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Posts posted by NottsRam77

  1. 21 minutes ago, TuffLuff said:

    Bit of credit where it’s due to Steve Nicholson who got his article out before anyone else naming Chris Kirchner.


    You can feed on the scraps from the hands of Nixon all you like, Team Nicho FTW!

    Feel sorry for him tbh 

    i know the det has gone a bit clickbaity and it annoys the hell out of me 

    but hes Derby, he gives a crap and for me his match ananlysis is pretty spot on

    Same goes for ed dawes too 

  2. 54 minutes ago, Pearl Ram said:

    The new one is Wycombe have hit Quantuma with writ today in an attempt to sue us for their relegation last season. They are saying we should have been relegated and want around 6 million in TV money.

    In my opinion, if that’s their issue shouldn’t they be taking that up with the EFL ? 

    Hope Quantuma tell them to take a hike.

    Exactly , wasnt us that delayed it 

    and more to the point if they can press charges against us 

    then can we not do the same for both villa and qpr that beat us by breaking ffp in those two years ( by more than us lol) and so gained an unfair sporting advantage 

  3. 4 minutes ago, Ravabeerbelly said:

    I think that’s pretty harsh. He hasn’t been any better but he’s certainly not been any worse than others.

    However, I would like to think this may put an end to the “he’s quick so stick him for their forward” brigade. 


    Further forward doesn’t suit his skill set and doesn’t suit how we are set up to play with rotating front 3/4, false 9 or inside forwards instead of wingers.

    My favorite one was a defensive midfielder.. cos hes quick .. head in hands moment that lol

  4. 5 minutes ago, Sparkle said:

    I have seen many worse but we need a heck of a lot more from him - I expect him to be sold in January because we either need to sell him or we want to sell him - we need a lot more from him 

    Iv seen worse players, way worse but in terms of product from promising situations hes right up there  

  5. 23 minutes ago, Dethorn said:

    Honestly not seen too much of him but what I have leaves me wondering could he make a decent CDM energy, quick to close down, can pass and those driving runs? 
    obviously a bit of training but I think he has potential in that role

     any thoughts?

    Speed is literally the last attribute i would look for in a dmc 

    our best of recent years

    eustace , thorne, bielik… i can run backwards faster than all three but theyre up there for us in terms of players we would kill for right now 

  6. On 01/06/2021 at 15:04, Charlotte Ram said:

    I am sure that I read on this website Mel lost the tribunal case regarding Sam Rush, companies house tells a much different story in fact completely the reverse.


    Is this another Mel Myth we can cross off as fake myth?

    What did mrs ince have to say about it? 

  7. 10 hours ago, Boycie said:

    Well, I understand your concerns, and I kinda think goal keepers can’t win.  They have a good run of form and “some” won’t appreciate it, our attacking players have been abysmal regards goals scored, but “some” think they'll come good.

    So last night we clicked going forward better, but the defence was shocking, not just the goalie.

    “Some” who wanted Roos out the club now want him back in the team.  There’s no way Marshall will start again.

    Change the school boy defence and attackers when they have bad games too, if you swap keepers every time they make a mistake.

    If the attackers were taking their opportunities the pressure wouldn't be on the defence so much to keep a clean sheet.

    Oh i agree completely

    as a defender / defensive midfielder myself i would always get so annoyed that the 100 missed chances and cheap turnover in possession by forwards was always forgotten about and people would remember the one defensive slip 

  8. 17 minutes ago, Sufferingfool said:

    Allsopp has looked good since coming in. The second goal was a very good cross right in the area of uncertainty he came but it was too good and their big forward got above the defence to score. If he had stayed and they scored then he would have also been criticised. If we had scored that goal we would be praising the quality of the ball in and the finish. Hope he is still in on Saturday.

    How was the guy going to score from there with him on his line… it only went in cos he came flapping

    agree totally though, all 3 of our keepers are very championship, middle to lower end imo

  9. 9 minutes ago, Bald Eagle's Barmy Army said:

    The Administrators have had long enough to decide if an appeal is worth it or not. Now they've appealed, this tells you everything you need to know IMO. 

    Agree totally

    Do u mean the INDEPENDENT experts in their field administrators? 

    Read between the lines people

    mels words: its all about covid


    Independent admins first statement:

    this club has been badly affected by covid 

    this was always the plan

    im not saying its a good one

    but it was the plan


  10. 15 minutes ago, jono said:

    I think we have to stop trying to say this or that was the cause.

    Tragedies happen when multiple things go wrong at the wrong time. 

    You could argue the signing of Anya or the employing of Pearson, or the Bryson Hughes were the cause .. none of which would be true.

    BUT ... when you have a series of bad outcomes from a series of choices and events events and one of those is Covid 

    None of those events would have caused administration when taken as a unique happening. .. it was a series of events, all of which were contributory to the end result. 



    Bad signings are one thing 

    a company having 2/3s of its revenue wiped off is another 

  11. 29 minutes ago, atherstoneram said:

    Our financial position is very material and will be vital in the run up to when Covid struck. Covid might be a factor why the club went into administration but not the cause. We don't know the state our finances were in prior to Covid striking or how indeed the club was being run.

    The players were not paid on time one month,MM's fault whether he was expecting the Fake Sheikh to pay them or not,until the deal is signed and ratified by the EFL it's still the owners responsibility,the EFL will have a far greater knowledge whether a deal was close or not.

    How long has MM just been putting money into the club to keep it ticking over,did that start when he decided he was looking for a buyer (over Two years now) we don't know but the EFL will.

    How long have we been owing money to HMRC again we don't know.

    How many agreed transfer payments were missed if any? again we don't know.

    All these factors will no doubt be submitted by the EFL to the arbitration panel to make a judgement.

    Was the payment issue not because of the botched alonso takeover? 

  12. 5 minutes ago, JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta said:

    I think this is a waste of time, but if by some absolute miracle we get the deduction removed or reduced the boiled piss from the rest of the teams and their fans in the division would be absolutely glorious.

    Mr Pop would explode like a stick of dynamite.

    It really wont be hard 

    our financial position is largely immaterial 

    It carries some relevance obviously but 

    was the reason we went into admin because we were running close to the wire or that we had 20m in revenues that had been budgeted for slashed off our accounts

    That same 20m will be on each of the previous 6 years accounts

    so covid wipes off 2/3s of a companies revenue and isnt the reason (be it Derby or southern electric) they go into admin?

    I think its harder to argue against it tbh 





    best regards

    mel lol

  13. On 10/10/2021 at 09:45, PistoldPete said:

    I don't really understand this story.


    My understanding is that the 12 point deduction is an all or nothing thing. According to the rules as I understand them, If covid was the most proximate cause of the administraton then the deduction should be zero  points. If it was not then, it should be 12 points. No other ifs or  buts or mitigating factors that could reduce it in half. 


    Unless .. we are saying .. we haven't got time to fight this through the courts or tribunals, let's do a deal now and get certainty.  


    Also EFL asking for our books over six years.. haven't they had them already?   



    And with which form of accounting ? 

    the perfectly legal one that they signed off twice ?

    or theirs? 

  14. 12 minutes ago, 24Charlie said:

    I think you’ll find that Chad Littleover and Alvaston are inside the Derby City Boundary.

    Furthermore it’s Derby County not Derby City which gives the Rams a large catchment area within the County. We have also traditionally drawn well from North West Leicestershire and East Staffordshire.


    Thats the point isnt it

    we are Derby County…. We literally have a whole county to ourselves hence when the times are good 40k plus don their scarves and rock up at wembley 


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