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Posts posted by S8TY

  1. 4 minutes ago, Jourdan said:

    Too scared to pass to each other? Who are they playing for? Mike Tyson?

    Every manager sets his team out with instructions and an intended style of play, but ultimately these players cross the white line and make their own decisions and do what they can. Warne doesn’t have a joystick which can ensure Waghorn heads it in or Collins buries it.

    Do you really think Warne would drop a player if he is contributing to good results?

    I do get what is being implied here ….under Mac the plan was visible under PW less so and on days like today it’s more questionable 

  2. 6 hours ago, uttoxram75 said:

    Wonderful memories. I was there that day, hundreds of Derby fans amongst the Ipswich half of that end where Frannie scored his two goals. 

    We finished 4th in the League, knocked out of the European Cup by Real Madrid and lost in the FA Cup Semi-Final. Dave Mackay got the sack the following season in November. He'd finished 3rd, 1st and 4th in the League in the previous three seasons, signing players like Frannie and Charlie George along the way.

    Its a lifetime ago but i don't recall any clamour for Mackay's dismissal from the fans. Wtf were the then owners doing? 


    RIP Frannie, you played with a swagger and a smile and will always be loved by Rams of that age.

    Brilliant to watch highlights of that game, still had some great players at that time  and would we not give our right arm now for someone like Rioch to be marauding from midfield, most of our mids now seem to forget they can get forward and score 

  3. For anyone who mocks us fans who think we should be beating teams like Cambridge 

    Absolutely 100 per cent we should we are in L1 but we shouldn’t act like a L1 club ….trying to melt in with the perennial L1 clubs will only mean we become entrenched in this crap league 

    act bigger,  be bigger and make any team afraid to come to PP !! Let them know we are Derby County ….nothing self righteous about thinking we should be beating the Cambridge Uniteds and Lincoln’s etc ….for goodness sake anyone saying …well Cambridge are only a point behind Oxford are top blahdy blah ….give ya head a wobble …we are Derby County and should be aiming for top2 not floundering around the mid division …was much better against Cambridge but was still 2 points dropped and that is a fact ….act like a small L1 club and we’ll see crowds drop off and will see ourselves further away than ever to where we want to go …

    We are a big club and have big crowds in the 3rd tier of English football and with that comes expectation …no excuse imo if we don’t make top 2 and before anyone says I’m acting entitled im not im just saying it how it is …we are not Cambridge United or Morecambe or Bristol bloody Rovers! So let’s not pretend we are !! 

  4. 1 hour ago, Jayram said:

    Some people on here say it’s a results business and it doesn’t matter about the style of football as long as we win. Maybe that’s true for some but it should also be about entertainment. It costs me around £3700 a season following the team home and away. I live over 100 miles from Derby so every game is an effort to get to, especially financially during a cost of living crisis such as we are in. For that effort and expenditure I’d like to see some exciting football, have something to look forward to every weekend. Instead, I’m finding reasons not to go to midweek home matches or away games that in other times I might have made the effort to attend. The only time I’ve felt this disinterested about the Rams before was during the latter end of Clough/Rowett era’s. I’m so bored I can barely be bothered but I keep plugging away in the hope that things will change, despite evidence to the contrary. 
    It’s become simple for me. If PW doesn’t get us promoted at the end of this season and he is still the manager for the following season I will not be renewing my season ticket. I cannot face paying to watch another season of his brand of football.

    Living in Kent, your post sums my own position up perfectly, justifying to my other half is becoming difficult....when I talk about the game all i seem to do is find fault and don't seem happy and she said " why do you go if you don't enjoy it ? "

    Of course i go I love going to games the excitement and pre match build up still makes me tingle and the nerves still kick in just before kick off of every game but then the game starts .....and I do wonder more often than not lately what the hell am I doing ? 

    The last time i had this same feeling was under Rowett, I want to see us going for it, attacking and looking positive especially at home and after a year of PW who i like ,  I'm finding a lot of the games very disappointing regardless of the result.

    When we lost under Mac for example I was looking forward to the next game as I liked the way we played , we didn't always win of course but it was heaps better than what I'm watching at the mo , L1 doesn't mean just play percentage football as it won't bode well for the championship , I've said it before but for goodness sake build a young football side that play good football , a team that won't need much tinkering with in the championship as I don't see many of this squad being around in the league above, that has got to be our aim surely , looking ahead with a view to hitting the ground running if we go up, not having to tear most of the team up and start again  

  5. 3 hours ago, Archied said:

    Or stopping the opponent doing anything with it when they have it and doing something with it yourself when you have it , in football there’s more than one way to skin a cat and it’s always been that way , styles of play ,formations go in and out of fashion as teams try to counter other teams

    Of course there’s more ways of skinning a cat as you put it …AEK beat Brighton with 25% possession as someone pointed out … but let’s not pretend that having only 25% of the ball means you’re likely to win more than you’ll lose …

  6. On 19/09/2023 at 08:39, RoyMac5 said:

    I wonder when we first made approaches for Warne? It's like Rosenior even given an interview never stood a chance (I wasn't a fan of the sideways stuff btw but understand more now about the theory behind where it was meant to progress to).

    Exactly this ….I’ve always played possession football when I’ve managed in both youth and senior football 

    When you re watch the games after with the players one of my biggest examples of what not to do was to panic and go long into the channels or just cross for the sake of crossing as some say the opposition can’t score if the ball is in there own half but that is not what you want a team when playing possession football to do if it’s not on you keep the ball go backwards or sideways and keep the ball and be patient do not force it when it’s not on and keep the ball maybe switch it ( quickly ) to the other side and get forward on that side but …ultimately …keep the ball …I learnt from being involved in games out in Holland against very good youth sides that would pass us English sides off the pitch and getting the ball back was difficult …but luckily that has changed a lot now in our game and you only have to look at the beat teams in this country to see higher possession sides are usually more successful ..the passing sideways may have bored some but it was only part of the process and it would’ve got better ..he only had 10 games and that wasn’t enough ….I felt for his pure loyalty alone ( and let’s not forget it must’ve been tempting to walk away to another job during the last season in the championship with all that was going on ) he deserved the season and then seen where we were at progress wise 

    but it’s done now …hopeful signs of better football on Tuesday but let’s see if it continues…Warne isn’t a possession biased manager so have my doubts but still like him as a person 

  7. After the Charlton away game last season where we should've won and somehow lost I went to work on the sunday and my work colleague whos a Charlton STH showed me the text he'd sent his mate who couldn't go.

    His mate asked how the game was going and my work colleague's reply was," we are being torn a new one here and they will be the best team we'll face this season "

    we lost 0-1 but what was evident was our passing and movement and switching of play was very good but we missed chances and that went on for a few games more but, I still firmly believe in time we would've clicked and possibly gone up , also I think Rosenior would've brought in some new recruits in the jan window to give us a boost.

    Rosenior has gone and its really not worth comparing PW and LR but i really do think PW was brought in purely on his record in this division and no more, it certainly wasn't a continuation of what LR had started 

    I spoke to a chap who was part of the assessment team when Rosenior was doing his coaching badges and I said to him I really wasn't sure on Liam even when he was helping Rooney, ( he was assistant at the time ) yet what he told me shocked me a bit , he said that Liam was one of the brightest most inivative young coaches he'd come across and said he really hoped he had a succesful career whether as a coach or a manager also said he would in his opinion go onto be a good manager 

    He's gone and is history now but lets please get a manager in who's going to get us playing actual football not the dross we are currently witnessing, I really do think Mr Clowes as a fan will not be too happy either with what hes seeing as hes a fan as well lets not forget

  8. My answer to anyone saying it takes time is to look at what’s been done so far …. After a year I’d say we must now surely be a bit nearer what Warne wants than say last season with Roseniors team

    and I don’t like what I’m seeing performance wise so why would another year make any difference ?

    Believe me I hoped that Warne would embrace his big chance at a bigger club with better players and a larger fan base with higher expectations but the truth is he’s struggling …I would love it if he turned it around and got us playing some great stuff but here is my main concern …I cannot see it happening 

  9. 1 hour ago, Jourdan said:

    Brentford and Brighton are where they are after 10-15 years of gradual building. Bloom has been owner of Brighton since 2009 and Benham has been owner of Brentford since 2012 and has been an investor since 2007.

    Yes, both clubs are great examples of how to get things right. But over that time period, they have had near misses and some highs and lows too. It hasn’t been completely smooth sailing but they have developed a club philosophy and stayed true to it and probably been able to because of the relatively low expectations.

    Clowes has been owner of the club for just over a year so perhaps we need to be patient and understand that what Clowes is trying to build and trying to instil will take more than 12 months.

    Perhaps a fairer comparison is other clubs who have come out of administration and bounced back from relegation?

    It took Leeds three seasons to get promoted out of League 1 following administration and relegation. It took Southampton two seasons. Bolton suffered back to back relegations and are now into their fourth campaign in five in League 1.

    Yes, the football isn’t great at the moment but the club is in recovery mode and perhaps we have to be realistic about those timescales. Expecting us to get promoted playing champagne football at this stage in our recovery is only something you might witness in a fairytale.

    Stick with the club. Keep going to games when you can. Pain often comes before glory.

    You’re exaggerating to suit your own narrative…I don’t expect champagne football and yes I would like some cohesive type of football and after a year I’m seeing us get steadily worse

    it costs me over a 100 quid with fuel and beer and food and ticket to watch a load of b******* basically and I’ve travelled all over and not only in the good times I went to virtually every game home and away including midweek games when we were last in this division 

    I underdstand about building teams and the transition from nearly extinct to flourishing but I’m not seeing the foundations being securely put in place yet from our gaffer that’s why I’m concerned 

    if you’re going to lay foundations then at least build them correctly and solidly or it’s pointless 

    my point is if we had a manager who was trying to build something with gameplay that I remotely could buy into I’d agree as it takes time …but I’m not seeing that at all and wonder how much we are regressing and accumulating the wrong type of players for the football id like to see …I do understand your points but I don’t need the glaringly obvious pointing out cannot see it getting better under Warne I’m afraid Jourdan just my opinion 

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