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  1. Like
    Grimbeard reacted to Crewton in Does Warne deserve the vitriol aimed at him?   
    If you'd heard him talk about JJ after his injury last night, you might change your view that he's a "fake". Some times he does come across as flippant but then so did some of the greatest managers in the history of English football, and he's nowhere near as dismissive or condescending as some of them. Even opposition fans find his post-match interviews refreshing : he might temper his criticism of his own team's performance, but he never denigrates the opposition or fails to give them credit.
    The sense of entitlement I get from some of our fans comes from a different planet to the one I come from - I'll never agree with it, hence I will disappear from time to time just to get away from it. Allot of the criticism and questions raised by the more thoughtful posters is absolutely fair, but so many have now put the recent past struggles behind them, almost as if it's a trauma they want to bury, that they seem incapable of measured opinions.
    In summary, I never believed that Warne was the Messiah, but he's not a naughty boy either and I wish that those who will never accept him would at least tone down the abuse.
  2. Clap
    Grimbeard reacted to Mick Brolly in Does Warne deserve the vitriol aimed at him?   
    I think being 3 points off the top with a large chunk of the season to go it would be nice to get behind the team and managerial staff and see how it plays out before all the name calling begins. 
  3. Haha
    Grimbeard reacted to May Contain Nuts in Reading v Derby match day thread.   
    I was spelling it phonetically, well, at least for those who pronounce it that way.
  4. Cheers
    Grimbeard reacted to Ghost of Clough in Finance   
    The administrators report confirmed it was exactly £6,264,636.50 paid to HMRC (25%).
    MSD loan was £22m.
    Football creditors totalled £8.85m, but I understand this would have been later reduced to about £7.5m (Lech accepting less for Jozwiak). This had to be paid in full.
    There was £3.1m of unsecured creditors. A minimum of 25% had to be paid, so just shy of £800k (bur could be anything up to an including the full amount)
    My total is £36.6m (if minimum paid to unsecured creditors). Note, Clowes accounts state an extraordinary cost (purchase of DCFC) OF £36.6m.
  5. Like
    Grimbeard reacted to hintonsboots in Finance   
    MM chased the dream of getting us into the Prem, using a massive proportion of his personal wealth in the process. It’s a shame he didn’t surround himself with an experienced team, in relation to both recruitment and coaching staff. Some of the money wasted on inappropriate transfers and paying off failed managers would be like winning the lottery in our current situation.
  6. Clap
    Grimbeard reacted to Donnyram in Corey Blackett-Taylor - Signed on Loan/Permanent in Summer   
    Perhaps we’re going to make a double signing announcement of CBT & Smith and leaving it as late as possible to disrupt Reading’s match preparations.  
    You can see it now with the Reading manager putting panic notes to the group WhatsApp…… “scrap everything I said, Derby have just made a double signing and our intelligence tells us they’re now going to get it out wide and put it into the box”
  7. Haha
    Grimbeard reacted to Foreveram in Reading v Derby match day thread.   
    Have you tried contacting him directly,  wouldn’t want him to miss your advice ☺️
  8. Haha
    Grimbeard reacted to Wolfie in Everton and Forest - FFP   
  9. Clap
    Grimbeard reacted to Ambitious in Everton and Forest - FFP   
    Forest can't be surprised, nor should they be worried about a point deduction - the Premier League is incredibly weak this season because none of them did what they did and spend the best part of a quarter billion after getting promoted. They will survive with a 10 point deduction. 
    I find the whole thing ludicrous to be honest, as I did when we were in the hot seat. How does a team in the bottom 8 sides in terms of wages in the league break financial fair play rules - seriously? 
    If Luton wanted to be anything other than the lowest spending side in the Premier League, they would break financial fair play regulations (for example) - it's the biggest con in the sport and what makes it even more ridiculous is that they're targeting sides spending less than a third of some of the other teams in the same league.  
    Unless the end game is selling broadcast rights to the court proceeding as teams try and kill each other legally then it's a sure fire way to kill the actual product. Too much is made of the team spending the money, how it should be regulated and punished - when equal focus should be given to the team receiving the money. 
    Wages should absolutely be capped in order to encourage a competitive on-field product, however transfer fees should be uncapped and subject to owner investment. If an owner of Newcastle, for example, wants to spend £500m on a player from Peterborough, for example, they absolutely should be encouraged to do so because Peterborough are benefiting from that transaction a hell of a lot more than Newcastle. No loans that straddle the club with debts - if you own a club and want to invest in a player then open up your own bank account and make it happen. 
    Restrictions on spending have done nothing to slow wages at the top end, but have had a considerable knock on effect when it comes to transfers lower down the pyramid. Teams used to factor in transfer income into their revenues - now it's certainly not the case. Spending between clubs within the country needs to be encouraged - it helps strengthen the pyramid. 
    If City buy someone they like from Crystal Palace, Palace then will have money to buy someone they like from Luton, Luton have money to buy someone they like from Bristol City, Bristol City have money to buy someone they like from Stevenage, Stevenage have money to buy someone they like from Hartlepool, Hartlepool have money to buy someone they like Ilkeston & Ilkeston have money to buy someone they like from Forest.. 
    Stopping the top clubs spending or putting restrictions on transfer fees has a much more negative trickle down effect - the players are still getting their payment but the money isn't being recycled around the league as freely as it should. You tie that in with the fact the largest clubs can hoover up any young talent that looks to have something about them for minimal fees before they come of age and you get a very top-heavy, brittle pyramid that is more about preserving status quo than it is improving the state of football in this country. 
  10. Haha
    Grimbeard reacted to CBRammette in January Reinforcements   
    I had to read twice before I got it 🙄😂
  11. Haha
    Grimbeard reacted to Wolfie20 in January Reinforcements   
    Hope not - Brentford were away at Wolves  😉
  12. Like
    Grimbeard reacted to Ghost of Clough in January Reinforcements   
    The table does suggest we're getting better players than them
  13. Clap
    Grimbeard reacted to G STAR RAM in Everton and Forest - FFP   
    Because P&S isnt really about the integrity of football, its about trying to retain the status quo and stopping anyone from breaking the monopoly that is raking in so much cash for the authorities. 
  14. Like
    Grimbeard reacted to G STAR RAM in Serial Whingers Notts Forest playtime, which we simply cannot accept.   
    That seems to be the defence that people reporting on this are expecting, if they are charged of course, and I guess is the reason they have hired Di Marco.
    Seems akin to Sheff Wed trying to include the sale of their ground in the accounts before it had happened, so there is already a precedent set for this, although of course that was overseen by the EFL rather than the Premier League.
    My guess is that this will end with a points deduction as a warning to anyone who thinks that the Premier League is a place where you should be allowed to compete with the 'Big 6'.
  15. Like
    Grimbeard reacted to JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta in Derby V Burton match day thread   
    He opted to punch the ball when he should have been catching it a few times. Wasn't inspiring a lot of confidence in me for whatever that is worth.
  16. Clap
    Grimbeard reacted to Caerphilly Ram in Derby V Burton match day thread   
    Agreed, I’m far more patient with Warne than some on here, but his in game management using subs (or lack of) genuinely infuriates me, why wait until 84 mins to put Thompson on?! It doesn’t make sense to me 
  17. Clap
    Grimbeard reacted to ariotofmyown in Derby V Burton match day thread   
    Have you forgotten you are already a laughing stock or something?
    This screams of an attention seeker poster, desperate for literally anything to criticise Warne with, especially as Bradley is on bench.
    Poor post and a terrible supporter if so.
  18. Like
    Grimbeard reacted to Ram-Alf in Ex/Reformed Football Hooligan wanted for Case Study   
    I've been on the lash all day in Belper so bear with...not a punch or a kick thrown 😉
    Were there innocents hurt...yes there was, Far too many that weren't reported as it was a common occurrence, Heysel, Hillsboro, Bradford saw some horrendous deaths due to Fans, Police and old stadia...who's to blame?
    Danny Dyer oh please...a manufactured programme to put him in the limelight of being a "hard case" there were a good few from the Neptune who didn't want the DLF on his programme but some of the more high profile DLF crowd won the day...it was embarrassing...imo. Books were written of embellished journeys through the lives of "football hooligans" the Brimsons from Watford were the 1st to put pen to paper, They looked the part but as they say "the pen is mightier than the sword" both a pair of fantasists. 
    Life is not worth losing for a game of football...it's mind boggling that this could happen, But lives are lost every weekend in towns up and down the Country...age teaches you one thing...to learn and listen to others, What happened 30-40-50 years ago through football was something we did as others did, Nothing to be proud or ashamed of it was a life that some chose to follow.
    I'll end with this...I loved the 70s-80s made so many friends that you could re float the Titanic with them all, Today...I'm just an old fella that's still has his memories...and I'll share them with anyone who would like to hear them.
    Enjoy your weekend of what's left...I will ☺️   
  19. Like
    Grimbeard reacted to Ram-Alf in Ex/Reformed Football Hooligan wanted for Case Study   
    No bravado or handbags fella, This was life for some, Have you ever walked down a street when going to a football match and been thumped by an away fan, Or maybe grabbed by the throat by our police forces for walking in a group of fans, Kettled in train stations, Put on trains not fit for cattle, Put in a cage(Southampton)yes a cage where even the top was fenced, And you wonder why some(including myself)railed against society, 10s of 1000s were at it all over the Country it's how it was for some, But one thing I'll add, If you were sitting with your partner in a pub and you were being bullied for wearing your colours by the home fans and our kind walked in...you'd stop sh!tting your pants.
  20. Haha
    Grimbeard reacted to uttoxram75 in Ex/Reformed Football Hooligan wanted for Case Study   
    I wouldn't have thought so. I imagine Reading fans have been sneered at by almost everyone they've ever met.
  21. Like
    Grimbeard reacted to RadioactiveWaste in Elliot Embleton - signed on a season-long-loan - cancelled   
    Didn't we get told by a Sunderland fan "he's just like that in every bit of club media" in his demeanor.
    Either way, it was unlucky for him and as it never had a chance to become anything there's nothing to much to say except I hope he gets fit and makes a career for himself.
  22. Haha
    Grimbeard reacted to Steve How Hard? in Colourful / Drab   
  23. Haha
    Grimbeard reacted to Seaside Ram in Joey Barton being Joey Barton   
    Christ on a bike , forgive my dinosaur views ! 
    I think it was because I'd seen an old TV advert for toothpaste from the repulsive 80s featuring a middle age heterosexual married couple with two children that they referred to as he and she . It made me feel sick . Apologies again!! 
  24. Like
    Grimbeard reacted to admira in Oliver Arblaster   
    Unusual surname. 
    English (of Norman origin): occupational name from Anglo-Norman French alblaster arblaster Old French arbalestier arbelestier 'soldier armed with a crossbow'. The surname may also mean 'maker of crossbows'.
  25. Haha
    Grimbeard reacted to QuitYourJibbaJivin in Rebecca Welch   
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