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Carl Sagan

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Posts posted by Carl Sagan

  1. 8 hours ago, erathirea said:

    Probably with the inevitable heat death of the Universe.

    Oh - you meant the situation at Derby?


    Probably around 7.5 billion years time when the sun absorbs the earth.


    7 hours ago, Unlucky Alf said:

    Professor Brian Cox says around 4 billion years time, By which time Steve Buckley's Dog will have got his email reply from DCFC ?


    6 hours ago, Mostyn6 said:

    I need this validating. @Carl Saganover to you old bean. 

    What a question! In my youth the traditional figure was the Sun was 4.5 billion years old and would stay roughly main sequence for another 4.5 billion years. I always thought the symmetry was odd, and nowadays the estimates have gone up, so you see between 5 billion and 7.5 billion depending on who you talk to. However, the bad news is that the Sun expanding to beyond Earth's orbit may not prove to be the end of our embargo, as people are busy finding ways to move Earth 15% further out allowing things to continue. One way we can do that is with around a  million targeted comet fly-bys.

    So, would heat death of the Universe finally end the embargo? Maybe not. Roger Penrose who recently won the Nobel Prize for physics has a new theory called conformal cyclic cosmology where the Universe turns out to be neverending, but rather repeats on different scales. This might mean the EFL sanctions against us grow ever bigger as we enter each new aeon of the Universe. 

  2. 13 hours ago, ariotofmyown said:

    I adore halibut but it's never on sale in either shop or restaurant. Where can I find it? Even Aldi doesn't sell it.

    During the pandemic they were queuing round the block for all the supermarkets so I started going to the M&S food hall instead, where I was normally the only person in the store and amazed to find they sold packs of halibut there.


    They do it in some chippies in London. I first had it as the "standard" fish and chips fish in Canada.

  3. 12 hours ago, Beetroot said:


    Halibut, skinless, in crisp beer batter with mint pea puree & fresh tartare!!!


    @Carl Sagan, "love, love, love my fish and chips"... I'm guessing your only experience of it is some "Chippy Theme Night" at The Ivy that you took Cara Delavigne to??

    You have no idea how close you are. The first time I ever had pea and mint puree with my fish and chips was indeed at The Ivy! Alas not with Cara, but whoever the date was (I really can't remember now), the memory pales compared with the exquisite dish...

  4. 1 hour ago, GboroRam said:

    If they were written by an older person, are they offensive or not? 

    Who gives a stuff? I'm often accused of offending someone simply because I disagree with them. Offense is in the eye of the offended and that's up to them.

    Why would you be happy to prosecute children for what they say?

  5. Here we go. It will be good to get back to club football.


    Byrne       Jagielka       Davies       Buchanan

    Bird          Shinnie

    Sibley        Morrisson          Jozwiak


    Subs: Allsopp  Stearman  Williams Watson Hutchinson  Baldock  Stretton

    I'm presuming Ebosele will still be out injured. If he's fit I'd have him on the bench instead of Hutchinson. If Lawrence or Jozwiak aren't 100% for different reasons, switch them to the bench for Baldock. 

  6. 5 hours ago, Gerry Daly said:

    It would be nice if we could have the club badges of the time rather than the modern ones. 

    I'm confused in that this is the Derby badge from the time isn't it? New that season? I have no idea about the opposition ones. Are they what you mean?

  7. Love, love, love my fish and chips. On the day of our last playoff win I had it twice, once at Wembley and then home in Spitalfields later.

    Not a fan of curry sauce, mushy peas, or gravy in the combo. 

    Mint and pea puree is good, though garden peas are fine too. Good fresh tartare too, and a ton of mayo and some ketchup. But loads and loads of vinegar and then salt.

    Crisp beer batter. I prefer the fish cooked with the skin off, which they do more outside of the UK. And I think halibut is probably the best fish to choose. A nice cob or soft white bread with butter on the side.

    Very astute observation from @JoetheRamabout the general universal (poor) quality of the chips.


  8. 2 hours ago, maxjam said:

    Its never enough though is it?  And things are getting worse at an ever increasing rate.

    Since before the beginning of the pandemic I have found myself increasingly at odds with a lot of 'stuff' thats going on.  Mainstream media and social media are both fueling and driving division to such a degree that they see hate almost everywhere - stuff that I just don't see in my everyday life, so I've started to detach. 

    My Sky subscription (of approx 30 years) ends at the end of the month and my TV licence will follow.  Other than here I have very little social media presence and have cancelled all my news subscriptions/follows etc. 

    The world is going bonkers and this is just another example.  Is there really any reason to dig up nearly decade old tweets made by a teenager to punish him as a man?  Its time to drop out, walk my dogs, spend time with my family and live in a reality that is worlds away from the biased hateful crap force fed to you by the media all the time. 

    Yeah I stopped the TV licence. Enough was enough. Life is much better without the 24/7 hateful media narrative you mention. I think what they do is incredibly damaging for society.

  9. 3 hours ago, TexasRam said:

    It’s absolutely crazy, who actually digs this stuff out as well? 

    I know. That's why I used the "offence archeology" term as there are weirdos deliberately going back through people's social media history to find something they can then claim they were offended by. Twitter was a very different place when it started and many people used it like a WhatsApp chat with their mates (how cricketer Ollie Robinson got banned recently for tweets from a decade ago). A line must be drawn. This nonsense has to be resisted.

  10. 3 hours ago, TigerTedd said:

    Isn’t it a bit of a cheat to just pre-record the concert once and then just hit the play button?

    They’re not dead, like Tupac, and they’re not cartoons like the gorillaz, they could actually show up and do it themselves. 

    listened to the singles yesterday though, they’re quite good. 

    Would you rather see wrinklies on stage or the members in their prime? All the band were born in the 1940s (except Agnetha was 1950) and one reason they never re-formed was because they felt they no longer looked like ABBA. To me you're right, presuming the concert is pre-recorded, that it is a bit of  a cheat. My hope was that there would be sufficient artificial intelligence involved that the holograms do different things each night, but that sort of tech in a reliable form that will always work for the show probably remains a few years away.

    That said, many years ago now U2 filmed a 3D concert in Buenos Aires and it was released as an IMAX 3D movie (U23D). I went loads of times because it was an extraordinary experience to be up on stage with the band in the midst of all that, even though it was the same every night.

  11. 2 hours ago, Spanish said:

    every concert the same, buy the DVD on the way out?  But people will go and enjoy themselves.  Bit like going to an enhanced cinema experience and not on tour at all

    If the AI is clever enough (if they even have it) then every concert will be different. But my suspicion is we're not there yet (in terms of that level of technology or ABBA risking it)  and you're most likely right.

  12. 2 minutes ago, Chester40 said:

    Abba......no more interesting to me than The Spice Girls in their day, songs possibly better than the run of the mill chart stuff but can't think of a single song of their's I actually like. I also can't think of a film more awful than the few minutes of Mamma Mia I saw, so I'm thinking I'm a no for this one. 

    Mamma Mia is an abomination to original ABBA fans. The band had no involvement in it originally, except the royalties. But they decided to take the money and run (you can't really blame them when you realize how much money is involved). Back when the stage version was first launched the fanclub asked Mrs Sagan to review it for them. She detested it, but the consolation was it was so bad it surely wouldn't last more than a couple of weeks before it was pulled!

  13. No football forum can be complete without a thread on ABBA.

    The  Swedish songsters are releasing a new album and creating a purpose-built venue in the Olympic Park in Stratford to the east of London, where they'll play 8 gigs a week. Except they're using new technology so it's their 1979 selves who will be up on stage as holograms, supported by a real  band. 

    Here's the first single from the point the holograms become visible:

    The venture is called ABBA Voyage. Mrs Sagan has long been a fan, and forced me to gate crash the premiere party of Mamma Mia the Party to join her (she was invited) which was fun. I ended up having drinks with Noel Fielding and giving Bjorn a congratulatory pat on the back as he walked past. Hopefully we both get invited to this one!

  14. We have a squad of 25 of which Bielik and Kazim-Richards are long-term injured, Knight, Baldock, Ebosele and Lawrence are short-term injured (well done to Lawrence for playing the last game) and Marshall isn't involved for whatever reason.

    The key question remains "When will we be out of embargo?" Jagielka and Baldock are only contracted until the next window and if we're still embargoed then we won't be able to extend them unless we have further long-term injuries. It was a little worrying that we didn't loan Bobby Duncan to Plymouth because they only wanted him until Jan, at which point he would have returned to us as a player of professional standing. This suggests we're concerned about still being embargoed then, or else it wouldn't matter.

    I would want us to be able to bring in Academy bodies as and when necessary, such as Cashin, Thomson, Plange. It's been a terrible thing for these lads that the embargo has prevented them getting the chance they would otherwise have had. 

    Have we got enough to survive? Let's see after 10/12 games. I'm not convinced we're fit enough, which is disappointing.

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