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Inverurie Ram

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Posts posted by Inverurie Ram

  1. 15 minutes ago, Ram a lamb a ding dong said:

    It was Harkes

    I bet your good at reading work e-mails!.......one of the new breed, that doesn't read all the information down below and answers the question that's been answered several times already, usually several days later!

    Hark now hear the Derby sing, the Leicester ran away.............and @Ram a lamb a ding dong for a taxi!

  2. C'mon @superdave what's the latest with Joey?

    What's new with the Derby Music Scene?

    Are the local musicians doing anything to raise the profile, the awareness of #Save Derby County.

    Our so called famous fans have all gone quiet on Twitter, well I don't actually know that, because I'm not on Twitter, but I've not seen much on here regarding such. Anyone got anything new from our famous fans?

    Up The Rams

  3. 6 hours ago, Papahet said:

    I'd argue it went wrong when we replaced hardworking, grounded players who gave a poo from the 13/14 season with overrated, overpriced crap who didn't fit into a system we had set upon playing 

    Add that to the manager merry go rounds, a arrogant chairman who believed he could buy us to glory and stories about Butterfield missus toes, Drones, Thornes continued injury layoffs, selling our star players for peanuts (Hughes, Ince, Vydra...) and replacing them with dogshite and then the whole FFp drama.


    It's been a circus since 2014 when DCFC is concerned.

    You forgot Bradley thinking he had signed for Derby City............sums up the whole saga!

  4. 18 hours ago, Mucker1884 said:

    Stopped watching at 00:58:

    "... Meanwhile, supporters were recently issued a warning, following allegations of abuse and personal attacks directed at the club's administrators..."


    Calling BS, until someone put's me right!  ?‍♂️

    If the administrators carry on losing bidders quicker than they can name a preffered bidder they will not be helping themselves (other than their own financial gain) or ourselves in saving Derby County Football Club.

  5. 1 hour ago, Unlucky Alf said:

    I left school in 1971, My 1st wage packet was £6.50, After insurence I came out with the huge some of £5.93, Gave my Mum £1.50 for board and the rest was mine.

    Then life dawned on me, I had to buy my own clothes ?

    I believe that Liverpool paid one of the highest win bonuses in the 70s, Just as much as their weekly wage ?, Jimmy Hill broke the professional footballer wage cap when threatening to strike.

    Read this...wow

    In January 2018, Mesut Özil signed a new contract with Arsenal Football Club. The German midfielder would enter a three-year extension with the Gunners worth approximately £55.9 million including an annual average salary of £13.975 million, equating to £350,000 per week.


  6. 57 minutes ago, Gee SCREAMER !! said:

    ' You greedy kit '  Paul Kitsons transfer to Newcastle on the brink as he makes demand to be the highest paid player at £250,000 per year'.  Sod all now and that was maybe 26 years ago.

    Headline when he left us us. 

    Every things gone mad since then.  Think Scott Parker was getting 3 million a year at Chelsea whilst Veron was on 8.  I can't remember them even playing.

    and I still haven't got over Paul Kitson missing a sitter at Wembley in the Play Off final game against Leicester or am I confusing him with somebody else? The following day as I awaited a train back up to Aberdeen as I moaned about the chances we missed, some Cockney dweeb whilst I was playing my mate on some arcade game in the station pub, told me to get over it, well I never have and never will, blooming over paid, frustrating footbal players!

  7. 49 minutes ago, Ghost of Clough said:

    They've only been above 20,000 for 3 of the last 6 games. This is a side who're on the verge of the playoffs, having lost just once since the end of November.

    They are all Man Utd fans really, glory hunters who have at least two teams to watch with their red, white and black scarves.

    They didn't know who to cheer on the other night in the FA Cup. The little lad left in the hotel probably asked his Dad when they could go and watch Sunderland again..................

  8. 34 minutes ago, CBRammette said:

    Or away fans around Middlesbrough /riverside on 12th? At least you have fans there already

    But nobody in the world will see any protest we have in Fiddlesbrough because of all the cheating smog in the air, and cameras and any other recording equipment are not allowed in Fiddlesbrough because nothing can be seen except very thick cheating smog.

    Fiddlesbrough will be holding their own regular protest anyway, lots of empty pink seats at the riverside as usual as their own fans would rather go shopping and stand all day long at a greasy van waiting to eat more horrendous parmos in the thick cheating smog.

    And Steve Gobson will not be attending the Fiddlesbrough v Derby County fixture as he and some hairdresser will be very busy in the thick cheating smog sorting his hair out.

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