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Posts posted by NottsRam77

  1. Im mid fourties, iv had 4 exposures to covid (x3 jabs,x1 illness) i consider myself pretty fit and healthy given my age and think id be fine with it if i caught it again

    however i know that i can still be a carrier of it, i work with general public and so my exposure to it is quite high so theres a good chamce i could be carrying it at any given time so out of respect to others that perhaps might not deal with it as well as myself i wear a mask when asked to do so 

    it aint a big deal .. i mean really it isnt 

    not to me anyway 

  2. 1 hour ago, Barney1991 said:

    We hardly added when cocu was in charge first season and he got us to 12th. Albeit with martin and waghorn in the side. 

    True, but didnt We still have Huddlestone and the like at the club also

    As u say .. martin being a recognised and proven leader of the line at this level.. something weve been playing without for weeks/ months 

  3. 32 minutes ago, Jimbo Ram said:

    My comment was a tad tongue in cheek Barney. Even when he had a reasonable squad at his disposal last season he didn’t pull up any trees. I still hope that if we can get new owners in place we have a complete overhaul of the squad and management team. A total fresh start ?

    When u say reasonable ur talking about a side that hasnt been meaningfully added to in nearly 2 years now… the saying if u stand still in football ur going backwards… but what if ur already going backwards .. compared to our competition being able to add to their squads for the last 18 months to 2 years were on a landside 

    as abject as it wad today and has been im not apportioning blame to rooney as it stands


  4. 6 minutes ago, Barney1991 said:

    Watching this game and others. Can anyone tell me the game plan because i have no idea watching it. Are we a lump it side, possession based side. I have non idea what we set up to play and he's been in charge for a year now. This team has no identity whatsoever. 

    Its missing any attacking threat which will happen when the only two centre forwards at the club (and i use that term loosly) arnt fit to start or play

    any side would look pretty ordinary playing wothout something that resembles a centre forward 

    lawence is a stop gap cf … and hes hit and miss at the best of times in his more natural position so its no surprise is it 

    seperate note but that buchanan injury really is hurting us too, fozzy needs putting out of his and our misery bless him

  5. 3 minutes ago, Van der MoodHoover said:

    But draws are not really any use. We need to nick wins.... 

    conceding easily avoidable soft goals would give us a sporting chance, cant help but think defensively weve slipped a lottle into the habbits of last season

    And it starts from the front where unfortunately we have quite literally nothing … sadly 

  6. 15 hours ago, jono said:

    I honestly reckon you’re wrong. Not because there aren’t better managers with more tactical genius, which maybe true in certain circumstances; but because Rooney has done an exceptional job inspiring these players to play as a unit, to play for him and each other, and to largely follow instructions. I sincerely doubt any other manager, we could reasonably hope to get, could have done that. 

    Last night was a tough one, player for player they had more than we have, but we ran them close for half the game. Against Bournemouth and Fulham our eager 2 litre 4 cylinder beat the odds against those with 6 cylinders and another 1000cc. 

    I do want to see how we shape up against more pedestrian opponents but I remain convinced that Rooney is doing a great job with what he has AND I retain considerable  confidence that the young guns in our team are going to get better as individuals.

    Bird, Knight, Ebosele, Thomson, Buchanan, Watson … The oldest is 21 … Think about it and then think who understands their game and potential better than anyone.  









    Great post

  7. 9 hours ago, Jourdan said:

    Managers want to work, managers want to stay active, managers like a challenge.

    It’s for that reason managers like Wilder and Cooper have taken jobs at Middlesbrough and Forest when they were not particularly attractive.

    If the Derby job became available tomorrow, we’d have plenty of interest. We are not losing game after game. Anyone with experience would look and see that there is potential to turn a generally competitive and spirited team into a winning one.

    Like a challenge .. were certainly that alright lol 

  8. 9 hours ago, Gee SCREAMER !! said:

    I always rated Dawkins.  Very hard to get the ball off and used to hold possession to bring others into play.  I'm not seeing any attributes to Morrison at all to be honest other than we can't lose money on a transfer fee this time. 

    Dawkins did it higher up the pitch and could play off martin and bring fozzy into play .. i dont see any of that from morrison, he looks lovely and comfy on the ball when he comes deep for it but we already have bird doing that for us.. he doesnt really have a position where u can say thats his best 

  9. 2 minutes ago, LincsRam said:

    Well I must say I think QPR deserved it. Different class to us going forward with movement and quality of player.... Andre Gray as sub, come on, that's taking the peace, what an option to have, he is a great player.

    We played well for the first 20 minutes then we had patches of being good with no end product, how many times did our midfielders try worldie passes in the final 3rd and play it either to a QPR player or just to nobody. Shinnie & Lawrence went from bossing it, to either doing nothing, not marking up or passing it to QPR. Thompson looked good in the first half but like the rest of the team started to look for that pass backwards in the second half, he was still a terrier though and was a nuisance to them. Morrison did nothing all game, Jozwiak looked lightweight and made no difference but what about Ebosele, what a prospect we have, looks like he can do something every time he gets the ball.


    U can add ckr to jos .. added nothing disapointing and worryingly 

  10. On 26/11/2021 at 20:52, Ellafella said:

    Saw Cashin pre-season at Notts County. Very impressive - some will say he’s a tad short for a CH but he’s every inch a natural footballer.

    Could have said the same about the man, the myth, the legend sir jake buckebauer

    he turned out alright 

    fingers crossed

  11. 17 minutes ago, Gee SCREAMER !! said:

    Very good battling.  Shame Hull won. Must back it up with a win against QPR really.  Think Kazim- Richards has spat the dummy though it appears.  Comes on fouls somebody straight away and that's it, really doesn't seem motivated to help contain pressure by moving his centre half.   That's why he's brought on 

    It was as lacklustre a sub appearance as iv seen, one lovely touch outside their box but he was really off it and gave us nothing that u would expect from him.

    Thought bird, thompson and knight were excellent, one of nathan Bs better games for us

    curt and jags amazing.

    roos.. fair play was top drawer tonight, even claimed a few too

    really good result, 

    very proud of the lads efforts 

  12. 22 minutes ago, Rev said:

    They've done well, I'll give them that.

    A lucky streak, if you like.

    Only Cash has kicked on and proved a worthwhile investment though, and buying clubs will notice that trend too.


    Also .. how far back is a lucky streak

    jenas , dawson , reid 

    wes morgan (forgot him) 

    lascelles darlow 

    osbourn, cash brereton , burke, 

    Thats some time frame 

    Theres a title winner,  2 england internationals, a rep ireland, chilie international (yes i know madness)

    More than one has made it 

  13. 17 minutes ago, Rev said:

    They've done well, I'll give them that.

    A lucky streak, if you like.

    Only Cash has kicked on and proved a worthwhile investment though, and buying clubs will notice that trend too.


    Oh i agree totally, but thats not their problem is it  

    but hear what ur saying totally and agree


    but i wager this brenan johnson will go for double figures .. and worral at the age he is despite what i think of him probably would command 4-5m of some wallys cash 

  14. 1 hour ago, Rev said:

    Forests academy is now Category one, so their running costs will be in line with ours.

    Running costs of a Cat 1 academy start from around £5m a year, £1m of which is grant funded from the FA purely for having a Cat 1 academy.

    Running any sort of set up below Cat 1 would still cost a few million per annum, so the cost saving isn't anything like you wish to portray.

    Depends how much u can flog ur talents for 

    even with the outlay weve had forest have marketed their priduce far better than we have and if they had our expenses would still be well in profit from it 

    They made more than 30m on just 3 players nearly 40 if u include that apphiah lad 

    thats nearly 10 years funding 

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