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Posts posted by YouRams

  1. 6 minutes ago, The Scarlet Pimpernel said:

    Good players can thrive where ever they play. Sibs first touch, strength on the ball and passing aren't anywhere near good enough from my perspective. I understand of course that others have a different view. 

    Could argue if he’s played in CAM and gets good delivery into him then he won’t have to battle as much to get anything away.

  2. The points gap is getting alarmingly greater week by week from the top two. If we don’t pick up soon we risk the top 6 gap getting greater.

    Results based business and the table doesn’t lie. I was all for giving him time but the financial loss from not going up this season, with the added tv money next and what will lead to loss of ticket money if we stick with him means DC has no choice now but to take the hit and let him go.

    I’d wish him all the best wherever he goes next I think he’s a decent bloke but it’s not working out.

  3. Just now, Loughborough Ram said:

    Surely there's nothing to moan about tonight.

    Oh hang on, there's always Paul Warne, maybe he stood in the wrong place when making some of the substitutions, or had a really ugly water bottle.

    God Paul Warne, eh, can't understand how he keeps his job

    You saw what it means to him and the lads and how close they all are at the fulltime whistle, I for one am glad we're sticking with him, and with a fully fit squad the football will keep on improving.

  4. 10 minutes ago, BramcoteRam84 said:

    The criticism of Warne from most has been the style of football, Warneball which to many is hoofball. 

    There was not even a hint of hoofball today.  We played the sort of football a Liam team would’ve played. Which renders the Warne ball narrative void doesn’t it (I’d argue particularly at home since his arrival it hasn’t been hoofball and people have been seeing what they want to see to fit their Warneball narrative) 

    But in trying to play “the right way” today, while our build up play was decent for the most part (could’ve been quicker), it all fell down in the final 3rd. We created 3 excellent chances and should’ve taken at least one to win the game. But while we created numerous promising situations we didn’t create any more than 3 chances, and that isn’t enough.

    Balance in midfield is wrong. Not sure about Waghorn as a 10. But I’m hopeful with players getting fit we’ll get that sorted. Fornah is an excellent player at this level especially I think him and Bird could be some partnership. Nyambe is class, cash and nelson starting to look a real partnership, get Elder fit he takes over from Foz and we probably have the best back 4 in the league. 

    Still say I’m waiting until after the Port Vale game until either maintaining my current support of Warne or turning into a dissenter. But I will say my 6 year old is trying to get into football at the moment and into Derby County, she’s trying really hard and genuinely showing interest, but with the lack of chances and action particularly at home games right now, Derby county are really making it f****** difficult!! 

    To me Warneball is wings cross repeat. We're playing good stuff from defence to final third but the final pass or cross let's us down nearly every time. It's also poor tactics playing to defenders strengths putting it in the air constantly. I hope with Bird returning we play some more direct stuff through the middle and run at defenders more.

  5. Although I'm not enjoying the football at the moment I do think PW has been very unlucky. He was clearly told he had a bigger budget in the transfer window before something happened? Then he seemed very reliant on Ward and Bird who both went out injured, plus all the other injuries. Sonny Bradley on paper looked one of the best signings in the division and hasn't yet settled, the Embleton signing showed how far down the list of targets we were, he looked like he'd just been captured by the Taliban.

    People are calling for this passing football yet we get in a decent position up the field and they can't complete a 2 yard pass to each other, who and what could actually change what we have right now? 

  6. 10 minutes ago, IlsonDerby said:

    Warne: all that was missing today was some more energy… 

    …it wasn’t a bad game. 


    Stood shaking my head. Energy? Not being able to knit more than 3 passes together for me but I’m not a football manager.

    Why do we have no energy so early in the season? Is he killing them in training with too much running or have they all enjoyed their holidays too much?

  7. Watching the replay, for their pen the foul was outside the box still a daft challenge from Smith. Sonny is having a mare with us, I was expecting so much more. Wildsmith unlucky I do think it was hand but it's just his natural reaction. We had a clear pen in the second not given. The footballs not great but PW isn't having much luck with injuries and individual errors.

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