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Pearl Ram

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Posts posted by Pearl Ram

  1. 1 minute ago, Rev said:

    Cummins attempted to have the treasury department report in to him, and be staffed by his minions. 

    Javid resigned rather than agree.

    Oh ! I often wondered how Cummings would fare in the kind of environment I’ve worked in for the last 45 years. I think he might be wearing dentures you know.

    Got to say fair play to Javid though for having those principles. I just thought he’d blotted his copybook. 

  2. Dorset would be preferable to West London to live and work for me, one club town, no near neighbours to add even more more pressure to the job.

    Yeah Bournemouth are going to expect play offs as a minimum but so would Fulham. Tough opening fixture if he does go there...at home to West Brom.

  3. It is infuriating when you consider rightly or wrongly, as I do, this all stems from Gibson throwing a tantrum because we nicked 6th place off them on the last day of the season when Lampard was in charge.

    I suppose someone will put me right on that but that’s how I see it. ?‍♂️

  4. 1 hour ago, Rammy03 said:

    I agree but I see why we should fear the Germans either? Tough game of course but no reason why we can't win it. 

    Being too cautious is a reason we can’t win it. Give Germany due respect yeah, but give them plenty to think about an’ all. I believe England could beat Germany with a positive but disciplined approach to the game but any shilly shallying will give them the impetus.

  5. 4 hours ago, Tamworthram said:

    I think it’s very unlikely they’d postpone the start of the season for us and Wycombe especially given how long any subsequent appeal(s) would take. Also, rule 28.2 says they can after “consultation with and consideration for the clubs involved”. So, not only would they need to “consult” with Derby (that could be fun) and Wycombe but also our respective opponents in those games. It wouldn’t take many games before a load of other teams get impacted by the mess. That’s another reason why I don’t think the EFL will appeal.

    Let’s imagine the EFL take another week to make their mind up to appeal. Then the DC pull out all the stops and make a judgement after just four weeks. I imagine Derby would have at least a week to appeal the new penalty and the DC take another 3 weeks to hear our counter appeal. We’re now getting towards the end of August by which time we should have played 5 league games.

    I don’t know what rights of appeal Derby would have but, if an EFL went against us, I can’t imagine that would be the end of the matter.

    Apologies for the delay in replying, I was gardening. 

    I don’t disagree with anything in your post in fact I found myself nodding in agreement the more I read. My post was merely putting out there such a rule existed and my surprise on discovery.

    The person who posted the original on OTIB neglected to add the very important bit about consultation with both clubs, and the others whose games would be impacted by such a move. I would hope any consultation with us would be met with a very brief response of two words, the second being “off”.

    I do wonder though how to get out there that this vendetta against Morris by the EFL and Gibson is affecting a lot of innocent people, be it those concerned for future employment or the fans concerned where this is going to end, the EFL don’t appear to care about these people so long as Morris is taught a lesson and that’s not right with me.

    By all means ban Morris and Pearce from working in football (when he’s sold up) for a pre determined period of time if they have to but why should people who have done no wrong suffer so Parry & Gibson can save face.

    They are a disgrace to the game and the fact that Parry earns a very nice living out of it makes my blood boil.

  6. 2 minutes ago, San Fran Van Rams said:

    Just a quick thought - can the EFL postpone our and Wycombe's first few games until the accounts are re-submitted so that a penalty can be applied to last season?

    According to a post I read on OTIB (the Bristol City forum) they can do exactly that. Rule 28:2 I believe it was quoted.

    They have a thread dedicated to our trials and tribulations. A couple of people on there are quite enthusiastic about our downfall, one in particular.

    Check it out if you ever have trouble sleeping. ?

  7. 9 minutes ago, LeedsCityRam said:

    The litmus test is how quickly we file the restated accounts for 2016-18. As others have mentioned, it seems inconceivable that exercise hasn't already been conducted to 'stress-test' the numbers.

    I'm not concerned about the EFL threat to relegate us for 2020/21...even if we haven't come within the 3 year threshold, we can drag it out by a) waiting until the 18th August deadline/2 weeks into the new season and/or b) appeal any sanction which will inevitably delay the process. Problem with option a) is we're under a transfer embargo until those accounts are filed which inevitably means another season of struggle.

    Therefore, Wycombe can clear off...they've got zero chance of reclaiming their place at this level. But our position overall is still very unclear until & unless we submit accounts that comply with P&S. If we can not, I'm not sure what the avenues are from a legal standpoint chiefly around 1. damage already done to the club with this protracted process and 2. disputed interpretation of FRS102 & fact EFL and auditors both signed off on the amortisation. 

    I would add some comments about the EFL's general conduct at this point but I'm not going to waste energy on such a pitiful set of specimens.

    Not here to argue LCR but I went on the Bristol City forum earlier to get their take and someone on there quoted rule 28/2 (I think) and apparently the EFL have the power to suspend both ours and Wycombe’s games should they choose.

    Remember, I’m not saying that can/will happen, it’s what I read on there tonight. It was news to me and something that came as a bit of a shock, I never new such a rule existed. 

  8. 23 minutes ago, Rev said:

    It would be even better, and I'd certainly get on board with this, if we raised the £100k and sunk it into the community projects across the EFL.

    Imagine spreading that money across the Championship's clubs community work, all 24 teams including our own, and daring the EFL to say that wasn't the deal!

    Quite brilliant ?

  9. 3 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Set up a crowd-funding site?

    Roy, this is me you’re quoting now, I can just about sign in on here, setting up a crowdfunding site is way beyond my capabilities. Also, it wasn’t my idea originally, while happy to contribute I wouldn’t be happy about stealing somebody else’s thunder when all credit should go to them for having the idea in the first instance. ?

  10. 12 minutes ago, Coconut said:

    I'd be up for us hiring an industrial paint sprayer, getting @Eddie to make one of his super hot curries, with us all on the forum consuming a large portion, having us all expell the molten liquid mess gurgling away in our bowels into a large vat, filling the paint sprayer with it and coating for irremovably stained eternity the words  "duck The EFL" on a wall at their headquarters.

    Count me in, I love a curry me.

    But to be serious for a moment, I’d happily chip in 25 of our English quids if we could put out a statement of some kind saying that this vendetta against Mel Morris is affecting innocent people which cannot be right.

    By all means exclude Morris and Pearce from holding positions at any football club as soon as he has sold the club if that’s what makes them feel good but fans of DCFC are innocent in all this bickering and point scoring exercise by the EFL and Gibson and we should not be punished yet again, we’ve pretty much put up with enough already.

  11. Just now, Eatonram said:

    If 4000 supporters donate the price of one match ticket £25 we would raise the 100k. I would gladly do it. Think it would say a lot and raise a lot of positive publicity if paid with an open letter to the press stating our disgust at the way the efl are behaving. Any money raised over the target sum to be donated to breast and prostrate cancer research. I would gladly pay. 

    I’m up for that.

  12. I’m not sure the EFL and Gibson have a big vendetta against Derby County ziggy but I’m certain they have one with Mel Morris which unfortunately means to get him, they have to get the club (and fans) which is not cricket.

    What have the fans done to aggrieve Gibson and the EFL ? We are not responsible for the books, we didn’t pip Middlesbrough to that 6th place on the last day of a season (that’s why Gibson’s so pissed off with us) but we will be the ones left to pick up the pieces when Morris’s cleared off and sunning himself down at Sandbanks or somewhere more exotic and that’s not cricket either. ?‍♂️

  13. 16 minutes ago, 1of4 said:

    Can't be arsed to read all the previous pages but it just looks like it's Rick Parry being pushed by Steve Gibson to find a way to get us relegated. The pair of them properly won't be happy until they throw us out of the league.

    That’s about the size of it. Maybe Mr Gibson should be given a welcome to Pride Park in August that he’ll be a long time forgetting. 

    Now before anybody thinks I’m advocating violence, I’m not, that would be abhorrent,  but abuse and vitriol by the truckload I think is well within reason.

  14. I’m astonished by the title of this thread. I haven’t read the opening post because of editorial reasons ? but to me, to not blame the guardian of this football club is laughable.

    I assume he thought we would be in the Premier League by now and out of the EFL’s jurisdiction so sailing close to the wind would have little or no consequences. 

    I have no doubt Morris had very good intentions for this club and I’ll hold my hands up, I truly believed his ownership/leadership was a good thing, but then, I was under the impression the club would be run in a responsible manner. How wrong was I ? 

    Say what you like about goalposts being shifted by the EFL, but if we’d compiled our accounts like the majority of other clubs instead of being smart arses, discovering loopholes and congratulating ourselves on how clever we’d been, this catastrophe (and that’s what it is) would have been avoided. 

    Remember the times Morris couldn’t keep his trap shut ? Appearing at forums, TalkSport, EMT, taking in all the adulation of the supporters ? Now we’re up the creek not a duckin’ peep out of the bloke.

    Don’t blame Morris an Pearce ? The sooner they’ve gone the better this club will be, our reputation is shot to pieces and the playing side of things ? Don’t get me started on that and it’s down to two people who, it transpires, aren’t as clever as they think they are.

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