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Posts posted by S8TY

  1. This is absolute garbage 

    how can we control a game with big hoofs up the pitch to no one …

    We are Derby County and look more like a league1 club than ever …no control no passing no shots on target …Oxford aren’t great but at least they’re trying to play football 

    I will say this now I wish we’d kept Rosenior or brought in a manager who wants to play football because we had decent players but instead we are looking like a fully  fledged league1 side now …get the ball down and play football ffs 

  2. Anyone seriously having a pop at MR Clowes needs to look at themselves!!

    This man saved the club, he didn't want to go out on a limb into a new uknown territory of being a football club owner but he did....and I will always be grateful for his intervention.

    He's been honest from the outset and said he can't pump lots of money into the club but it will be run sustainably 

    I'd go even further to say i would bet my house on it our club has never been so well run financially and I'll also wager our books look good, so much so the EFL loossened the shackles a bit, not totally but a bit ...

    So we are balancing the books , trying to get the academy back on track after it was shamefully dismembered and trying to build a team with no transfer fees involved and keep in line with the EFL !!

    This is no easy task but 30,000 Rams fans want success and want us out of this crap league and I'm one of them but for pities sake, lets get behind what is happening and acknowledge there will be bumps along the way.

    Who knows if PW will be the success we all crave , but he is honest and giving it his best , as is Mr Clowes

    Next season will be very different I assume with us being a bit more free to buy a player or two, but please  DO NOT give David Clowes stick on here because what he done I will always remember!

    I don't care if he hires another couple of managers and doesnt or maybe doesnt get it right because Derby County lives on and thats all that matters, but what i do know is whether it takes longer than we anticipate or MR Clowes has to sell the club to someone who can inject some much needed money he deserves respect for saving our great club.

    So even if you think he's made an error in appointing PW we simply would'nt have even had a club to whine about if it wasn't for  Mr Clowes , it doesn't stop all of us having an opinion on his decisions but he comes across as a thoroughly decent man and is a proper fan, so lets reel it in a bit eh with some of the critical swipes at him please, he's not perfect as none of us are !

  3. Bird is never a 10 or CAM so why play him there, I would play him and Hourihane in a 4231 as below



                                   Rooney / Smith        Nelson             Cashin                 Fozzy

                                                               Bird               Hourihane

                                   NML                           Waggy                 Washington



    All 3 behind Collins are capable of swapping and joining in the attack to support Collins 

  4. 7 minutes ago, NottsRam77 said:

    have u had your head in the sand for the last 18 months?

    did u not see what changing managers ever season did to us!

    what bringing a new manager.. with new ideas, new players? Collecting dead wood from previous sackings did?

    it aint champ manager u know, u cant just flog a player cos u feel like it and he’ll leave without a whimper 

    weve got warne.. he might turn out to be utter s***.. but iv got a feeling we’re stuck with it and have to see where the journey ends 

    You’re wasting your time mate …some are just waiting and rubbing their hands together because they want to justify their narrow minded opinion ….let’s give it 10 games at least ffs 

    Norwich lost 0-7 on first game of season but got promoted it’s too early …dissapointing yes …but get a fluffing grip everyone ffs 

  5. 1 hour ago, duncanjwitham said:

    Obviously I'm slightly exaggerating for emphasis, but I can also see what's happening on the pitch.  Does anyone here genuinely think that Hourihane, Bird, Smith etc can do the high intensity box-to-box running that Warne seemingly wants them to?  Is Cashin really a part-time overlapping fullback?  Is Sibley really a wingback?  Are NML and Bird really some sort of inside-forwards?  I could go on...

    If his entire style is based on having players do these things, and the players we have literally aren't capable of doing them, but he sets us up to do it anyway, what's the alternative explanation?

    I'm not necessarily saying that "run around a lot" is his entire style, but I'm not convinced he's ever had to deal with a squad where the majority of players literally can't do that (to the extent he wants anyway).

    If the majority can't run thats not good enough because running should be a given... we can all do that ...getting the players fitter and working harder is ok with me

    If you look at some teams who press they are not necessarily filled with olympic athletes its more about pressing and closing space as a unit 

    If they are not fit enough to run and close spaces etc perhaps they are not right for the system but Bird is a young player as is Sibley and if the manager wants us to be fitter and work harder off of the ball I don't have a problem with that 

     I get what your opinion in questioning whether Cashin etc are the correct players for the roles they are being asked to do but I'm guessing Warne has his methods of getting teams out of this league and thats why he was brought in 

    If he sold Cashin,Bird because they don't fit etc i could imagine the uproar on this forum but it seems Warne can't do right from wrong at the moment , 

    The proof will come in the results I guess and where we are after 10 games or more but just getting out of this league is our aim I don't personally even care how we do it which is being contradictory because i personally like to see good passing football but DC could've had that by sticking with Liam Rosenior but he chose to change it 

    I just want us out of this crap league and back into the championship where we can hopefully reset and get back to where we were, a decent championship side, whether thats with Warne or not I don't care , I like Warne as a person and hope he succeeds but have my doubts like some but I'm behind the team 100 per cent

    I think Hourihane has improved his workrate a lot since mid season last season and against Stoke we played some nice stuff at times , the ball played into NML where he scored was not hoofball  ( not saying you called us a hoofball team ) as some suggest and was a nicely worked goal

    We had more shots and looked like we'd win on saturday but lost to two errors and that happens in football

    I'm not getting carried away by one defeat as i would not have by a victory and will see where we are in 10 games to see if we're contenders and i think we will be 

  6. Like to see us get this over the line if we are interested 

    Would enable Bird to drop in deeper where it suits him and would bring some goal threat to our midfield 

    Interesting that Charlton and Portsmouth have been reported as interested but Charlton have loads of mids and Portsmouth appear to not be interested according to a journalist who is supposedly in the know....hope this leaves it open for us 

  7. 5 minutes ago, duncanjwitham said:

    I do wonder if he just thought he could rock up, say "everyone run around a lot", and it would just work like it did at Rotherham.

    This is quite disrespectful IMO .....do you honestly think thats all he said at Rotherham ? Credit where its due he got them up and had some success and I'm not saying he's right for us but I do want him to succeed but saying he just rocked up and said run around is ridiculous like saying  Pep said just said pass  it about!!!  to his  City players

  8. 11 minutes ago, oldtimeram said:

    I think we are going to get "sod all" new permanent strikers in this window, or a replacement for Knight.

    Hope I'm wrong, but it's not looking great atm

    We will but it might not be our first or second choice, plenty of teams with money to spend like WestHam for example haven't made a signing yet have some money.

    Agents probably advising players to wait until later near end of window when clubs will pay more wages and fees etc then freeing up space for movement 

    We are not alone in being frustrated in lack of signings and greedy agents won't be advising players to jump at first offer.

    A team starts the season not scoring many and the price and wage demands go up its not good and is far from the good old fashioned way transfers were conducted.

    In many ways the transfer window itself does not help and I think it would be much better if you could buy players at any time, then agents would'nt wait until last knockings to get the price up ...i personally think agents are bad for the game and just out for themselves...a lot of teams waiting and trying to get players in not just us 

  9. Hope Max is not made captain 

    I’d like to see him continue his progression without the captains responsibilities and let him concentrate on his game , he’s been very good so far in pre season without the armband and also doesn’t come across as a natural leader for me 

    Bradley or Hourihane for me players who have experience of rallying the team when it’s a freezing windswept night away from home 

  10. 7 hours ago, Idiakez said:

    I think people look for things that aren’t there when he’s speaking. To me, he comes across as an honest, hardworking, enthusiastic individual who will no doubt put his all into this club no matter the circumstances. He was open about not wanting to lose Knight but having his hands tied, he’s open about not being able to bring in the perfect striker, what else do you want him to say? Then there are those who dissect every little comment as if he’s speaking in riddles. He’s just a bloke, he’s not a Marvel villain delivering a monologue before a big fight with Captain America. There is no further meaning behind his comments, he just says what he sees/feels. 

    Brilliant !! Great post 

  11. On 30/07/2023 at 21:13, i-Ram said:

    Nope. I really can’t put up with more than 60 seconds of his chippy humour. I will also restrict my considered comments to what is delivered on the pitch. Warne failed last season, his words as much as mine, hopefully he doesn’t fail this one. I actually don’t think he will, but I know I will always be a long way from sharing his vision as to how football is played. Up the Rams!

    from your armchair!! give it a rest ffs!!...you don't like him !!!......we get it!!! 

  12. 2 hours ago, Andrew1 said:

    I agree that behaviour on social media is unacceptable, as are the chants related to his personal life.  Completely of limits for me.  Please note that I don’t do social media (this is as close as I get) i had a short stint on Twitter but found it so toxic I left.

    Although having said that your recent examples are rather weak, if I had a few quid for every time someone called me a fatty I would be quite well off…

    But what was his excuse for what is the potential run of the mill “sledging” that the Wrexham players (allegedly) gave him and his team mates?  It’s not just Derby he doesn’t like.

    if he can’t cope with that (and his interview suggested not) then like I said he does not have the correct temperament or intelligence.

    I played my first senior game at 16 or 17.  When I shook the hand of one  (very large) player, he pulled me towards him and said in low tones “I am going to break your ducking legs in about 5 minutes”. What did I do?  I kicked him first within 3.

    Beat them on the pitch and you don’t need to do what he does, they’re is such a thing as a bad winner, and he is one…

    No one’s perfect mate …that big guy threatening you would intimidate some but it didn’t you …but it happens 

    I don’t think really personal insults are acceptable no matter what ..I don’t mean being called a fatty 

    I remember us fans giving Gazza and Waddle stick when we played Spurs and reacted well even saw Waddle laughing when coming over to take a corner with his long hair to a chorus of gyyyyyypo!! gyyyypo!! lol but making remarks about someone’s son who’s passed away is very different and not on and if he reacted badly I don’t blame him for that 

  13. What is slightly dissapointing ( and we know who to blame for our predicament!!) is that all of a sudden for me I look at L1 and instead of confidently thinking we’ll win this league instead I’m thinking ..Charlton will be strong , Reading and a few others looking decent when I think with a couple of really decent strikers like Nombe and Ladapo to add to what we have and maybe selling Sibley and another maybe Cashin  ( although I like him a lot ) would make us look a lot stronger …we have Rooney and Fozzy who are more than capable to play CB and for me and somewhat controversially if we got 3-4m for Cashin and 300k for Sibley and it meant two decent strikers I’d be ok with it 

    I do not want to stagnate in this league , big clubs like Sunderland spent far too long in this division and it’s imperative we get out of it and no one player is bigger than the club let’s just hope Warne has got it right 

  14. 5 minutes ago, The Scarlet Pimpernel said:

    If we stay as we are we've swapped McGoldrick for Washington. Different types of players. Not sure of Warnes thinking but I'm surprised we haven't secured a bit of pace up front. Waghorn and Sibley aren't the answer for me but who knows.... A bit worrying that we are very close to the seasons start and both Washington and Sibley haven't as yet played in a single pre-season match. 

    All very true and slightly frustrating from fans pov that we haven’t signed an all important Stella signing CF but saying that …if we go with what we have ( and can still add after season starts ) and we get off to a flyer and beat Wigan like we beat Stoke then we might be bouncing come next week 

    momentum is important and if we get off to 3 points it might get the momentum rolling and who knows but yes a Ladapo or significant striker signing would be great but I still think we’ll be challenging for autos no matter what 

  15. I’d rather sign Waggy than Alfie May 

    Waghorn has played at a higher level and would be dropping down a level 

    MW does know where the net is but more importantly I think the club and fans mean something to him and can play as a 10 and add competition up front 

    A lot got carried away about some players who’ve only ever had a purple patch in L1 

    Players like Rhodes and Waghorn will get 10 + goals each in L1 guaranteed I’d say and they won’t play every game but our defence looks more solid and I genuinely think our forwards will score more across the lot of them and will get us out of L1 and that’s all we want for step1 of rebuilding the club 

  16. 17 hours ago, Macintosh said:

    Shouldn't we all be thinking of Rhodes as being another McGoldrick? The similarities are there for many to see, yet mostly, the negatives are his scoring record is not what it used to be (if it was we'd need to find £5m), his hair is thinning and he can't run the 100m in under 11 seconds? A rotation of Collins, Washington and Rhodes, with a little bit of Dajourne Brown, maybe some Sibley and Barkhuizen thrown in, looks okay to me for building a squad to get us out of this division. At least most have heard of him, know what an excellent career he has had, and didn't have to look him up on Wiki.

    Rhodes is nothing like Didzy at all …Didzy is a clever player who’s always had more about his game than scoring …Didzy could easily play as a 10

    Rhodes is a striker and not a 10,doesn’t have the guile and vision that Didzy has and is predominantly a striker and not much else but definitely knows where the goal is 

  17. 3 hours ago, Ian Buxton's Bat said:

    Watch a game on telly and you may not think much of Collins.

    Watch Collins live and you'll see someone who gives his all and makes loads of very decent runs that generally don't get noticed by team mates. He may have the odd strop when he doesn't get played in but it doesn't stop him making those runs.

    With Joe Ward's crossing, someone half as good at LWB and possibly Bird or Hourihane playing more advanced, I think he'll bag 20+ this year.

    Delighted he scored last night.

    I watched it live but saw the highlights when I got back.

    Here's a freeze frame BEFORE Joe Ward receives the ball.

    The player with his arm in the air is the 'useless, unintelligent, lazy etc etc' Collins.......halfway through a 40 yard run, anticipating play, showing where he wants the ball........towards the end of a pre-season friendly 'that doesn't matter'. How many times does he do this and not get the delivery?


    Screen Shot 2023-07-20 at 10.16.42.png

    Brilliant stuff mate no one can say Collins doesn’t give 100 per cent 

    he’s good enough for L1 and he’ll get 20 this season 

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