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Posts posted by therams69

  1. 2 hours ago, angieram said:

    What a depressing read. I am sure the drum would have given our chants a bit of focus and helped keep us together instead of all the different songs breaking out and competing so that was particularly bad news.

    I can't fathom the logic about the flag but good on the club for stepping in and creating another - it looked good but as you say does not have the tradition and history.

    What happens to it now? Put away until our next Wembley final?


    Yeah just a little Angie eh! The drum would have been crucial as to get a constant rhythm going, hard enough in a big enough stadium but a little constant noise would then have spread.

    Absolutely fair play to the club, but like I say (Keogh style) it shouldn't have come to that in reality. 

    No idea, maybe it will get surfed at home games, far too big for away games though. Struggle at times to get the Super Rams flag everywhere although most championship clubs are welcoming of it and it should be doing 18 or so aways next year ...

  2. 14 hours ago, Steve How Hard? said:

    Sorry if I missed it @therams69 but what was the outcome with the flag at Wembley? You sounded very despondent beforehand. 

    Wasn't good if I am being honest. Didn't post an update as I didn't want to create anything negative before the day and nothing I could do to change it.

    So basically with Wembley you have to go via the club to request permission for large flags and drums etc. The drum was permitted and travelled on club transport which was sorted by them, it didnt get in though, so not happy with that outcome. Adam went to alot of effort to get it reskinned and ready. Last thing i wanted to be doing on the day was having to try and sort it considering we had it all arranged. It never got in though, so....

    Okay back to the flag... So it was allowed in 5 years ago v QPR ... This time around Wembley insisted it was too small! All large flags that wish to be surfed had to be 12m x 12m or more. Now lets be honest, whats fan/s have a flag that big, practically no one. Why would you as well considering you wouldn't be able to take it around the country to league games, would be pointless. Club at this point decided to produce a club flag that was surfed at the game.

    My take on it was that the flag has alot of history as well all know, 10 years with me, and previous to that a few years with John and Ramstrust. Very disappointing that the flag that we take home and away would not be allowed. I managed to speak to Wembley officials and was basically told same as before, not safe for such a small flag etc etc ... Dynamics of Wembley different blah blah ... Some of the stadiums i have setup and surfed flag in has been tough. Forest Green for one, or Birmingham when I was on the back row and had no space to sort but I did. So quite capable of surfing it and making sure it was held up, what I have done for the last 10 years for christ sake! Got no where with him and felt that the game was all about commercial and not the fans. Biggest game of season and they say no, just sums up football nowadays for me I am afraid, losing the love of it in honesty, far to much politics and stupid regulations.

    Oh and it would have been a £500 fee to pay as well for a team from Wembley to assist. Like I would have needed. As fans we sort it. I dont need some contractors to tell us how to do it, fans know the score as we do it week in week out. Patronising against us fans it felt like.

    Hope that explains it anyway folks! In a nutshell, the game has gone in many aspects.

  3. 4 hours ago, JoetheRam said:

    Quality away day that - Pompey fans were class that day as well (believe it was the day they were confirmed relagated).

    Absolutely it was ...

    Also the order of 1000 black and white balloons that i ordered for the game had appeared on my timehop last week lol

  4. Flag sat very well in the away end last night. We had planned that block beforehand with the WBA safety officer and thankfully not a big walk up.

    Wonder if we will see another attempt by Boro to rip the flag up on Saturday haha! Don't mind that, it was the bottles of coke and god knows what else that ended up on it. Thankfully the guys at Moor Farm washed it for us.

    As far as Chelsea goes …. Despite them having lots of large flags because we are away fans they are not allowed. Watch this space. May need to get on the blower to Frank to sort out.

  5. 16 hours ago, cannable said:

    I was the one who ended up singing World in Motion in there! 


    Such a good night in there. We only ended up there for a quick drink before heading out, well that went to plan some 6 hours later!

    Really enjoyable night.

  6. 10 hours ago, Angry Ram said:

    That would have been brave of them, there was a lot of us about. If memory serves I think we ended up in the same bar post match. 


    There was but not down this particular street ... Remind me when I next see you and will tell you ...

    Back to the Karaoke joint in Frankfurt?

  7. 8 hours ago, Inverurie Ram said:

    I reckon the couple of Kaiser fans gave up when about 6 of you started singing your best song ever and headed off with your flag in one direction.......



    Omg you have just made my day!!!

    Will give you that. He wanted a photo what more can I say.... 

  8. On ‎15‎/‎10‎/‎2018 at 19:27, Angry Ram said:

    A few DCFC flags being stolen in Seville I am being told. Locals looking for trophies. 

    Reminded me when a couple of Kaiser fans followed us back from the stadium to the train station. There were about 6 of us and 2 of them and they just kept staying behind us, knew something was up...

    Lets put it this way, they didn't get the big flag but later intel came out they were known and had been stealing flags to put them up in there local pub. Cant imagine the big flag would have fitted on a wall but no doubt would have been a trophy of some kind.

  9. Hmm what are folks thoughts on the below...

    Last couple of home games I have been putting the flag up in stands so been in ground 45 minutes earlier (I do exit again!) ... Not many in at this time so probably around a 100 or so in stands...

    Anyway, obviously the players come out to train and warm up. But during this time RamsTV is being played on the big screen with audio so anyone in stadium can hear it. Obviously they are discussing the game, team selection etc etc ... Interested to what you think the players would be thinking whilst warming up and listening to this? I know they are concentrating on doing what they are doing but this isn't something that you could switch off from. They must hear all the comments from the team in the studio and I am sure one ear is listening out for their name being mentioned. Do you think this has an impact in anyway? Perhaps if a negative comment from a studio guest was made (not on purpose as to affect the player) but surely it would impact in someway? I know they were talking about Ipswich tactics and how we expected them to line up, would an away team be jeered on by any said comments by studio guests?

    Do any other clubs operate like this?

    Genuinely interested in opinions.

  10. 19 hours ago, ossieram said:

    Does anybody know what has happened to the East Midlands will always be black and White banner?

    Yes it stills here...

    Didnt go game yesterday but guessing it wasnt up in the south stand?

    Simple answer if so ... I asked a week before going Germany to have it took down as was taking it on the trip ... Went to the stadium night before to collect and it was still up there and its proper bolted in so couldnt get it down so it had to stay at home...

    I am guessing the maintenance guys took it down a little bit late hence it wasnt there yesterday ... Will get them to put it back up...

  11. Ahhh Graz square ... It lashed it down about 10 minutes later ... As you can see from the clouds. In the ground the rain was hard and it took 2 of us to carry the big flag across the pitch, weighed about 30 odd kgs as opposed to its normal 15kg.

    This led us to a problem as were flying home the next day and no where to dry out in our hotel room. We were flying back from Bratislava so went to the airport early and thankfully it was hot and sunny there so we laid the flag out at the airport to dry for an hour or so. Airport officials ended up coming to speak to us to see what we were protesting about. Thankfully she spoke good English.

    Ended well and the flag dried really well saving us a massive excess baggage charge!

  12. 3 hours ago, Inverurie Ram said:

    Looked like you had a great time on your Twitter page, I would have been there also if not for it clashing with the family holiday in Pembrokeshire. Always a fantastic time to go and watch the mighty Rams abroad. I've loved all the trips I've been on which have included U.S.A, Belgium, Holland, Finland, Estonia and Utrecht. Keep up the great work with the flag and all the rest, you are a top man. And I'm about to pinch a few more of your flag photos off your Twitter page to stick on here to keep the Super Rams flags flying.

    Yeah was brilliant mate. Really great location for fans as near beach so adults and kids alike could have fun and then of course you got the Portuguese strip for the grown ups at night ... Kept bumping into more and more Derby each night...

    Sounds like you have had a few good away days abroad too ... Only done Utrecht out of them and Austria. Thanks mate appreciate your words! Feel free to put anything on here I retweet or post, its great seeing all the photos you are putting up so keep it up! Top work!

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