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Posts posted by therams69

  1. 3 minutes ago, Archied said:

    Erm the point was are you peeved that owner and top management have stopped meeting YOU and keeping YOU in the loop ??‍♂️
    pretty much what your doing here telling fans on a forum they should be worried but not prepared give info ?,

    I get your angry ,,, the point you miss by miles is that we are where we are NOW and your trying to round up a gang of pitchfork wielding fans to achieve ????

    No I have never said that. Never had a one on one meeting with them.

    Kind of already explained that - you are either ignoring that or are just late to the party.

    Okay so, in your eyes we do nothing? That will achieve what exactly? Because from where I am standing I do not see this club having a rosy future, do you Archie?

  2. Just now, CornwallRam said:

    @therams69The problem is though Nick, company directors are not legally allowed to publicly discuss insolvency events or flotations. Talking about takeovers or equity injections in the early stages is very unprofessional and liable to be costly if there's an NDA.

    It's almost certain that Derby County's immediate future involves one or more of these things. Even Mel saying that he'll continue to fund the club indefinitely could be prejudicial or a really poor negotiating tactic.

    I suspect that you are literally asking the impossible. 

    I do get that Cornwall and dont wish to ever come across as an expert, far from it. 

    But why not come out and say that? He still owns this football club and as we speak (or at least know!) we have no deal arranged with anyone else. Everyone knows he is desperate, so his hand is well and truly shown. What I do suspect because of this is that there are many interested parties circling to get the club once we go into admin. By all accounts this will only shave £10m off if the nationals are to be believed. The accounts are such a mess (bear in mind we haven't seen 2 years worth is it now?) that I dont think anyone actually knows. When they are released Keiran McGuire will have a field day.

  3. 1 minute ago, Tyler Durden said:

    Yer I thought you would say that. If the two parties who were interested were found out to be tyre kickers then isn't that because the price Morris is trying to flog the club at is totally unrealistic rather than being unprofessional though? Of course I would want to get as much bang for my bucks as anyone else would.

    Not normally arsed about grammar punctuation or syntax on here as mines the worst at times but think you meant alluding to.

    Perhaps it is unrealistic, I dont know. But if i was selling my house worth a huge amount I wouldn't entertain showing people round and dealing with paperwork if i knew they had no money, would you? 

    I still believe he was (I think this may have changed) selling only to who he wanted to sell to on his terms. I know he said he would only do what was best for the club but I fail to see with these 2 parties how these were in the best interests of Derby County and as for him staying on as an advisor, well....... Originally I was very keen for this, so far from it now....

    My apologies Tyler, banging headache today and not with it!

  4. 2 minutes ago, Archied said:

    Ok ,, let’s say for instance mel comes out and says he really doesn’t know in this climate that the club is going to be ok and he needs to sell for whatever reasons to whoever comes up with the money ,,,,,,,,,, what do you suggest us fans do and how does said statement serve the club?

    This is a really good and positive question...

    Many things could be looked at but its better to be ahead of the game as opposed to finding out its all to late. God forbid it would ever come to that but as in the instance with the 3 amigos, RamsTrust had a big say in things and its thanks to their leadership we managed to get things sorted.

    This is a different scale though but why can we just not be in it all together. Someone said on another thread, they dont care what league or how good we are as long as the club exists, they are my feelings too. Look at Exeter, Portsmouth etc... 

  5. 2 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

    Do you think the local media has a wider reach than local media? Are Derby fans only confined to the local area?

    I have no idea why they are not speaking to the local media, if anything I think they get an easier ride from the local media.

    You have hinted that these meetings include information being divulged which should not be relayed to the fanbase. Its pointless cherry picking questions to answer if extremely important information is being withheld.

    I presume you mean National Radio? No of course not but the majority of Rams Fans are located in Derby / Derbyshire. We are not global and even if we were the news should come out of the city your club is in imho.

    You have no idea why they are not speaking to local radio. Okay, do you not think that it's strange why they just ignore local media requests? Does that genuinely not concern you? Both Ed & Nico & Ryan follow Derby home and away, should they not get the chance to ask questions? Huge kick in the teeth to them.

    Okay I think its getting a bit silly about these meetings now. Will give you an example. Keogh was about to be announced as sacked whilst we had a meeting. They felt it was polite to tell us as it wouldn't be fair to see when we got home and no mention of it in the meeting that night. Obviously the announcement was going to be made in the next hour or so. They asked us not to say anything until announced and thats fair enough. That is an example of what I mean. You are reading to much into it. 

  6. 3 minutes ago, Archied said:

    So your peeved your not party to meeting anymore ?

    the bits you and us really want to know about to feel more secure are the bits that can’t really be disclosed in an open all out on the table way for the good of the club, the bits that don’t fall in the practicality all catagory ??‍♂️,

    the last paragraph is just ludicrous, we have no way of forcing mel Morris to walk away from multi millions or forcing meaningless answers , actions will speak no matter what anyone says beforehand 

    Eh? I didn't say that did I? I am not the one who has stopped the meetings.

    Hang on a minute, he said it 3/4 months ago so he can, he is just choosing not to. 

    It is far from ludicrous. The only thing ludicrous is that he has allowed these 2 parties to come through the door thus rejecting other offers and has wasted months in doing so. Just before the start of a new season. Just what we need. Perhaps if the club wasn't such a mess, which I am sure you agree on clearly is, then suitable owners would be queueing up. No one wants the debt he has saddled us with. His mistakes but of course he will never admit that. The latest being Keogh and 2.3m.



  7. 8 minutes ago, Tyler Durden said:

    I'll be honest with you I'm very unclear as well aproros what you're trying to achieve?

    I'm one of Mel Morris' critics but can't see how you can say he's been unprofessional in trying to get rid of the club? If someone wants to sell an asset that that's business not sure where being professional or unprofessional comes into the matter?

    Quite simply, as I said in my first ever original post on this matter, to get Mel or Stephen Pearce (both current custodians of this football club) to come out and speak to the fans via local radio or the DET in an open manner and tell us that this football club is going to be okay. I do not expect the finer details of takeover covered by NDC's to be mentioned. 

    When I say unprofessional I am eluding to the fact that both parties that we have agreed takeovers with have not materialised and on both occasions its always down to the said main guy not having the money. So when i say unprofessional I am referring to the due diligence that is done on these parties. It was clear from the offset that the Sheikh was not a cousin of the Man City owner and it was clear Alonso, well what can I say......

    It comes into the matter because to buy a football club, serious checks have to be made on said individuals. As Mel has said before, these checks are very thorough and he would not sell to anyone. Are you really telling me either of these 2 parties had any metal about them? I guess you could say when you are desperate and all that your judgement goes missing...


  8. 7 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

    Perhaps that is because they have also seen and heard MMs interviews in the national media so, like alot of us, dont actually believe they are being kept in the dark.

    Yes, was not accusing you of doing that, I just think its completely wrong for the club to reveal information to a select few, that they would not reveal to the whole fanbase. I'd hope that any groups that are supposedly representing the fans would point this out too.

    And I will always go back to .... "what is the point in speaking to the National Media when your fan base (a size of our club) is in Derby?"

    Please tell me why you think that is.. Both have asked. Both are denied. Why?

    The whole point of the meetings is so that members of said groups, like you on here, can ask something and that info is then relayed back to you. All part of good dialogue between club and the fans, something that is very important. This is no elite club for said 10 people, Punjabi Rams, RamsTrust, DCFCFANS, have all sent different members on different occasions.

    Absolutely. We are all fans after all!

  9. 1 hour ago, Archied said:

    So the result is an extra ten people have the answers on the vital stuff that concerns most people but can’t really reveal to the fanbase , pretty much like mel and Stephen now ??‍♂️, we then have the scenario of people saying you would / should be worried if you knew the full picture but I/ we can’t really tell you,

    I think it’s great you are concerned for the club , we all are in the main but what your expecting and asking for is totally unrealistic, that coupled with the clear fact that the owner you have the concerns about wants out as quick as he can now anyway ,

    im at a total loss as to what your trying to achieve??‍♂️

    Did you miss the point about the minutes from the meetings being disclosed to all fans? There is no point going to these meetings if practically all of the information is kept quiet. 

    What I said was not in relation to these meetings, I thought that would be pretty clear since we haven't met for over a year. I have in various replies mentioned things I raised at the meetings as general knowledge that perhaps has been forgotten over the years.

    You say you are at a loss as to what I am trying to achieve but the sentence above contradicts that. You know and many others know what I am after. 

    We all know Mel wants rid, he has said that and has also been very unsuccessful and unprofessional in trying to get rid, that you cannot deny. The question is will he be dragging this club down with him and that is where we should all be coming together (and will be) to collectively get some answers. 

  10. 2 hours ago, G STAR RAM said:

    Well if these local journalists 'know what is going on' why dont they say and then I am sure there will be more pressure from the fanbase for the club to come clean.

    From the little I do see of the local media, they seem to just regurgitate articles from national media and internet forums, so not sure I agree that they know any more than us.

    If parts of meetings are private and confidential they should not be discussed at all, it leads to situations like you have created here, whereby you are expecting people to act just on your word.

    It was one of the things that annoyed me about Breakfast Club, MM said things and then asked for them not to be repeated. Its no way to act.

    Sorry let me be more clear... When I said "know what is going on" I was referring to the actual situation and feeling amongst fans as opposed to them actually knowing what is going on. I doubt Jim White has a clue or Simon Jordan (who i actually really rate btw) on how fans are being kept in the dark about so much.

    I haven't disclosed anything that is private and confidential from those meetings. Anything that came out of the meetings I used to post and tell fans, as did others...

  11. 1 hour ago, Archied said:

    Those around 10 or so people in the meeting ,,,, do they get given full and frank details of the financial position the club is in ? 
    do they then pass it on from there to the whole fanbase ? Or do they hold back this information for the good of the club? 

    Some bits of the meeting are P & C which cannot be disclosed which is fair enough.

    The other 95% though is issued through minutes by the club as to which is then sent to whatever supporter base the person at the table is representing. For example David and this forum asked questions that members would like to submit and then would issue minutes from the meetings.

    Full and frank financial details of the club - not by the £ no. But as I have said I have raised questions about recruitment team and the 4 players on 5m per year as an idea and many others have raised other issues surrounding the finances. The stadium was mentioned and we were told it was NOT for FFP as we would easily pass FFP - Believe what you want on that...

  12. 1 hour ago, G STAR RAM said:

    No, not really a gripe of mine, I dont listen to Radio Derby so would be much more likely to see or hear something in the national media than local, but I guess everyone is different.

    I'd say local media are much more likely to report on something in the national media than vice versa though. 

    Fair point on the Zoom meetings, given that MM has had health issues I guess he believes he has more important things to worry about, no such excuse for the CEO though. 


    I think my point is more to the point that the likes of Nico, Ed Dawes etc know what is going on so can ask relevant 'tough' questions, same cannot be said for Jim White. I would just love to understand why they refuse to go on local radio or the DET yet will go out their way to go on Talksport or the Mail. 

    This is why you have a CEO. Just a shame at Derby its in name only.

  13. 20 hours ago, G STAR RAM said:

    Just to be clear here, your gripe is that MM has told us the situation via the national media rather than the local media?

    As for distancing themselves from the fans, when and where exactly were you expecting them to engage the fans? You are aware of the pandemic aren't you?

    One of many gripes is that yes. Is it not yours? Does it not concern or bother you that they refuse to go via Radio Derby or Steve Nicholson? Promises of calls back yet they never come. Why? Because we know the situation better here in Derby than what Jim White knows in London hence why questions would be asked here as opposed to the nationals where they are not. All controlled by Mel and doing it his way, I call that the easy way....

    Well considering we used to meet every couple of months via the supporter charter that would be a great start. A meeting of around 10 or so people. Now if only technology was in place that could still allow the meetings to go ahead. Perhaps I should look at building something that would allow this to happen, I could call it Zoom. Obviously all participants need to be willing of course as opposed to refusing to speak....

    In terms of a pandemic - you could say I am fully aware yes considering I work in Travel, the most affected sector.

  14. 48 minutes ago, Archied said:

    So you demand that mel Morris and Stephen Pearson come out in public and state that the club is in chronic position and apologise to the fans whilst giving the facts and figures to the public domain?

    that helps the club how ?

    Well Mel did come out 3 months ago and say that he would keep the club going until a buyer was found. Since then we found ourselves in a relegation battle on the final day along with another failed takeover. Reassurance should be what we are after and when asked personally he has said "I hope so" - doesn't exactly give me confidence that we will be okay or that is he hanging around for a buyer.

    In no way am I demanding facts and figures. But he or Stephen Pearce (our employed CEO) should be coming out and speaking to the fans instead of hiding behind a national radio station or national newspaper. As I have said, there are reasons why they are running scared of Radio Derby & the DET - that is clear surely?!

    So it helps the club how and why you have asked? Well seeing as we are the biggest stakeholder in this football club and have no idea what the hell is going on, I think it would be quite clear that informing the fans via any of the above forms would be a positive step as opposed to hiding. All that does it make us worry. After all we will be clearly up this mess in some shape or form over the next few years. 

    The club did used to communicate with the fans through various means. That has been stopped at his demand. 

    Sometimes when times are hard, its so important to stick together and get through them. Both him and Pearce have distanced themselves from the fans, in fact they are so out of touch. All well and good when times are good........ Why.

  15. Appreciate we all have views on the Daily Mail or the EFL for that matter but there is never smoke without fire. As I said, we can bury our heads in the sand all we like and just say these articles are rubbish and they have it in for us but I am sorry but these are concerning issues that are not going to go away and the Daily Mail are right to publish them.

    My personal opinion is that anyone would be stupid to takeover Derby County. Our club is in an absolute state of a mess. What from the outside would look a great proposition is not so rosy for any potential investor, clearly.

    My original post was demanding that the custodians of our club speak to the fans and tell us what is going on. I stand by that and action is already underway to further pursue this. I do hope other fans feel it more so now.

    Stephen Pearce and Mel Morris have run this club into the ground. They are responsible for this and owe the fans an explanation.

    The next thing we will see is Wayne Rooney walk and I do not blame him.

  16. 3 minutes ago, The Scarlet Pimpernel said:

    I'm not on Facebook Nick... What's it say? 

    Sorry SP I am not that skilled when it comes to uploading images on here... Couple of posts of interest though. One dated 21 April and one in May. Hopefully someone will upload and we can all make judgement. Good to hear from you again SP and a familiar old face!

  17. Just now, David said:

    Apologies for taking it the wrong way, as I say I do get a little defensive of this place.

    Doesn’t surprise me what you heard though, this forum, myself, taken stick over the years with all kinds of accusations made.

    It’s largely why I’ve stayed quiet myself recently, something that I said would never let happen but it gets to that point where it just hurts, especially with what’s gone on the pitch.

    Last year has been a real grind, why I’m looking forward to the Euros to be honest, bit of a break from it all.

    No need to apologise ?


    Yep and me mate. I covered this in my first original post but i felt that if I didn't say anything then i would regret it.


    Let's just hope we get some assurance soon and we can all look forward to the Euro's!

  18. 36 minutes ago, David said:

    @therams69Just something that has come to me, as I understand you believe fans from outside this forum are demanding answers from the top and this forum is in some way censored or has it’s head buried in the sand.

    A protest was widely discussed before I went away, a tweet which I saw many disagreed with, not just on this forum but in the replies. This was later cancelled due to concerns over access to the Arena parking where vaccinations were taking place.

    Fair enough, but can you tell me why 200 or so fans were able to attend the ground to show support to the players both before and after the Sheffield Wednesday game without using the opportunity to demand answers from the club or blocking access?

    I’m led to believe this idea was initially started on Twitter and shared on this forum, so it wasn’t members from this forum out to give a false narrative.

    Were these fans the minority and thousands more which would have blocked access to the arena stayed away to protest another day?

    This is a genuine question as I do feel that this forum displays a diverse set of opinions, and yes get a little defensive when it’s suggested otherwise.

    Sorry what I meant David was that their was a huge difference in opinion compared to on here as to various other forms. I did not say that this forum was censored or would ever think that.


    There was reasons for the protest being cancelled and I also believe that was the right thing to do considering many factors. I have spoken to Club 84 and had a really good chat with him - many reasons why it was cancelled.


    I cannot tell you that no as it was nothing to do with me. However, my opinion is that they were the solely to support the lads and that was important. Its very hard to go from such a high positive (which thankfully it turned out to be) to such a negative in such a short space of time. That would like be celebrating at Leeds away and then demanding that we have answers from the owners, just would not work. Obviously had we gone down then who knows what will have happened...


    To my knowledge, it was different groups organising different things. There was also knowledge that Wednesday were turning up so a protest in addition to the support for the players would have been difficult to manage.


    You know I support this forum David, you do not need to question that.

  19. 3 minutes ago, Spanish said:

    I feel quote confident in criticizing Mel and the regime, I do not feel in the minority at all.   Defensive isn't especially how I would describe myself quite the opposite really

    The fact that most of us on here seem more worldly wise than others elsewhere means that we probably have a greater understanding as to how businesses work.  You have been called out by @IslandExileto articulate exactly how we should go about getting answers and what are the questions that should be asked.  I suggest you start with that and then you may attract a more appreciative audience

    No one has called me out. LOL.


    Already told IslandExile what to do and my first original post was clear what needs to be the outcome. Refreshing that you are asking about how we go about it though... I don't hold all the answers, what do you suggest?  Issue we have is that we are asking for info which is alien to any other board out protest I have ever known. We know he wants to sell etc

  20. 5 minutes ago, Spanish said:

    What a load of rubbish

    My opinion Spanish. I have spoken to people who ironically mentioned this forum to me yesterday at the Racecourse, they said you wont get anywhere on here if you try and bash Mel. And you would be right I am bashing him and Pearce because they are the only people within Derby County Football Club that can give answers and reassure fans. Not that anyone feels they have the right to that mind, which is just weird but there you go... Perhaps thats how the modern day fan is nowadays, I dont know...


    Anyone I have spoken to in person and on other platforms fully agrees that we should be getting answers from the top. Yet on here all anyone is bothered about is why I can't post certain info or they feel that Mel or our CEO dont have to answer to us. Don't get all defensive but that is how I see it as I read the replies.

  21. 2 minutes ago, Norman said:

    So what are you saying. Mel is selling to whoever because he doesn't want to near enough give the club away for free to a local businessman or one backed by investors.

    I'm guessing the Keogh case is dragging on, and we have a hefty fine hanging over us for FFP breaches. 

    It doesn't look great and it doesn't look like Mel will sell for a pound if it meant selling to the right person(s). 

    I don't trust this football club. We have let a fake Sheikh have a say on signings and our current manager. What the hell are we doing? 


    8 minutes ago, David said:

    Just to answer this as it came through whilst I was writing my reply.

    The last meeting scheduled I believe was cancelled due to Covid restrictions, I would need to go through my emails to find when that was exactly.

    Since then the supporters liaison officer has left her role and no further meetings have been scheduled.

    Could they have been done remotely? Yes, why wasn’t they? I honestly don’t know. If I was to guess then I would say perhaps hands have been tied in what can be said. 

    I imagine most questions asked would have been met with no comment.

    I don’t know if anyone else in attendance knows anything more. I haven’t spoke with any of the other groups.


    That's right David.

    Do you not think it makes a mockery of the whole thing? What is the point in it.

    When questions are answered with no comment, what does that tell you? He was quite happy to try and get us to sign a confidentiality agreement form........

    For the record - the last 2 minutes of the last 2 meetings were never signed off and we both know who had to sign these off.

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