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    Wsm-ram reacted to S8TY in MK Dons (H) Monday 10th April, 3pm KO   
    add some strikers and we win these sort of games 
  2. Clap
    Wsm-ram reacted to Carnero in Paul Warne appointed as Head Coach   
    The people who used to use "xG" the defend results under Rosenior now never mention "xG" under Warne. I'm not a fan of "xG" but I did check the other day and noted that one site has us ranked 3rd in the league for total expected goals and one site has us 4th for "expected results based on xG".
    It's called picking and choosing stats to fit your narrative.
    For the record I backed Rosenior and was disappointed that he left, and I back Warne too. Both have done a decent enough job this season with the resources available.
  3. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to Ram@Lincoln in Free agents in the summer   
    Callum Paterson at Wednesday might be worth a shout if they go up and we don't. Out of contract in the summer, he's been injured for the last ten games during their drop of form. 28 years old, can play anywhere down the right side or up front. Crucially has that competitive dark arts trait for his team's advantage. 
  4. Clap
    Wsm-ram reacted to On the Ram Page in Poll: what do you think of it so far? (Warne's tenure)   
    David Clowes, the man who saved Derby from extinction, wants to rebuild this Club, its reputation and integrity. Over the last few years we have been a pretty dirty corrupt commodity. Thankfully we have someone in charge who wishes to change that. He has brought in Paul Warne to assist him in this project (not an overnight flash). Mr Clowes is a very successful business man, who has obviously made good business decisions to achieve this success. No, he is not experienced in running a football club but he probably knows as much about this Club and its history over the last 2 or 3 decades as anyone. I, for one, trust his judgement.
    Paul Warne is as honest as the day is long (possibly too honest for some of the feint hearted on this forum). He knows how to get out of this Division too - 3 times! For goodness sake give him time to build the squad he needs to play the type of football he would like to play. That’s likely to be energetic, full of running, high pressing, passionate football. I think that sums up Liverpool’s style.  They are not a bad example to follow. No, I not saying we are any where near as good as Liverpool - just I would not mind copying their style.
    The  squad we have has some very good players in it and many,as has been mentioned, would walk into other teams. What we haven’t got as a team is balance, aggression, height and pace - to match the better teams in Division One.
    There’s still a chance we could get promotion but unless the EFL loosens its shackles during the close season we will struggle next year in the Championship. I would rather take a slower, more sustained route. I am getting a bit old in the tooth and believe you have to have work and earn success - it seems some people wants instant success as a right.
    No one knows, not even Paul Warne, how successful he can be at a higher level, given a reasonable budget. I sure he believes in his ability to succeed and I am sure David Clowes believes so too.
    David Clowes has stated he has a 5 year plan to make Derby a competitive Championship side. I am sure he is itching to achieve this sooner but will be patient. I want my club to be successful, have integrity, good reputation and be well run. This takes time after the dreadful last few years.
    Please be patient and allow this to evolve at the right pace.
  5. Clap
    Wsm-ram reacted to Bris Vegas in Poll: what do you think of it so far? (Warne's tenure)   
    I like Warne. Find him down to earth, easy to listen to, passionate, clearly an intelligent guy. 
    But I’m a bit disappointed with the football we play under him.
    I may be alone in this.
    But I preferred Rosenior. We may still have lost 0-2 to Ipswich, but we probably would have done so with a greater outlook as we dominate the ball, create more chances, give the younger players more game time.
    When we lose under Warne it’s just depressing. The football is generally crap and we look like we have no real identity.
    When we lost under Rosenior (especially at Charlton) we still looked a good side. 
    I thought we were looking good under Warne but the more you analyze it, you realize our amazing run was down to playing crap teams more than anything Warne actually did.
    Under Rosenior we picked up two points from Lincoln, Shrews and Fleetwood away. Horrible results. Yet in the reverse fixtures at home under Warne, we still only picked up two points and arguably played worse.
  6. Clap
    Wsm-ram reacted to RoyMac5 in Paul Warne appointed as Head Coach   
    Agreed. I wonder also how much of it was the 'not upsetting the current squad', he makes a thing about dealing with squad players who don't play potentially being disruptive. I didn't think we had enough strikers when we had Osula! 😄
  7. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to Caerphilly Ram in Derby vs Ipswich (H) Match Thread   
    And earlier in the season he had us on a lengthy unbeaten run.
    Our form at the moment is bad, we were never going to have it all our own way this season. Losing to Ipswich, who are one of the better sides in this division after having time (and money) to build and shape their squad.
    Getting rid of Warne at this point would just be more of the short-termism that has plagued the club in the past, we have to be a bit braver in sticking to a project and Clowes seems keen to do that with Warne as the manager.
    If we don’t go up this season it won’t be the end of the world, as rubbish as it might feel. Warne and the backroom staff are planning and recruiting for next season, we will start next season (whichever league we’re in) with a more balanced squad set to play the way Warne wants. 
    We, as fans, could try a different approach too. By all means say how rubbish it is at the moment but then without the need for shortsighted knee jerk tantrums. 
  8. Clap
    Wsm-ram reacted to Tyler Durden in Fleetwood Home Sat 18th March 3.00pm   
    Have you considered that maybe it's because we're just not very good? and the group of players whom were flung together at extremely short notice last season just to give us a semi competitive team are little more than an ensemble cast.
    And now that limited group of players is effectively knackered coming to the fag end of the season. Looking at the age profile of some of the players we brought in little wonder.
    We usually beat lower table opposition as that's why they're towards the bottom of the league, doesn't need a brain surgeon to work that one out. But we're not that good to consistently beat teams in the Top 6 which is why our league position is a fair reflection of the status quo. 
    But of course some will attribute these "failings" down to the manager. 
    I am pretty happy we have a semi competitive team after last season whom are still very much in the hunt for a playoff space.
    For others that appears to be totally unacceptable. Each to their own I guess. 
  9. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to Sparkle in Fleetwood Home Sat 18th March 3.00pm   
    One blindingly obvious thing from yesterday is that we only have one forward who has the control of the football - McGoldrick 
    Collins runs to block a clearance near a corner flag which is lovely if you are 4-0 in front, it’s not his fault. 
    we need forwards who can control a football and yes pass it to a teammate - the likes of Chris Martin got his usual consideration when he became available but was dismissed because he can’t run around much, I prefer someone who can do something with the football. We are in league one our centre forward needs to be strong in the right areas. Whilst the others can fit in around that.
  10. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to G STAR RAM in Fleetwood Home Sat 18th March 3.00pm   
    My random thoughts on yesterday:-
    Worst home performance since Scunthorpe in the Nigel Clough years for me.
    Starting team selection was wrong.
    The substitutions 2 minutes before half time humiliating for the players taken off.
    Davies cannot be starting matches anymore.
    Cashin is having a really rough patch and its culminating in us conceding 2 or more goals on a regular basis now.
    Bird didn't look back up to speed.
    First 4 substitutions didnt have much impact.
    Dobbin looked like he might make something happen.
    The difference between our target man and their target man was night and day.
  11. Clap
    Wsm-ram reacted to TomTom92 in Fleetwood Home Sat 18th March 3.00pm   
    Agreed. Fatigue has definitely played its part, but pure complacency has killed us today. 
    Lucky to get a result last week and posh away next week looks ominous. Think our goose might be cooked for this season. I bet Warne is secretly shocked at how badly our levels have dropped off. 
  12. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to Black ('n' White) Sheep in Fleetwood Home Sat 18th March 3.00pm   
    Get all three of them on... NOW! Absolutely disgraceful performance... it's Fleetwood Town for duck's sake! ?
  13. Clap
    Wsm-ram reacted to G STAR RAM in POLL: Your Rams player of the year so far   
    McGoldrick has been the clasisest player by far but has missed too many games. If he plays most games between now and the end of the season think he will win it.
    Ive gone for Wildsmith as think he has been consistently good over the whole season to date, been an absolutely fantastic signing in my opinion. 
    Fozzy and Cashin played well for majority of the season but think they've both been out of form over the last month or so and this is reflected in the number of goals we are now conceding, especially away from home.
  14. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to angieram in vs Oxford (a) 11th March 3pm KO   
    I thought we were a really mixed bag yesterday with most players experiencing a mix of good and bad within the same match. 
    Early fouls didn't help, Curtis looked completely off the pace, yet he won a lot of important headers second half. Wildsmith might have got nearer to their opener, but he also redeemed himself with a the string of fine saves, despite injuring his elbow in that first goal. Cashin seemed to be most affected by his new defensive partner, yet he played the ball out well at times and had that fantastic long-range effort saved. Rooney was being rinsed by their winger, yet, his run and cross for the third won us the match. Fozzy of the defence was most reliable, and his lay off to Sibley for his second was just right. 
    Midfield again a mixed bag. Smith not too used to the position and out-muscled on several occasions, but put in a shift covering for Rooney once he realised what was happening; Hourihane lightweight in defence but a superb ball in for Sibley's first. Obviously Sibley was playing so far forward that he wasn't really much help defensively, but two sharp goals taken extremely well. I thought he played well in the attacking third throughout the game, and probably edges Fozzy for MOTM for me. 
    Warne commented after the game about the bounce, he told one of our friends post-match that the ball kept bouncing up into NML's knackers - he actually said that to her! ?‍♀️That may explain some of the apparent lack of control we had at times. Whilst it is the same for both teams, they are used to it; we were not. Having said that, NML dug the ball out on the edge of the box to Springett that led directly to our first goal, so once again made a contribution.
    What did please me yesterday was the desire and the passion to win the game. This was probably best personified in Springett's performance. Technically not the best player on the pitch but he never stopped running, harrying and fighting for that ball. I hope we see a lot more of him in a Derby shirt. Similarly Collins put in a real shift yesterday. The goal might not have been his, but he was there in the right place and celebrated as if he'd just hit the winner at Wembley - I hope he does! 
  15. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to David Graham Brown in Prostrate Cancer.   
    Last September I was playing football with my grandson,and hurt my knee. I didn’t bother the doctors because the knee gradually returned to near normal, but still quite painful at times. It was such a time I winced, and my wife “advised “ me to see the doctor,which I duly attended, knee examination, all OK, I asked for a PSA (having seen the information at Pride Park) check which he duly gave me the paperwork. The test came back 7.1, I’m over 70 so 6.5 is regarded as normal. I was dispatched to the Derby Royal, had the anal examination, ( for the first time) small lump found. In five weeks I’ve had a MRI scan,my prostrate biopsy done, and a QT scan,and I’m now on a hormone treatment plan. It appears they’ve caught the tumour early, and the prognosis is good, they say it will be eliminated. You do lose your dignity at times, but not going through that door and having the exam you could lose a lot more.
    A shout out to the doctors and nurses at the Derby Royal, they have been absolutely terrific, informative, and very understanding, and caring.
  16. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to sage in Tired   
    We are tired.
    Playing gas out football with a small squad aged under 23 or over 30 has caught up with us. 
    We may have to play more fringe players as we limp on, hopefully hanging on a top 6 finish.
  17. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to Mr. P in John Motson Has Died   
  18. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to Ellafella in John Motson Has Died   
    Was honoured to meet him outside Pride Park a few years ago and of course he was sheep-skin coated. Even though he was running to his car to get some vital kit prior to his MOTD broadcast, he stopped and spent 10 minutes chatting to us and allowing us to take pics with young Will & Edward. A thrilling memory for me and in those 10 minutes he recounted a Brian Clough anecdote and conveyed very great affection for the old Baseball Ground which he described as an icon of the game. Proper GOAT. 
  19. Sad
    Wsm-ram reacted to PistoldPete in John Motson Has Died   
    Yes him and Dickie Davies going in same week very sad. 
  20. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to Caerphilly Ram in Charlton Athletic (H), 3pm Saturday 18th February.   
    Solid 2-0 win, controlled the game, scored from a set piece, clean sheet, 3 points in the bag. Enjoy your weekend folks! ? 
  21. Clap
    Wsm-ram reacted to jono in Harvey White - signed on-loan for rest of the season   
    I really like the look of him. Very young but has a visible calmness with the ball and doesn’t showboat. Intelligent short passes. I also reckon we’ll see more of him taking free kicks, looks like he knows what he’s doing. I’d like him to start on Saturday 
  22. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to Ramslad1992 in Wycombe Wanderers (A) Sat 11th Feb   
    2-0 win for me. I go into every game truly believing we will win at the minute, It’s been a long time since I’ve felt that and it feels good! 
  23. COYR
    Wsm-ram reacted to admira in Warne wins January Manager of the Month   
    We don’t win many of these so let’s enjoy it. 
    November 1996. Jim Smith
    November 2006. Billy Davies
    January 2007  Billy Davies
    December 2013. Steve McClaren
    November 2016. Steve McClaren
    October 2017. Gary Rowett
    December 2017. Gary Rowett 
    January 2023. Paul Warne
  24. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to Bald Eagle's Barmy Army in Harvey White - signed on-loan for rest of the season   
    You can normally tell straight away from a players first touch and then what he does next and instantly, you knew he was in control of the ball and always gave himself a couple of options. 
    I said to my lad within 2 minutes of him being on the pitch 'this lad looks very good'. 
  25. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to Premier ram in Haydon Roberts   
    this boy gets better and better every game , would love to sign him permanently in the summer
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