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Posts posted by YouRams

  1. 20 minutes ago, Bris Vegas said:

    Dubois quit against Usyk after being thoroughly outclassed.

    The robbery line is laughable. First off It was a low blow, and secondly there is no proof Usyk wouldn’t have beaten the count.

    The latest with Fury is a shame. A freak incident seems like a cover up for what was a big blow in sparring.


    His belt was about up to his nipples, Usyk is weak to the body and he'll get found out again. Fully believe Fury takes him out, he got complacent and didn't train for Ngannou he never does that twice in a row.

  2. 32 minutes ago, Jubbs said:

    Fury pulled out of the Usyk fight after a nasty cut. What a shock. Never had the intention of fighting Usyk and it's the second time he's pulled out. 

    Awful bloke. 

    Fury looked in good shape I don't think anyone will fear Usyk after Dubois got robbed against him. In fairness it should be Dubois vs Ngannou for the undisputed heavy weight titles if boxing wasn't so corrupt.

  3. 6 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Ah right, no wonder no teams made any signings. 

    He also admitted we're pretty rubbish with overseas recruitment and that needs addressing, said that we won't go into the same mess we've just come out of throwing money at players which again is fair enough I think

  4. 20 minutes ago, Topram said:

    Has he said anything about free transfers?

    Didn't get mentioned in the BBC Interview the 5min clip I've just watched. Think he gave a pretty good assessment of it obviously only 2 names got leaked so fans are fixated on "we were messing with one club" but he said he had 15 names and it was the same across the board they needed people in before they let people go and it all came to a standstill. Only criticism would be letting Brown go too early In that case we played our hand too soon.

  5. 7 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

    Still find this a slightly strange choice for Max. Bristol City never seem to be going anywhere. He's back on loan with us too, so misses half a season back in the Championship. It's not that unlikely that we get promoted and start next season on a similar level to them.

    People forget it's not just a football move it's their life too. Still a young lad moving to a nice city, much better night life than Derby and his mates there. Derbys turning into a bigger **** hole year by year, people will blame Warne for not attracting players but I'm sure the city has a big part to play in it too.

  6. 1 minute ago, G STAR RAM said:

    Agreed, we should definitely be gambling our future, I mean it served us so well in the past, what could possibly go wrong?

    I despair.

    You're clutching with that reply, it's not going to be a Mel like gamble is it, even 500k of the Bird money (if true) would be more than a sensible gamble and not one person would disagree.

  7. 1 minute ago, Ghost of Clough said:

    Aleksandar Prijovic who we sold 13 years ago. Free agent since September.

    Florian Kamberi scored 4 in 23 for Sheff Weds a couple of years ago in L1.

    Dwight Gayle who hasn't scored more than 4 in a season for half a decade.

    Connor Wickham who makes George Thorne look like he's made out titanium. Also hasn't played since last season.

    Any of them nice people though?

  8. Just now, lukedcfc said:

    Am I the only one not worried about not getting a striker? We're the second highest scorers in the League and we have Washington and Waghorn coming back soon. I think we will be fine, keep the faith. 🐏

    If Collins gets injured we have to switch how we play to accommodate either of those two, do you have faith in Warne to do that from what we've seen so far? I'd love to see it but I'm not so sure we would.

  9. 1 minute ago, Goldstar said:

    Perhaps ownership not such heroes as we first thought? (yes I don't need telling that they saved us but they can't dine out on that forever). 

    With the additional TV money in the champ from next season and if I'm right all our restrictions lifted!? then seems disastrous we've not gambled.

  10. 1 minute ago, DCFC1388 said:

    Hard to judge if this has been a good window or not...

    Signed our main target in CBT

    Signed a much needed defensive mid in Adams

    Kept our main players

    Got abit of money for Bird

    As it stands, strengthened 2/3 key areas we needed to. 

    So does us (potentially) not getting in another forward, which Warne clearly wants too bring one in, mean overall its been a bad window?

    I still like NML through the middle just means we'd have to switch how we play and can't see Warne doing so 

  11. Just now, Kernow said:

    I've seen that tweet and they say they're not 100% certain. I'm 350 miles away and I'm 100% certain that we aren't going to sign Cybulski off King's Lynn six months after letting him go. We'd just go with what we have rather than do something like that.

    You'd hope but we are Derby anything is possible 

  12. Just now, Ambitious said:

    I would say that beyond a doubt that Nahki Wells would score a boatload in this Derby team in League One. You only have to see what the likes of Jordan Rhodes, Chris Martin and other aging Championship players are doing to know that Wells would make easy work of this division. 

    Unless he's grown by a foot and can get on the end of crosses he stands no chance in our team

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