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Inverurie Ram

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Posts posted by Inverurie Ram

  1. Whilst Middlesbrough were playing Derby County on Saturday 12th Feb 2020 I was away with the family in Dunblane and as it was lashing down, the misses and the youngest lad opted to go to the cinema to see Sing 2. That left the eldest lad and me twiddling our thumbs, so off we headed to Fir Park to see Motherwell v Aberdeen in the Scottish Cup Fifth Round which turned out to be Stephen Glass's last game in charge of Aberdeen.

    We sat in the South Stand Upper and laughed at a few of the Motherwell Ultras invade the pitch early on, and then throw things at the young Aberdeen player Ramsey during the game, then witness the Aberdeen defence and reserve keeper, make Derby's defence look rather good, and then unfortunately listen to the Aberdeen fans boo at the end of the game.

    ..........oh well the things you do to avoid going to Middlesbrough or the Cinema on a windy, rainy day!

  2. 37 minutes ago, DarkFruitsRam7 said:

    Inspired song choice


    sounded like Johnny Cash but let me have 12 pints for breakfast and a bottle of Bailey's on my cornflakes first and I might then work it out........as for inspired?

    Hope everyone's been triple vaccinated, and are wearing their full PPE, especially helmets, goggles, respiratory equipment and wellington boots if they dare to go night clubbing after the game and don't forget to put out our road signs and cones on route to the game, to let everyone know we have arrived. But no throwing fruit at cars or triple nipples allowed!

    And remember kids, just say no to Parmo's and if the locals try to talk to you with their aussie accents about football keep your ear defenders on!


  3. 8 hours ago, Boycie said:

    Non league init?

    not even @Inverurie Ram would pick a YouTube vid to support it.


    8 hours ago, uttoxram75 said:

    Entrapment. You should be ashamed of your self.

    I still can't believe @Davidcreated this thread. There we all where, sailing along in this misery, telling every other football fan, friend, family member, work collegue, those folk that know nothing about football that have seen Derby County pop up in their social media, how hard done we have been, and that we could be the very first football team with a massive point deduction to avoid relegation, and then he brings up bloomin Dundee...........bloomin Dundee!

    He'll be telling us next how wonderful Boro boy Ravenelli was for Derby and Dundee!

    You Tube Video......Ave it!


  4. I loved the boy when he cracked in his first goal for Everton when his hunger, passion for the game was clear to see.

    I loved how that boy gave us England fans that hope especially in the Euro's 2004 in Portugal which I was at, when it was great to see his family there in full support.

    I loved how he reacted to the corporate fans, the new breed of England fans that fancied a holiday in Cape Town South Africa for the World Cup 2010, that opted to boo their fellow England players off the pitch.

    I will never boo any Derby County or England players off the pitch.

    I loved how he joined Derby County and played for our Derby County.

    I loved how he has managed Derby County so far and I will continue to love how he manages our club.

    I don't buy newspapers and I don't believe everything I have read in any newspaper in the past, I don't believe everything I read on the internet or watch on the news or on or social media or on TV, on the radio and all the rest.

    I have made many mistakes in my life, I hope to learn from my mistakes, and I admire down to earth, honest people that hold up their hand and admit their mistakes, as I don't see that as a weakness, but a strength, and I especially admire team players that try to help others become stronger and better people on the pitch, off the pitch and in all walks of life.

    I love Wayne Rooney and I believe he will do his very best to build this club and make it great again and he will do that treating everyone at the club, with kindness, love and respect and will get eveyone working hard to achieve the desired goals we all crave, with plenty of smiles and laughter along the way.

    D.C.F.C. Love, Life & Unity.

    Billy Bragg - It Says Here.

    It says here that the Unions will never learn
    It says here that the economy is on the upturn
    And it says here we should be proud
    That we are free
    And our free press reflects our democracy

    Those braying voices on the right of the House
    Are echoed down the Street of Shame
    Where politics mix with bingo and tits
    In a money and numbers game

    Where they offer you a feature
    On stockings and suspenders
    Next to a call for stiffer penalties for sex offenders

    It says here that this year's prince is born
    It says here do you ever wish
    That you were better informed
    And it says here that we can only stop the rot
    With a large dose of Law and Order
    And a touch of the short sharp shock

    If this does not reflect your view you should understand
    That those who own the papers also own this land
    And they'd rather you believed
    In Coronation Street capers
    In the war of circulation, it sells newspapers
    Could it be an infringement
    Of the freedom of the press
    To print pictures of women in states of undress

    When you wake up to the fact
    That your paper is Tory
    Just remember, there are two sides to every story


  5. Why next season @David?.......the club have got on the case this season and are now selling t-shirts in the club shop.

    I'll wait to wade in when they get white and black, purple and blue vinyl in the megastore of the whole club and fans singing it after we stay up!........another great idea for the megastore, c'mon @Owen87ITK get everyone at the club singing it and watch them record, cassette, CD, download sales go through the roof!

    ............we might need a few more lyrics or some funky beats, to jazz the song up a bit, but @superdavemight want to get Joey Greener involved and we have @leamram on here who knows how to write or sparkle up a tune.

    We might have to reintroduce Top of The Pops, Swap Shop, The Tube, The Old Grey Whistle Test, The Chart Show, SnubTV and all the rest to show us all in the Pop Video...........but once it's on RamsTV............this time next year, we"ll all be millionaires!

    .........and when we go on tour, I know where we can get some roadies!



  6. 25 minutes ago, Brailsford Ram said:

    Thanks Inverurie for setting the scene music wise. This wasn't my cup of tea but I'd just got in to Neil Young at this time with his After The Goldrush & Heart of Gold Albums. Big mistake financially. I've seen him 53 times since performing all over the world and I've bought everything he's ever released which is an awful lot. If I hadn't followed him and DCFC I'd have been minted now. But on the other hand I would no way have enjoyed my life as much as I have. COYR

    No problem @Brailsford Ram. I've seen Neil Young several times myself, but I'm still a young whiper snapper, and like yourself if it wasn't for DCFC and music I would also be minted now. But without........."heaven knows I'm miserable now" (I won't post The Smiths video on this occasion, posted it plenty of times in the past on this forum, after defeat etc)

  7. I just want to say "All Glory To God"..............

    Me being a Hull boy, I get bragging rights, when I go see my folks. 6 out of 6 points against the Tigers this season.

    I also get bragging rights at work, as I work with a Hull City fan.

    Great work from the players and fans. I absolutely loved our work rate, desire and passion.

    Keep it going every Ram. 

    D.C.F.C. Love, Life & Unity..............Rooooooooney!

  8. 10 hours ago, loweman2 said:

    They were some shirts that we had made but upon arrival they had been made not to our specification, they button up all the way to the bottom instead of half way, so we did not include them in the "Lowe&Shardlow est1884" collection as the idea is that they need to be as they were in the 1880s/90s, they are fantastic quality, so Richard has been selling them at below cost on ebay as we await the arrival of the correctly specified shirts.

    the colours are correct on the shirt, we continued with research after that first edition of the book, we now believe that the shirt in the book may in fact be a Preston NE shirt worn by John Goodall and not from his Derby days.

    i will be posting photos of the correct shirt along with a team photo from the day, it was the shirt that Steve Bloomer made his debut in and wore for the next five seasons, should have messaged me mate !! still a great shirt !

    Yes, still a great shirt, and another to my collection.

    I hope you and Richard will be giving me first dibs on any of the correct shirts you have to sell!

    Any feed back on getting anymore of the home 1923 - 26 shirts to sell?

  9. 15 minutes ago, Kathcairns said:

    My husband dos'nt go to the matches so went with my daughters and son in law. When i got home my husband just happened to say the wrong thing and i stormed off to bed.?. Thats the only time ive let a result get me in a bad mood, as you say a horrible day.

    Unfortunately as a Derby fan, I've stormed to bed on many occasions, many times looking like I've been dragged through a storm, or I've found the house inside to be in a storm as I've crashed about, wobbling from side to side getting up them stormy stairs.....................hick!


  10. 1 hour ago, i-Ram said:

    Just coming round after a few beers and a doze. Had this strange dream where Kitson missed a sitter at Wembley in 94. Not sure why. Every ducker knows it was John ducking Harkes.


    I've had a lot to drink since 1994..........and I bet you look good on the dance floor!

    Leicester City turned me into an alcoholic, but then again if my memory serves me well in 1987 the wheels were on fire and in 1989 I woke up in the ARI singing Inspiral Carpets - Move to all the nurses on duty, for having far too many, but then again............

    I knew it was John ducking Harkes, I just misspelt it as Paul Kitson!......and it's Sunday and I've got a headache again!






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