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Posts posted by S8TY

  1. Just now, inter politics said:

    How do you know we'd have got JCH in?

    I don't know but it would've given us more scope to get a goalscorer in and a CB 

    I'm guessing more chance of getting a couple of decent players in if we had a couple of million to spend 

  2. Just now, inter politics said:

    Depends doesn't it? Loan back could have been worth it. Otherwise, who do you replace him with at this stage?

    There are plenty of more mobile CB's about and I'd have accepted 4m and got JCH and a CB in and think then we'd be sorted for season ...If we hadn't time to get a CB we'd be ok until Jan with Foz, Bradley and Rooney who could all play there if needed 

  3. 3 minutes ago, inter politics said:

    I don't get why so many fans want us to sell our best centre half and one of our best players when we're trying to get promoted. This isn't football manager. The new centre halves haven't pulled up any trees yet so how would selling Cashin definitely help us?

    Because he can go for peanuts if he doesn't sign a contract and 4m if true is a good offer thats why

  4. Selling Cash for 4m if true would've been a great deal I really don't see how keeping him until Jan is going to end up with a 4m deal....be lucky to get 1.5m so not good news 

    I really don't get the comments about keeping him because he will be out of contract end of season and he's not the quickest 

  5. 10 minutes ago, Ambitious said:

    Hendrick has been pony for a while now that's assuming that you rated him before his demise too - assuming he's still getting paid a good sum too thanks to the ridiculous deal offered by Newcastle at the time. 

    Relegated Reading last season, fans hated him. I already know he'll relegate Wednesday this season and the fans will hate him. 

    Overrated but some Derby Fans  thought he was better than what he was, did well to get what we did for him, never been a fan of him myself goes missing in a lot of games 

  6. Even though I'm opposed to the restrictions of a transfer window, never the less its an exciting day for most fans....

    DCFC though are not usually over active and I always stay up with a few beers watching the breaking news hoping to see our name mentioned with an exciting new signing and tonight will be no different even though it's bound to end in dissapointment. lol

    I will never forget how crap i felt losing Rasiak at the last minute and not replacing him so...here is my TDD questions

    1/ What would constitute a good TDD for you ?

    2/ who would you like to be brought in ( realistic options )

    3/ would you be dissapointed if we got no one in ?

    4/ How much difference do you think it would make if we brought in your choices of player ?

    Here are my answers:

    1/ I would like at least 3 players in even if its a couple of loans 

    2/ JCH , Vaulks , A decent young  CB with pace like Earl from Fleetwood 

    3/ yes

    4/ I'm not a massive fan of JCH but do think a goalscorer will make us top 2 rather than top 6 also a quicker CB would help 

  7. 4 hours ago, Terry Hennessy said:

    As you say Brighton will just farm him out to a Champ club. As much as I love Cash, for me he'd struggle at Prem level...so he needs to think carefully through his next move.

    I think the hoovering up of any "likely looking" players is a business in itself for Prem clubs. Then Farm them out ...then sell them for a profit...a bit like Used Car Dealers...

    If he's got any ambition he'll go...and I don't blame him...it would be a good oppurtunity for him and money , if right, would help us get up if we are allowed to spend it wisely !

  8. 43 minutes ago, Jimbo Ram said:

    Look at the scoring stats of the two and then explain why you would want Nombe over JCH.

    Because I think he’s younger and will improve in a better side just a pity we don’t have someone like Mac here who I think could coach him to improve …JCH is a half decent player but it’s just my view that Nombe could be better but yes admittedly hasn’t got the goalscoring stats as yet 

  9. Seems odd to me that JCH hasn’t moved already …I’ve said it a few times I’m not a fan after watching him a few times last season and think we should be looking at players like Nombe if we are going to spend 1m 

    some saw him lay the ball off neatly a few times on Saturday and now think he’s better than what he is ….watch him in second leg against Weds when it mattered he didn’t hold it up then when posh were desperate for someone to do exactly that and also an error from him led to 3rd or 4th goal ….let’s go for a younger up and coming striker ! 

  10. 2 hours ago, duncanjwitham said:

    Basically, none of that has anything to do with what I posted 🤷‍♂️.

    Rooney and Rosenior built a squad to play football out from the back.  A fair chunk of whom were given 2 year contracts.  (And to be clear, I have no problem with any of that, they did a decent job.)

    We then appointed Warne, 10 games later, who didn't want to play out from the back, he wanted the polar opposite.  So we had the whole of last season being told we couldn't judge Warne because he needed his own players in.

    This season, we've still got the likes of Hourihane, Smith, NML, Barkhuizen, maybe even Collins, who either do not fit the fit/mobile type of player that Warne wants, or play in positions that don't exist in his preferred system.  That's arguably 5 of our 6 biggest signings from the previous summer (McGoldrick being the 6th), and I reckon maybe a quarter of our total wage budget (purely based on 5/~20 senior players).  I don't see Warne really being able to consistently get the sort of team he wants on the field until most of those players are gone, which realistically means waiting until their contracts expire.

    None of that is a criticism or Warne (or Rosenior), it's just that as soon as we did a massive shift in playing style immediately after a complete rebuild, the instability was baked in for the next 2 years.  Sticking with Warne isn't going to make the problem of playing gas-out football with at least one of Hourihane/Smith in midfield, and NML stuck somewhere he can't play, disappear.

    If Warne had doubts about whether Hourihane could do what he wants I very much doubt he'd be captain

    Nothing wrong with upping our fitness levels and do think having Thommo in midfield and soon Fornah will help Hourihane be more effective but I think he'll still have to help with closing down/pressing etc 

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