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Is Warne living on borrowed time?

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6 minutes ago, Kernow said:

One thing that would be a not too secret stumbling block in getting rid of Warne would be the financial side of things. Could we even afford to get rid of him?

I don't know how much him and his team are paid collectively per week, but even if I guessed around 10k for all of them, which I'd say is still a conservative guess, he's got about 34 months left on his contract. That's about 1.5 million to pay them off.

If we did pay that, then that would surely limit the budget in hiring his replacement. If we did pay that, then Warne could rightfully question where was that money in the transfer window.

You have made the assumption that the manager we got in to replace Warne was out of a job. 

As that would bump the 1.5 million payoff even further up if we had to pay compo to another club. 

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He can be a good manager, he is a good manager


but he is the completely wrong fit for Derby County. he is not fit to manage a big club like us


the football is rubbish, the players he is signing are rubbish and the club has no direction and its not what this club is about

Edited by alram
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1 minute ago, Tyler Durden said:

You have made the assumption that the manager we got in to replace Warne was out of a job. 

As that would bump the 1.5 million payoff even further up if we had to pay compo to another club. 

I'd expect it to be Darren Moore to be honest, even before he was pictured at the game tonight.

A lot of boxes ticked if we appointed him, the only question would be if he was affordable for us or not.


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Not sure if he's on borrowed time but if so, he needs to beg for more because at the minute he's stealing a living a wage and looks like he should be joining Kirchner in a jail cell charged with fraudulently claiming to be a football manager. 

I wish that wasn't just a knee jerk reactionary post (it is, a bit, a lot tbh but how could that performance not elicit a negative raction?) ) but the problems with his tactics are blindingly obvious.

Edited by Kokosnuss
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hes created a team that were all alive when the soviet union was around and they play football like we are still in the soviet era.


his style requires physicality and athletism rather than technical skills so he goes and signs a load of old players with hardly any physicality and athletism .


i dont want people to let him hide behind the business plan, there are loads of players out there that fit the profile of player we should have been signing hardly any club in this division pay fees for players


oxford play football & had a player like rodrigues who chose to go there instead of here ........ HMMMMMM I WONDER WHY? footballers arent idiots, we are going nowhere

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Just now, alram said:

i dont want people to let him hide behind the business plan, there are loads of players out there that fit the profile of player we should have been signing hardly any club in this division pay fees for players

Name 3. 

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Just now, Donegal Ram said:

Big Darren Moore at pride park tonight. Maybe a sign. First time I am ready for Warne to go. Can understand things don't go your way but to persist with this style is suicidal. It's goodnight for Mr Warne for me. 

Whether it's just Moore deciding to watch a game or not, it doesn't really help Warne that Moore has been pictured there.

He has no club, so can't use the scouting excuse. In the image taken of him he looks like he's genuinely assessing what he's seeing too, not just casually watching a game of football.

It will probably turn out to be nothing, but I don't think it helps Warne in terms of the pressure on him.

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