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Posts posted by Ramos

  1. I for one like that we are ‘celebrating’ or at least acknowledging our history. Afterall, it’s the past generations whether through our families or through Derby’s previous success that most of us are rams fans today. I get some people say it’s living in the past, which forest actually do - where spotty 20 year olds talk like they were at both European cup finals - and it might remind us we haven’t been that successful lately, but I don’t see that as a good reason not to have reminders of those who have done the name of this club proud. Especially when there isn’t many if any there doing it proud at the moment. 

  2. Am I only the one who wouldn’t mind actually just seeing how Liam Thompson does in that two with shinnie? He looks so comfortable and well balanced on the ball. Looks like he’s of the same vein as billy Gilmour. 

    obvs if signings are made he probs won’t be near the 11, but I really like the look of him and Watson. 

  3. 2 hours ago, RoyMac5 said:

    I know we've seen comparatively little of Cashin but on yesterdays showing he has some talent. Maybe better to sign experienced CBs and develop Cashin?

    Agreed but think it’s always good to have four out and out CBs. So would still take davies, jagielka and Mengi in. But I’d want to see cashin and jagielka start the season together. 

  4. I don’t quite fit the OP as I was born in Derby but live in Staffordshire. One side of my family is from Blackpool and one side is from dover. Grandad started supporting Derby when he moved up from dover in the 50s and from there my dad, me and my sister all support the rams of course. Rest of my family support liverpool bar one forest fan who somehow snuck in by marriage - so not a pure blood! I live towards stoke but funnily enough you see quite a lot of Derby shirts around and about but never seen one Stoke. Cause we are such a massive club. 

  5. Just now, Eaststander7 said:


    hope this is true but then doesn’t really add up with what Nixon was saying earlier…

    Same - but I do imagine Rooney knows more then Nixon about the ins and outs of it all. Sounds like a genuine statement - he’s been vocal last few games on us needing help so I think his stance changing must mean something is going on. Although the efl will probably publish new rules in 47 hours. 

  6. 1 hour ago, angieram said:

    Winning is a habit. Clean sheets another habit. I'll take both, friendly or not!

    Exactly last pre season we made a habit of not scoring and that basically carried into the entire campaign. Winning is winning no matter who it’s against or what competition. Yes next Saturday and from then onwards is the important stuff but another win against Notts county on Sunday will do us the world of good (especially  if we can actually sign the players contributing to it!) 

  7. 2 hours ago, ilkleyram said:

    There might also be another area of concern for the club - they may be concerned about the number of stewards they can get hold of and which they will need to meet their health and safety obligations. That could limit the seats or stands they could open or the overall number of people they can admit.  Hopefully it won’t be a problem in two weeks time but it might have been a genuine area of concern several weeks ago when they actually made the decision about season tickets. 

    Yeah I’m sure there’s a whole host of logistical and operational considerations. I guess maybe on this occasion the club has made a very smart decision? Will be interesting to see if any of the games across the leagues over the first few game weeks do indeed get impacted by things like a lack of stewards etc and get called off. 

  8. 50 minutes ago, RadioactiveWaste said:

    I thought the ticket situation was a little complicated by uncertainty over capacity and potential reductions in capacity during the season?

    If it is that though, it could've been communicated clearly what the policy was and would be in such eventuality.

    But yes, tickets are obviously a legitimate concern.

    On the face of it, it does seem so odd that a club that needs money wouldn’t be trying to sell as many season tickets as possible. However as I mentioned on another thread, my two mates who are accountants believe it genuinely is being done so the club has a much clearer understanding game by game of our cash flow. Ie we sell 20,000 season tickets and then come October it’s lockdowns, reduced capacity or empty stadiums and then they have another whole load of admin to do and forecasting to understand what money is and isn’t available cash to the club. They did say I’m sure in the original announcement they will continue to monitor and introduce half season tickets I think pending how the situation pans out. I just think it’s a very cautious strategy and if they can still attract essentially a similar level of attendance as selling season tickets on a game by game basis then it will have paid off (obvs for example if I’d been able to buy my season ticket they would have my money for the Huddersfield and boro games which I can’t actually attend so that’s where they may lose out, although someone is going in my place, but that won’t be the case for everyone) - if stadiums do have to reduce again. Hopefully come October they will be selling second half of the season half season tickets and it will all worked out fine. 

  9. 16 minutes ago, Sheikh n Bake said:

    Papers are claiming otherwise.

    Yeah - I’m pretty certain one of the tweets you can find of the images show them from 2018. Tbh wouldn’t be surprised if it fooled the papers like it has a lot of people online ha! 

    But in all honesty whether it was last night or 3 years ago, still shows the kind of man he is. 

  10. Just now, Boycie said:

    Has it been confirmed it’s a recent thing or from way a time ago?

    Maybe someone’s been hushed and then asked for more money and a stands been made?

    Maybe it’s already know about with the close family, we just don’t know.

    It’s actually from 2018 - that’s when those images first surfaced and someone reposted them on Twitter with Derby playing in Salford claiming Rooney was out in Manchester last night. 

  11. Curtis and Andre in a double sort ‘contract extension’ esque announcement. Maybe on Friday.

    Actual newbie wise, I think Morrison and baldock will be announced the same day. Maybe early next week. 

    Followed by jagielka, stearman and aluko when we can. Then Carroll, mengi loan and a random unknown exciting signing come end of august. That’s my random thoughts I’ve just made up on the spot. 

  12. 40 minutes ago, VulcanRam said:

    I had a chat with someone I know who works in the ticket office the other day, and they said the only reason they weren't selling STs was the risk of another lockdown - they have only just cleared the refunds for this season and as your accountant friend said, it has created an administrative nightmare. If I'm honest, I'm not sure how or why it's so hard administratively but there you go.

    Anyway, he said the club really didn't want to go down that road again. They might well be considering half STs should all go well up until Christmas. Match by match allows them greater flexibility - the risk of course is that if crowds drop off should the team not be performing, they could lose considerable revenue.


    Exactly but even if they were to have gained that potential lost revenue they would have to return that value to the supporters anyhow in the form of either refunds or discounted tickets, rams tv etc in the future. By trying to stick to a realistic tickets to people in the stadium it allows them to plan and prepare aswell financially for those scenarios, ie full capacity, reduced, no fans and really see how that impacts the cash flow within the club. 

  13. 1 hour ago, G STAR RAM said:

    On top of this the directors would be breaking the law continuing trading if they knew we were insolvent.

    Personally I don’t understand why some sections of fans jumped to that conclusion that no season tickets sales must mean the club is preparing to no longer exist.  By that logic the club may aswell just show our fixtures list with a big Astrix next to every game saying *this game may not be played if the football club no longer exists. 

  14. 16 hours ago, Carl Sagan said:

    As this seems a bit of a finance thread at the moment, I'll ask the question that's been gnawing away at me.

    Does our not selling season tickets suggest on any level that people are not confident we can continue to trade for the full duration of the season? That was my immediate thought when I heard about it. We're a club in a desperate financial mess so surely, if we could, we would do everything in our power to bring more money in?

    Would this be a call by our auditors if this were the case?

    Or are the reasons given by the club for not selling tickets bona fide? 

    Two of my friends are accountants and I asked them about this yesterday.  Neither believe the season ticket situation is a sign of the end of the club or administration however you want to spin it.

    One said for starters that if the club was in danger of going into administration it would be doing the opposite to ensure it can bring in as much cash as possible to help avoid admin. So by not putting season tickets up for sale because we are heading for administration in his opinion, would make literally zero sense.

    The other one said that he believes that if the club was to sell say 20,000 season tickets and then we hit another lockdown and the club can't fulfill those sales - it puts us in a sticky situation and creates a ton of admin - he thinks by essentially ensuring the club only sells tickets where it’s highly likely to guarantee bums on seats, helps the club to gain a much clearer financial picture of the revenue and impact of income from tickets. Of course this is their opinions on what they believe the reasoning is - other accountants and business people may say different things. Personally I think both of what they have said makes sense to me, but I don’t understand the ins and outs of administration etc. 


  15. 52 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Yes but what did he actually do?

    In the 15 minutes or so that Hutchinson was on look what he did. Compare and contrast.

    I mean it’s the first half of the first pre season game so I’d give him a little more time before making a real judgement. He looks a lot more promising than most wingers we’ve had in the last few years and on a free and where we are at - won’t get better than that. In 2018 he got 8 goals and 11 assists for Fulham. There’s a player in there. I also don’t think he’s anything like anya - he beat his man two or three times, turned his man inside out at one point and left him on the floor. Reminds me more of Dawkins than anya. 

  16. 9 minutes ago, Leeds Ram said:

    So far the second half demonstrates much of the same problems we saw last season. When pressure is applied to us we struggle to work the ball from the back and in midfield. The goals have both come from errors and sloppiness that again we saw last season. When given time on the ball we look like a tidy outfit even if we do lack a real cutting edge. But in the championship we're not going to get that time, we really need to work on beating a high press as we haven't demonstrated that we can do that really. 

    Going forward, we're again using crosses and set pieces sometimes to good effect. We do seem to be again relying a bit too much on forwards to do a lot of the work with shots outside of the box without really carving out really good chances through open play coming through the middle. 

    This is literally a team made up of youngsters - and I know derbys team has youngsters but these players are essentially from the u23s so I don’t think you can relate it to last season. 

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