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Posts posted by YouRams

  1. 2 minutes ago, Ramarena said:

    Crazy what some of our fans are asking. Let’s get Grabban or Andy Carroll, etc, etc.

    Are these players going to drop to L1 on the wages we can offer?

    8/10k a week is better than nothing a week if they've not got offers elsewhere, Carroll is still a massive risk with his injury record he might not have much else to choose from.

  2. Just now, RoyMac5 said:

    What Jesus? Agreed he's not very big, but he's strong enough and if he was doing the stuff he does farther forward it'd be so much more dangerous.

    I can't see the strength there just yet he's been hitting the deck alot on the wings without coming up against big centre backs, few months on whatever Bird has been eating I think you'll be on to something.

  3. Just now, nottingram said:

    Am a big believer that if you get performances right, results will follow. We’re playing well, no need whatsoever to panic. 

    Besides, Dobbin starting over Smith is a much more attacking move

    Someone's going to end up on the back of a 6-0 spanking from us that's inevitable, it is slightly worrying though the chances were not converting, again don't want to bash because it's early days but Collins has had a few he should've scored by now, the floodgates will hopefully open once he gets one but how many games in can we give it? 

  4. Just now, nottingram said:

    What would Plan B be? Bring himself out of retirement and score goals himself?

    I mean formation changes, yes today we've done everything right but score, not knocking the performance, was just how he shrugged off making changes I hope he doesn't continue with something that wouldn't be getting us results for the sake of having a certain style.

  5. Going to write this 10 minutes before the end so it doesn't look like a bashing if the result doesn't go our way.

    Pre game interview he was saying how delighted he was with how were playing and that were ahead of where he expected us to be, he was then asked "so this means you won't make any changes" to which he basically laughed and said absolutely not.

    We've seen many a manager over the last few years either not find a plan b, or arrogantly not change things up to go against their way which has led to many a sacking, I hope for LR and our sake as we need stability he doesn't fall into the same bracket of what we've seen before and we develop plans b, c and so on, it doesn't matter what league you're in you have to be able to adapt. 

  6. 12 minutes ago, brady1993 said:

    So I'm putting this post together because since the start of the season there have been question marks on Knight starting at RB which have ranged from mildly questioning to outright ridiculing. 

    But very frequently what gets missed is why Knight is starting there, why he's good at it and why it actually relies on his skillset. So I'm going to play devil's advocate and argue for Knight should start there.


    I think that Rosenior identified that a few things going into the season; we have talent in midfield, we likely have technical superiority and teams are likely going to sit back and try to counter or press and try to counter. And so he's built tactically from that point.You can see this in how our flanks are set up.

    Wingers play high and wide and are both fast, phsyical and good 1v1. A compact opposition has to stretch or leave a man free. A team that presses always has to be wary of that threat in behind if they overcommit. Also it helps provide space in the centre for our midfield to take advantage of.

    Meanwhile our fullbacks essentially play as midfielders when we have the ball. They tuck right into the middle operating from a much more central postion and given the responsibilities of a deep midfielder in getting the play going and supporting the play. This provides extra functional bodies in the build up play making it theoretically easier to pass through a press and it allows other midfielders to go take up dangerous positions further up field as they don't have to worry so much about the build up. Same applies to the wingers who can play high and wide because the fullbacks are functionally midfielders.

    This isn't something revolutionary that Rosenior has done. In fact it's almost identical to what Guardiola has done in the past (who often would play midfielders like Delph at fullback).

    Inverted fullback

    The demands on this role are different that was is typically called for. They need to very comfortable on the ball in central areas, their passing needs to be good, they need to know what to do positionally when they are in midfield and they need that high energy to cover ground, support the attack and quickly get back into position. Functionally it operates a lot more like a wide midfield role on the ball.

    Why Knight ? 

    Simply put he excels at all of the above qualities is the primary reason whilst being sound defensively. There is a good reason why most our success in attacking has happened down the right. Playing him there essentially allows us to cheat and play another midfielder

    The second reason is with a decent number of midfielders going into pre-season but no right back in sight with restricted dealings in the window. It made sense to coach someone into the role and Knight ticked the most boxes.

    Why not X instead of Knight ? 

    Odurah - Seems a decent prospect but looked a touch raw and shaky in pre-season. Likely isn't ready just yet.

    Smith - This could work but Knight has more energy and crucially Smith hasn't had the same coaching time to coach him into the role.

    Thompson - isn't as phsyical as Knight which could get exposed defensively and would need coaching into the role.

    Stearman - This is a joke right ? He looks too awkward at CB on the ball never mind in midfield areas and would get exposed for pace.

    Roberts - The role benefits from someone playing on their stronger side so they can open their body easier. Also needed at LB as Fozzy can't really play that role reliably.

    New Right Back - Well yeah... but that's increasingly unlikely to happen but it won't be for a lack of trying.

    Should he play midfield anyway ? 

    Now that's a tricky question. Because we have a balance problem in midfield (at least some of the time) that you can point to Knight as a fix. And Id agree with that to a large degree that Knight as one of the three would help. The two counterarguments I might make are that problem might be better solved by playing either Sibley or a fit McGoldrick and by moving Knight from there you might be just shifting a problem rather than fixing it overall.

    TLDR; The way we play calls for someone comfortable in midfield at right back. And Knight is likely the best at it we have.

    (PS you may be able to tell I'm bored because I'm ill at home) 

    Agree with everything you say so here's one for you, is he now easier to replace as a midfielder than a right back?

    We miss his energy in midfield so do we go out and buy/loan an engine midfielder instead of a new right back? Are they easier to come by than a solid right back? 

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