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Inverurie Ram

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Posts posted by Inverurie Ram

  1. Second goal all started from Plange not crossing when we were attacking, we keep going backwards, then before we know it, Bryne is giving a free corner away that could have been left for our keeper, mistake after mistake, then our defence can't be @rsef getting out and then Knight thinks the guy is offside.

    Just far too many mistskes, a bit like the first, Davies mistake, then Stearman mistake, followed by Bryne mistake, then goal.

    Then CKR comes on and hides behind a Brum player giving our defence no out ball. Mistakes breed more mistakes.

    The big crowd has scared our players to bits.

    Bowyer destroyed Cocu's Derby at Charlton and this is just a repeat of a physical team being organised and pressing and repeating Brum's recent performances against us. 

  2. Whilst the march was on, I was made to go to Ellon Community Swimming Pool with the family for a swim, so I put a #save Derby county A4 sheet of paper in the back window of the car.

    The pool was probably the coldest pool I've been too in my life. I sang "fkn luv Derby" as I swam along to try and keep warm.

    The kids sulked for 45minutes as we eyed up the showers that were constantly mobbed, until we got to share 1 shower between 4 of us, we were in it together! Until I managed to accidentally set off one of the out of order showers that nearly wiped out one of the swimming guards, like a police water jet to control crowds, absolutely cheered me up, from defrosting in quarter of a shower to having a laugh!

    Now at home to watch Sky Sports and to be very proud watching our beloved Derby County Fans support our wonderful Derby County Football Club.

    We Are Derby. Super Rams.

    D.C.F.C. Love, Life & Unity.

    .............. "we only sing when were swimming, sing when were swimming............."



  3. 22 minutes ago, Jortat said:

    Sky have not shown any of the March . Just a few close ups and interviews with fans .

    They needed to show the size of the March today , not faff about getting the “experts” views .

    Show the people, the fans . Show Derby and what it means to all the fans.???

    Sky spent more time with ex Leeds boy talking about Neil Warnock and the Forest bloke with pink hair playing for Brum.

    Usual Sky Sports missing the important stuff that is just outside their closed little glass box of same old stuff.

  4. 56 minutes ago, Rev said:


    You've got a crowd of thousands marching down on Sunday, and arriving an hour early!

    Get the fan park open, get Joey Greener on doing his stuff, contact @superdavefor bookings.


     Even book @Inverurie Ram for a pre match and post match DJ set.

    Get those food stalls and beer tills ringing ten to the dozen, and watch the cash roll in.

    Show some imagination for god's sake.


    I'll be fast asleep on Sunday. I'm just in my bed after seeing The Stranglers play for 2 hours, supported by The Ruts and I'm off to see Suggs on Saturday night for his "I'm not a c@nt" tour. 

    As for The Administration. I think they are just an illusion.............but Belouis Some might be available......


  5. Is there a dress code for the march @therams69?

    Fans encouraged to wear "all white" especially when you read what the colour white represents in opposition to those that wear "all black" a powerful statement could be made, by how we look.

    We might look like a few thousand cricketers, and our current situation "just isn't cricket" but if it grabs attention, then it might be worthwile.

    Keep Up The Wonderful Work.

    D.C.F.C. Love, Life & Unity.



  6. Did anyone tell their #myderbystory on camera in/around Derby today? or email your story to Tom etc.

    I’m looking for #dcfcfans who would like to tell their #myderbystory on camera in/around Derby on Sunday. It’s to create a fan film, and bring this amazing Twitter thread to life. I’m keeping my fingers crossed for responses! DM me or email your story to tom@alchemyfilms.co.uk

  7. 2 hours ago, Ted McMinn Football Genius said:

    Someone has raised this a week or so back, I think it’s worth raising again.

    If we have fellow Rams Supporters with significant followers Twitter etc etc. Could the celebrities begin a go-fund me page and request donations of £1 per person, I am lead to believe that Niall Horan has 40m followers on Twitter then you’ve Jack O’Connell, Graham Coxon (Blur) I’m sure there are more.

    If between them they have 50m followers an average of £1 donation solves a massive problem.

    Just a thought

    It's a good thought. We just need "one" of our celebrity fans to do the right thing and #save Derby county.

    Here is a massive "one" chance for them to use their fame and fortune to help #save Derby county.

    It really could be done, quickly and effectively, if that "one" celebrity stands up and enables their followers plus the potential to gain thousands more followers and to be associated with Derby County's History as playing their part in the saving of Derby County Football Club.

    It's too late for them all, to leave it to other people to try and sort out, if they are the supporters of Derby County that we are all to believe, then surely "one" of these famous fans will "do the right thing" and help the football club they love.

    People make people famous  by investing in them, time for "one" of our famous fans to invest in the people of Derby County.


  8. Are the Administrators spending too much time with MP's just talking about the problem?

    Meeting after meeting to highlight the same problem that we have all known about for months. 

    Would they not be better spending such quality time in working on and delivering the required solution?

    Or will they choose to have more meetings to discuss previous meetings and schedule new meetings to work out how they word information and what information they can share about the same problem we have all shared for 4 months and continue to do so in their regurgitated messages.


     "I'm going round the bend again......and I left it up to you.............."


  9. 57 minutes ago, kevinhectoring said:

    They are indeed flapping. There is only one point in this that is surprising: they have said that they are looking at the substance of the 2 claims and will try to help resolve them. I’ve not seen this before. It’s a sign that we are getting to them and that they will put more overt pressure on Gibson 

    ...........just words.......they will carry on with the words..........it's acting upon them that they will purposefully avoid doing, which is the problem for us but not themselves.

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