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Posts posted by NottsRam77

  1. 3 hours ago, Bris Vegas said:

    And Forest don’t spend anywhere near as much as we do on the running of their academy. Sort of proves the point.

    We could just easily have a development squad and buy youth players for them.

    Lets not forget that Ebosele and Jason Knight joined as 16-17 years olds. Louie Watson joined last year. You can still have a development squad with those of that age joining.


    Theyve invested pretty heavily in it 


    dougherty spent millions getting it up from what it was .. and aquiring the land in very pricey wilford 

  2. 1 minute ago, NottsRam77 said:

    Weve been shockingly bad when it comes to selling these kids for money.. the most obvious being will Hughes

    as i mentioned look at what forest got for some of theirs 

    Ollie burke … 12-15m depending what u read

    appiah… 8m (kicked the ball about 3 times for the first team) 

    worral is worth about x million (apparently)

    ben osborne 4.5m

    matty cash 12m

    ben brereton 8m 

    Theyve got two in there atm (wingers) i can tell u now theyll go for north of 8m

    this is before u start going back to reid, jenas, dawson, prutton etc etc 

    Theyre the peterborough of the champ they manage to sell their products at inflated prices.. we give them away 


    Add darlow and lescelles in there too 

  3. 9 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Do we have to sell Bird, Buchanan, Knight, Ebosele, Williams, etc?

    Weve been shockingly bad when it comes to selling these kids for money.. the most obvious being will Hughes

    as i mentioned look at what forest got for some of theirs 

    Ollie burke … 12-15m depending what u read

    appiah… 8m (kicked the ball about 3 times for the first team) 

    worral is worth about x million (apparently)

    ben osborne 4.5m

    matty cash 12m

    ben brereton 8m 

    Theyve got two in there atm (wingers) i can tell u now theyll go for north of 8m

    this is before u start going back to reid, jenas, dawson, prutton etc etc 

    Theyre the peterborough of the champ they manage to sell their products at inflated prices.. we give them away 


  4. 1 hour ago, Bris Vegas said:

    An academy is all good when you’re a Premier League side and you can afford it, all the while sending the best talent out to the Championship for experience.

    You’re also protected against fellow PL sides stealing your best players.

    But in the Championship and below I just don’t see how it’s financially worth it.

    Put it this way, if we were in the PL and had Knight, Bird, Sibley and Buchanan come through and we loaned them out to stable Championship clubs, they’d arguably progress more while having a far higher value.

    Unless you get lucky with a Jude Bellingham (signed to a pro contract) every few years, an academy is just a financial burden. You can get better value for money just using the academy expense to sign players to develop for the first team.

    Forest have made millions from theres … millions and produced god knows how many from it

    weve been managed terribly in respect to getting fees for the players 

  5. Have to say the enjoyment i got from seeing thompson, knight and bird hounding down their midfield had me gushing with pride, chuck festy into that and im just hopeful that despite where this season takes us which hand on heart for me is league one we will cone back stronger, wiser and a more galvanised club

    Just honing in on that i though those 3 in midfield were absolutely outstanding, knight was everywhere, bird as calm and composed as anything else on that pitch and was a joy to watch at times with his knitting of the play and thompson, well he looks a player doesnt he, lovely low centre of gravity, type of player that knows how to look after the ball and will only get better 


    and this was all without my favourite yourh accademy player .. not louis sibley.. louis watson.. hes going to be gold for us imo

    but anyhow a v v proud ram tonight 

    also well played wazza, cant argue with what hes doing in such difficult circumstances

  6. 2 hours ago, ramsbottom said:

    To say I didn’t see that kinda performance coming is an understatement. Well, I could see Roos screwing up, but that’s every game really.

    We were excellent 2nd half, and apart from the later header from Billing, we weren’t really troubled at all. 

    My man-crush on Curtis Davis gets deeper and more serious every week. What a colossus he is!!!

    Hands off i saw him first lol

  7. 6 minutes ago, Ramarena said:

    The problem is, which keeper can we get that is comfortable with receiving the ball as much as we give it to our keeper?

    I think even Ederson would struggle with us.

    I’d love to see how much possession our keeper has vs other teams……….must be the highest in the division!

    Agree, its suicide football .. especially with the level of players we have

    but its just another to the kell roos back catalogue of duck ups 

    hey hoe, onwards and upwards with this depressing season 


  8. 15 minutes ago, IslandExile said:

    Perhaps surprising for a club that has effectively been relegated as early as November, but I sense a really positive shift in the mood of supporters since the news of the additional points deduction broke this morning.

    Fans are already starting to look forward to a new set of away grounds next season, they're discussing which youngsters may break into the side and establish themselves. I've even seen a couple of posters say they may start going to matches more often.

    People are starting to look forward again....

    Forward to a time when it's the football on the pitch that matters. That's why we support the club. That's what we want to think about, talk about, dare to dream about.

    We still need an owner to take over the club - that's crucial, of course. But I believe it's all starting to look a lot brighter. We're leaving the crappy stuff behind and returning to being a football club.

    COYR ?

    Love ur optimism buddy really do and dont want to p on ur parade, and i hear what ur saying

    but imo were still a long way to go before we can start looking forward to focussing on the pitch again

    theres still so so much to be sorted out owbership, if not what sort of a squad will we be left with end of january, how long is the efls emargo/business plan going to hamstring us for .. 18 months?

    will we be able to keep rooney? Will rooney stay? Do we want him to stay?

    thats before we start looking st what we can bring in

    i remember when the red dogs were struggling in league one their biggest problem was attracting players to come to them purely cos players would rather go to say huddersfield / preston in the champ than forest in league one.. plus the wages they could offer and they didnt have a business plan /embargo hanging over them

    i hope this is the first step to a clearer future too but im not too confident just yet  

  9. 39 minutes ago, Crewton said:

    As if to demonstrate the lack of understanding of which "rules" Derby have broken, we have this pile of nonsense from The Grauniad :


    What a dreadful excuse for journalism and editing.


    Well thats about as poor as it gets for reporting doesnt it 

  10. 57 minutes ago, Foreveram said:

    When we were at Elland road for the playoff semifinal and the Leeds fans were singing “ we beat you at home we beat you away” and then they scored another goal  should we just have gone home with our tails between our legs. Well I’m glad we didn’t cos I would have missed one of the best nights of my life. Now is not the time to give up.

    Just read this … 

    Very inspiring .. well played sir


    i take back my if comment above this post 

  11. Pretty ducking depressing have to say 

    i dont see this being the league one tour that some might think it will be 

    remember when we were looking down the barrel of relegation at various times plenty were saying a stint in league 1 will be the reset the club needs 

    well we have it now.. so lets find out 

    For me now its all about progress and ill be measuring it in the smallest of quantities.

    weve had body blow after body blow to deal with for the last 18 months, we need stability and probably a fair bit more patience from the fans.

    Were not out of this yet until our future is secured i fear january will be a wholesale firesale .. its going to get tougher before it gets better 

  12. On 13/11/2021 at 09:33, Woodley Ram said:

    It looks like we will have a new owner by January.

    I think we need to invest in a couple of big young centre backs, a big tackler for midfield, a couple of big speedy lads up front and a speed merchant. all aimed at L1

    We just cant help ourselves can we 

    spending got us in this mess didnt it 

    With tv, gate receipts and corporate monies about to be slashed for us as we enter league , we will probably have to cut our cloth first further before spending 



  13. 17 minutes ago, Big Bad Bob said:

    I wonder if Kirchner wants to conclude to purchase quickly so he can then appeal the points deductions. Let me explain. Any sale cannot realistically take place with the potential points deduction. So take the punishment for ffp, complete the sale, get out admin and have the transfer embargo lifted. We can then sign players in January and we can appeal both the 12 point deduction and the 9 point deduction under the new owner. For the 12 point deduction, the administrators seemed confident in a positive outcome. For the ffp breach, Mel seemed to think we may be able to rewrite the accounts such that we wouldn't be in breach of ffp. 

    The efl are cleat dragging things out and the administrators want to finish off as sooas possible. So they have removed their appeal allowing the efl to dish out their punishment, allow the sale to conclude  and the new owners appeal at their expense. That said I'm not sure if we will be able to appeal after the sale is concluded? 

    If we can the above makes sense to me. Thoughts? 

    I wish .. but just dont see it buddy. I think were ducked 

  14. 1 hour ago, Unlucky Alf said:

    There's not many players i'd put in the same bracket as Awfull Anya...Mick Coop being one, We tried and tried to unload Anya, But he wouldn't have it...stayed on the vast wage he was getting, I must say either his Agent was at the top of his game...or our contract team were shocking.

    Having listened to the george thorne interview i can assure u it was very much our contracts team that ducked up.. and not just anya 

  15. 4 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

    Coming from a club who have a significant number of fans regularly chant about someone being a sex offender, I think maybe we would probably do better to accept that all clubs has its idiots...

    This … its a society issue not exclusive to football

    see social media if u have any doubt

  16. 7 minutes ago, DavesaRam said:

    Yes, but when he starts, it isn’t alongside Richards. Its usually on the wing, and we don’t give him the ball.

    Fair comment

    i would like to see him in behind richards instead of morrison as u know sibley will more likely stay higher up unlike morrison who drops deeper and ends up being a third deep lying mid and leaves us with an isolated front man 

    one thing i do wonder is if ckr despite being our best forward is actually not much of a fit as to how rooney would ideally like to play

    By brining in baldock and trying to use lawrence up there in his absence it suggests to me rooney would like a runner who can stretch the pitch vertically for us. Which would in turn give lawrence and co more space to operate in.

    having an immobile front man who can make it stick but cant run in beyond means the opposition can squeeze our space and stifle our “creative” ( use that word loosly) players and we become a bit easy to play against as we have no out ball



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