way too hard on you on this thread Nick.. 

    No I didn't mate as unfortunately was away in Greece. In normal times I would have flown back and left the wife and kids but with covid a lot harder to do...

    If I had been able to go, I would have ripped the NDA and walked out. Simple as that really. That's me though, others would have been present in the room that could have challenged / asked what was needed and perhaps in a more diplomatic way than me.

    Yeah they were mate and why I left the forum for a while. I said people had heads buried in the sand, I stand by that comment as we seem to have seen a big shift in the Mel love in. 

    All I / We wanted was for reassurance that the club would be okay. I actually feel I / We didn't do enough.

  6. 1 hour ago, Ellafella said:

    Btw: we almost had a pitch insurgent from the West Stand Lower first half but for an Owen Farrell-like rugby tackle by a steward down by the hoarding on the seat-side; the tacklee hit the ground like the proverbial sack of spuds. I think the fan took issue with the ref over the relentless free-kicks being given for the so-obvious diving by Boro. 

    From what I understand he had a £100 bet that he would get on the pitch!

  7. 10 hours ago, Ellafella said:

    Good stuff @therams69. We appreciate the work your good self and others have done to get the atmosphere going. It was palpable the impact it had on the players versus Salford; the young players who have less experience of the crowd all mentioned post-match how brilliant the support was - and it doesn’t have to be a bi g crowd either. Keep going! Keep doing the big flag! We all see it and it does inspire us and though you may not get thanks overtly every week. “Football is nothing without the fans” - COVID has underlined that. The Team need us to really get behind them throughput the season and there will be times when this will be hard but South Stand have set the bar high now so let’s keep it going! Thanks and COYR! 

    Just a cog like many others doing various things. I do agree about the young players and I think that was clear come the final penalty, what it meant to them and us.

    Heading into my 12th year now doing the flag... Still memories of carrying it to it's first game with me, whoever thought it was a good idea to get a train and tube to Charlton away with a 20kg flag! LOL! Taking it into Needles at the weekend as 4 very big cuts that need sewing up and seeing that Peterborough have refused it makes sense before Hull away in midweek - hopefully they allow it as normal.

    Thank you for your kind comments ?


  8. Good to see read some positive vibes about the South Stand. The reason we pushed and pushed for it was so like minded fans can get together - also known as the sweaty men by all accounts! Haha! We have other stands as mentioned above for families / older fans etc - all about choice like so many have mentioned.

    The last 2 games have been fantastic, it has to be said. Real good passion. Whether thats down to Covid / situation we are in and the siege mentality, I dont know, but it has to continue. Voices could have dropped when 2 nil down Tuesday night, they didn't. 

    Going forward the plan is to get safe standing in the South Stand. This is very much ongoing, unfortunately despite being one of the front runners we are fairly behind on it all now due to our ownership which is a shame but long term plan wise, that is it.

    Also whilst I am on, just want to make reference to the concourse issue in the South Stand on Saturday against Huddersfield, see below...

    Shortage of bottles of carling (UK wide problem) led to only pints being served. These are generally used for festivals and stadiums so production of these have only just recommenced and DCFC are trying to get hold of some asap. As soon as they have them then the bottle pop up bars outside the South Stand will be open again when they can be.

    With this being the first game back with a sizeable crowd after 500 days things were always going to be rusty with existing staff and a lot of new staff.

    We all know DCFC are up against it at the moment, they are aware of the issues and trying to sort it, just need to give them the time.

  9. 1 minute ago, Inverurie Ram said:

    Yeah we are all well mate. Hope everything sorts itself out quickly at our club and our fans can learn that we will always be stronger together, (await someone on here to probably acuse my words of being too close to those of Dirty Leeds or whatever!)

    Keep on loving our club mate, and some of us realise, that your heart and passion for our club is in the right place........for a very clean, washed superfan!........or whatever guff they choose to acuse you of!


    Guess we are all just passionate, just different ways of doing things!

  10. 10 minutes ago, Tamworthram said:

    Are you sure in the football world there is a requirement to prove you've got the money before you're shown what's for sale?

    In fact, I think your house buying analogy is a good one:

    • someone say's they're interested in your house so you show them around. 
    • They say they want o buy it and negotiations begin
    • A price is agreed upon and it's handed over to the solicitors to sort out all the details
    • Before you exchange contracts, your solicitor will need to see evidence that the purchaser has the money/can raise a mortgage

    Obviously over simplified I know but, is the principle that much different when selling a football club?

    • Someone expresses an interest so you show them what they'll be buying
    • They say they want to buy it and negotiations begin
    • A price is agreed upon and it's handed over to the solicitors/legal teams to sort out the details
    • Before the sale becomes binding both the clubs legal team and the EFL ask for evidence of funds


    Yes. Mel said himself that these checks needed to be carried out before anyone could look at accounts. Said he turned down many others prior to this as were jokers..

    The whole house thing - in fairness if my house was worth 20m I would only want credible buyers through the door with money otherwise you would have nosey people looking at your house all day long - queue Alonso!


  11. Just now, Inverurie Ram said:

    We can't even get along as football fans of the same bloomin club!

    What chance have we got?

    Unfortunately I was brought up on singing songs and chants that supported the club I love and then singing songs that disrespected the club we were trying to beat.

    And I know football forums are all about fans being entitled to their own opininions, but just look at how far the goal posts have been moved within the game.

    The biggest thing I loved about going to the Baseball Ground was the crowd, the wonderful atmosphere of getting behind Derby County Football Club and tearing into the Leeds, Chelsea fans and all the rest...................why did it go all horribly wrong???????

    Why do some of our fans choose to get off on, winding our own fans up..........why oh why????????

    I'm out of here, I'd rather watch dull Sunday night telly than read our own fans bickering with one another.

    Where is your dignity, respect, appreciation, honour, loyalty for your fellow fan of the same football club you all love?

    D.C.F.C. Love, Life & Unity.

    Very sad indeed............a bloody disgrace!

    Always better discussed over a beer in London eh as opposed to on here!

    Hope you and laddo are well mate. Shame it never worked out for Brys at Aberdeen!

  12. 2 minutes ago, Tyler Durden said:

    I agree I just don't know what you would want him to say - it seems patently obvious to the most casual of observers that we are in the kaka but do you want him to come out and say that? Especially knowing that this might then put off other would be suitors or encourage another bout of tyre kickers. 

    We're in the the crap I totally agree but I don't need Morris to come and out affirm what I already know. 

    To be honest if anything it would surely encourage others to put an offer in and get it cheaper?! But i guess you could argue they are already there. If it wasn't for the mess of the accounts and the debt, this football club would be a great purchase! Has everything going or it.

  13. 2 minutes ago, IslandExile said:



    You keep saying that you want us to come together and collectively demand answers but you won't tell us what are the questions we should be uniting behind.

    That's hardly inspiring.

    Yet your highly cryptic "Give it a few days. And its not just me" suggests that you've rounded up a mob, armed them with pitchforks, and are marching on Pride Park with your set of demands.

    Drop me a DM IslandExile and lets have a chat on the phone ?

  14. 1 minute ago, Archied said:

    You may not realise this but that is the way you are posting and coming across on here on this subject,,,,, you may well come across very differently to those that know you personally 

    Possibly so and I do get that. And I apologise now to anyone that feels I have digged at them. Far from intentional. I know things get read wrongly and I know at times I perhaps come across as a w****r. I would like to think I am not but I genuinely hate it when others feel that I think I am special because I dont think that and ever will. Not who I am.

    I have posted on this forum for over 10 years now and by my name. Which is quite rare for anyone else on here.

  15. 2 minutes ago, Archied said:

    Is that the 2.3 that would have already been paid in wages?

    Well no because he had been sacked and the reason we sacked him was so because we didn't have to pay his wages.

    Not to mention the other costs no doubt involved and embarrassment caused. If you are going to do it, it needed to be watertight. Any employer would tell you that.

  16. 2 minutes ago, Tyler Durden said:

    Hey I'm totally with you regards the peripheral debts being added due to mismanagement for avoidance of doubt, I just think that's tangential to the matter in hand but makes the sale of the club even more harder especially if the new owner is going to be picking up that tab.

    I genuinely don't know what the answer is, as a going concern we are are an appalling proposition at the moment. Not sure what getting Morris to come out and make a statement would solve as it's blindingly obvious what dire straits we are without this so not sure what you would even expect him to say? Like yer everything is going to be fine? Think most people on here know or situation is parlous so would be just hollow words. 

    Like I say though mate, he did it 3/4 months ago? Since then another takeover has collapsed. We should be having an update, not just left in the dark time and time again.

  17. 1 minute ago, IslandExile said:

    I gave up arguing with you a few days ago simply because you just wouldn't say what actions you want us fans to undertake. However, you still persist with your rallying calls that we fans come together and demand answers.

    So, as a starting point, please can you list the questions that you want answered.

    Who was arguing? 

    Yes of course. Give it a few days. And its not just me.

  18. 1 minute ago, Archied said:

    ?????,,, what it is your suggesting we do? and though not one to one meetings you have made it clear you used to get small meetings and titbits of info before the great unwashed ordinary fans , I suggest your peeved that has now been stopped??‍♂️

    You see this is the problem. What a stupid thing to say. Before the great unwashed ordinary fans - I dont or wish to be put on pedestal ta very much or be seen as that. Those that know me and all that......

  19. 3 minutes ago, Tyler Durden said:

    That's the problem IMHO if you had your house on the market then there's no requirement for potential buyers to have to prove that they could afford it before they came round to have a look.

    I agree that if someone put an offer in that you'd accept that that's the time when they need to show whether they have the funds or not to complete the transaction, I have the same frustration that if they didn't it's a well thank you for your time and move on - in both cases especially the first the time to get to this has been extraordinarily protracted. Again though am not sure how much fault this can be placed at Morris' door. 

    I just think as I've stated before that Morris is trying to sell the club at the worst possible time and trying to find suitors prepared to offer what Morris is looking for ain't going to happen. 

    But in the football world there is. He has also said that in his own words. Otherwise I may say i want to buy the club just so I can have a butchers at the accounts.

    Wouldn't disagree with that last statement at all Tyler but this is a big mess that he has to take responsibility for. Just bear in mind 2.3m got added to the debts only last week because things were not done correctly.

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