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Carl Sagan

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Posts posted by Carl Sagan

  1. 16 minutes ago, Marriott Ram99 said:

    Roos off, ducking brilliant. 


    14 minutes ago, LincsRam said:

    no point the players arguing, the ref will never change his mind. Complete nonsense challenge and not needed.


    13 minutes ago, Yani P said:

    Sharps crap touch took it away from goal Jags was behind Roos..always a risk with a keeper out of the box making a foul but never a red for me..


    12 minutes ago, SKRam said:

    Kamara SSN saying Sheff Utd players convinced ref. Suppose your players would but is ref just a soft arse ? 

    As several others have now said, Kamara on SSN was adamant it was not going to be a red but then the Sheff Utd players surrounded and berated the referee until he caved in and got the card out. It really is us against the world. And we only need 10 men.

  2. Here we are, administrators in, massive points deduction, an estimated £50m or whatever in debt, unable to pay wages. And then we read in the Teesside Gazette that Steve Gibson is suing Derby County. https://www.gazettelive.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/middlesbrough-Derby-rooney-mel-morris-21660410

    His gripe is that Mel sold the stadium to another of Mel's companies (accepted as OK by the League because not every club owns their stadium and you can't force a club to) and that Derby loaned Matt Clarke when Gibson wanted him to go to Middlesbrough.

    Of course claims such as these are manifestly absurd and would normally be laughed out of court. But the problem is it's inconceivable that the Derby Administrators can also afford to pay lawyers to fight the Middlesboro Chairman. Equally, it's inconceivable that Derby could afford any additional fines the courts might impose.

    The sole purpose of this can only be to ensure the end of Derby County as a football club. Nothing less. The entire football world including honest Middlesbrough fans should be outraged by this behaviour and condemn it in the strongest possible terms. The club can't afford to fight this, so it's up to us fans to shame Gibson into stopping this despicable course of action.

  3. Mostly, over the last few seasons Derby have competed at the top of the Championship consistently, which is an incredibly tough thing to do. We have been in the playoffs more than any other team. But for a few sliding doors moments, we would have been in the Premier League. 

    Mel has also created a Premier League class academy. We should have won the FA Youth Cup but we did win the English youth league and made impressive progress in the Champions League equivalent.

    Football is broken and the rules are written so that you're not allowed to spend money to buy success nowadays, but fans want success so on the whole they're OK with an owner who tries to find a way around the rules to reach the promised land of the Premier League. Almost every Championship club that gets there has had to break the rules to do so, but because they have escaped EFL jurisdiction in the process, they can get away with it. 

    Something went wrong. Maybe it's simply funding too many campaigns to reaching the playoffs, but not getting over the line, and the EFL then catches up with you? Or maybe it's Mel's health and he has been forced to prioritize that and his family above the club? Or maybe it's something else again? It's very hard to understand from the outside looking in, and I think we're currently in the middle of the storm, but I won't judge Mel until the situation has become clearer, which might not be for quite a long time yet. 


  4. 36 minutes ago, angieram said:

    Are you aware there's a group setting up on Twitter  I think to do something similar? 

    Not sure if they are going down an ownership route but definitely talking about places on the Board.

    Call themselves black and white together.

    Might be worth talking to them?

    I presume this is them?

    Does every club have as many different supporters groups, organizations, initiatives and trusts as us? 

  5. Good to see the other thread locked and move the discussion in here.

    At this point the club needs a figure to rally around and one who is doing the right thing. I've not been a Rooney fan since he entered his twenties, but over the last few weeks he has made a good go of changing my mind. Where on earth would we be without him right now? The man has been a total star.

    Yet I can't help thinking the Administrators will be forced to terminate his contract when they step in. There's no chance they can afford to  pay him. Maybe, he will cease to be the official manager but will continue to do the job for free unofficially, until a buyer is found? This is Derby County. Very strange things happen.

  6. 2 hours ago, brady1993 said:

    I think our strongest 11 right now is probably


    Byrne* Jagielka Davies Buchanan

    Knight Bird

    Sibley Morrison Jozwiak


    *Think there is an argument we might be better off with Ebosele

    But I think going unchanged is probably the right call as keeping up moral and team spirit right now is vitally important.

    And this is interesting because, as I said in the Stoke thread, Shinnie was our first player all season to make it into the FotMob/72 Team of the Week. He does a lot of good work that goes unnoticed. If Rooney is still the manager and we still have all our first team squad, selection is gradually becoming harder. Which has to be a good thing.

  7. 15 minutes ago, Grumpy Git said:

    Roos must have come close too?

    Apparently the 72 uses a stats site called FotMob for its rankings. Looking, Shinnie is the first Derby player to make their team of the week this season. The rankings for Saturday's game (and a link to their site) are:


    Roos managed 6.9 vs Bentley's 8.4 as a goalie. IIRC, Roos and Davies made the WhoScored team of the week last week.

  8. Graeme Shinnie made the 72's Team of the Week (as did ex Rams Keogh and Weimann):


    Football is about mixing the right ingredients to make the best team, even if that doesn't always mean the best individual players. I do think Shinnie's contribution is often overlooked (something I've been guilty of). Right now we need fighters and he's one of those.

  9. I think we went into admin as a combination of 1, 2 and 4, plus the other factor of Mel's ill health. But I voted 4 as I think those factors are what pushed us over the edge.

    For the second question I think it's a case of 1 and 3. I voted 1, that someone will buy us quickly, but I also think the EFL won't let it lie as they won't want us to be able to rebuild quickly, so they will ensure it continues to drag on as long as they can.

    My mind changes all the time but I wonder tonight if MSD will buy us to take control of the situation and protect their investments, before repackaging the club as a more attractive proposition to sell on to another party.

  10. 8 minutes ago, CBRammette said:

    Back to Roy's original question, does anyone know anyone with experience of setting this up who could help if we need this?  Is it hard to get going? If we need £1.5m for Sept or Oct and 50,000 people sign up that would be £30 each or a match ticket to save another 3 point deduction. I know its a really tough time for many but some who can would hopefully donate much more (ex players????) and enough people giving £2.50 or a coffee would really help. 
    The simplest form would seem to be Donation Crowdfunding where People invest simply because they believe in the cause. Donors have a social or personal motivation for putting their money in and expect nothing back, except perhaps to feel good about helping the project. 
    sorry if this seems pie in the sky but can we really just sit back and do nothing assuming the money will come from elsewhere?

    Am i going mad to want to try?

    I'm not interested because every single Derby player is a lot richer than me, so why should I pay their inflated wages? It's not at all a criticism of the Derby players. You take what you can get. But the football world is crazy. I wish I had their money.

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