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Posts posted by ram59

  1. 3 hours ago, RoyMac5 said:

    No idea what it means:


    The issue of 500,000 will make the club easier to split up into smaller parts.

    I may be adding 2 + 2 and getting 500k, but is it possible that somewhere down the line, is Clowes going to give us 'normal' fans a chance to buy a share in the club?  If the club was valued at £50M, then each share would be worth £100. I think that most fans could afford to buy at least 1 share. Is he looking to really make the club, a fans' club?

  2. 35 minutes ago, alram said:

    you would be correct in saying our revenues are an advantage in league one yes, but we will also have debts to pay which will take a large chunk out of those revenues unless clowes is willing to wipe all debts but i cant see that happening unforuntaely.


    we still owe a lot of money to football creditors which will have to go out of accounts so anybody expecting us to start spending any amount of money on transfer fees will probably be mistaken.

    The money DC is paying the administrators has to be used to pay the football creditors in full and then an agreement with the non-football creditors, which will be made up from immediate payments out of the purchase cost and staged payments to meet the agreed final total. Whether these staged payments will have to be covered by Derby's income or further payments direct from the new owner, I don't know.

  3. 23 hours ago, Ram1988 said:

    We definitely need to bring in a experienced goalkeeper for me with what could well be a youthful backline (apart from Davies hopefully). Wayne Hennessey could be a suggestion?

    A return for Bradley Johnson ? Will bring some physicality and experience to our midfield, is out of contact and lives locally.



    A bit left field, but Petr Cech has just left Chelsea in a performance role. At the age of 40, is there one last hurrah for him?

  4. 23 minutes ago, Foreveram said:

    You’ve been away too long Alf , if they do the same as last season there is only 3 price bands, side of pitch, west and east, corners and behind the goals, north and south.

    Additionally, they have different age groups, different loyalty groups (no of years holding a season ticket) and early applications. However, early applications may not apply this time round as there will be less than 4 weeks to the first home game.

    There will be only a short time to renew your season ticket, in order to allow new applicants time to choose those seats not renewed or existing ticket holders chance to move.

    Let's hope that the first signings are staff for the ticket office, because it's going to be a bit hectic in there over the next few weeks.

  5. 2 hours ago, robglosta said:

    It obviously doesn’t lie with Everton as he turned them down and make no mistake if this mess hadn’t dragged on for 1.5 years with both his hands tied behind his back he’d have had us pushing play offs. 

    That's something we'll never know, with a bit of money to spend, who's to say that he wouldn't have wasted it on  'Blackman' or 'Anya' type players? He did well with what he had, but he's still unproven under normal circumstances. Who's to say that Derby's impressive home form wasn't down to the undying home support granted to the team last season, personally, I can't remember a season like it for unflinching support at home.

    Hopefully, we as fans can learn from this and try to maintain a similar atmosphere in the future.

  6. The only way to keep a manager at the club, is for football to have a major culture change. Unless a club is successful, winning promotion or cups, fans will demand a new man. Even successful mangers playing 'boring' football are hounded. Alternatively, if you're lucky enough to get a good manager, he is then  likely to get poached by a bigger and/or better paying club.

    I think that this is where we hope that when an ex-player becomes the manager, he will show some loyalty to the club, but the snake put paid to that theory.

  7. 23 minutes ago, jimtastic56 said:

    How long will it take for the EFL to look at multiple low bids? It seemed to take ages to approve CK. And who is going to turn up for cross country runs on Monday morning?

    There's a difference between the Sheikh, Alonso and CK compared to AA and MA. The latter 2 have a track record in English football and are not complete unknowns. I would hope that the fit and proper persons test should be a slam dunk and that their finances are a lot more open.

  8. 56 minutes ago, De22Ram said:


    Christ if Ashley bought Derby and the stadium out right and steadied the ship, ran us sensibly and got us promotion! 5 years have us in the prem mid table, hed never have to buy himself a drink in Derby as long as he lives!


    If you think that, I'm afraid that you're deluded. Football fans in general are never satisfied, they always want to go to 'the next level'.

    How many times do you read about or hear about Man City, Liverpool, Chelsea, Spurs, Arsenal and Especially Man U fans slagging off their owners and/or managers?

    I remember both Charlton and Bolton being comfortably midtable in the Premier, but the fans called for the heads of Curbishley and Big Sam, because they wanted to go to the next level.

  9. The way I see it, is that ignoring any potential buyout, Q need to pay wages and running costs for June. The only income can be from a player sale or a loan, which is what they're doing. From July onwards, Q should be able to show that the club will receive an estimated income from ticket sales, commercial and tv. Set against estimated reduced costs, Q should be able to show that the club should be able to break even next season and encourage the EFL to allow them to put in motion the sale of season tickets, signing of commercial agreements and the signing of players.

    This will buy time for the sale of the club to go ahead.

  10. 2 hours ago, alram said:

    i can't believe what i am reading in regards to people sticking up for the administrators after all the stuff they have done for the past however long now.  


    just shows you, you can do anything and some will still back you no matter what.


    they are not fit for purpose, they should be removed from their position.


    this black balling is the final nail in the coffin for me, i cant see a future with these in charge.

    I think that you need to check the responses on here and get the message that you're totally in the wrong. You have one person agreeing with you and everyone else, trying to explain that there are legal restrictions that Q have to adhere to and despite their many failings, this is not one of them.

  11. 22 minutes ago, alram said:

    no. i expect them to work with the efl, not pull the whole NDA cobblers they have hid behind from the very start. 

    if there is nothing to hide they wouldnt be hiding behind it. 


    So you do expect them to break the law, then?

    Whilst I have very little time for them, their hands are tied, on this issue.

    Just imagine MA puts in a decent bid, only to be bettered by £1M. Straight away, he would legitimately suspect that someone at the EFL had leaked his bid to the opposition. Cue, a long winded legal action, adding months to the deal.

    It's down to the bidders, whether or not the EFL can be party to the negotiations, as well as Q.


    Btw, I'd like to bump off Gibson, but the police would put me on a murder charge cobblers, if I did it.?

  12. 30 minutes ago, I know nuffin said:

    Didn't CK or someone else depending who you believe put 1.5 million in for Mays wages do 5 million won't go far unless we sell

    There is a massive difference between May and July onwards. In May there was next to no income for the club and a number of players on high wages to pay. From July onwards there will be the normal income from season tickets, match day sales, tv revenue and other commercial income. Added to this, there will be a mostly new squad on lower wages to reflect our position.

    Clubs like Walsall have been able to make a profit for 13 consecutive years on a turnover of less than £7M, so it is possible for clubs to make money at this level.

  13. 5 hours ago, uttoxram75 said:

    This chap?

    Laurence Bassini, who is looking to buy into Birmingham City, has been declared bankrupt twice and, in behaviour that wis definitely not 'shady', changed his name by deed poll after the first one. And he was banned from all football for three years, too.

    I've just checked him out on 'Wiki', it's scary to think that someone like him could get anywhere near another club. If I was a Blues fan, I would be extremely worried atm.

    This is where the EFL are letting down clubs and fans, they should be stopping these people from passing the fit and proper test.

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