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v Blackpool (H) Match Thread


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6 minutes ago, Rev said:

Just about to post similar. 

I can't really picture the game from the Radio Derby commentary, but it's certainly got the aroma of Pearsons tenure.

But we've recruited specifically for it!

Worst thing we could do now is ditch that formation. 

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Just now, TomG said:

Well you did ask!

Thought he might have a clue as to being as he seems so convinced warne is not the answer

i said the fans would have to show patience 

i said bringing in this number of players would cause teething problems that would take time to iron out

i also said that some sections of the fanbase are incapable of patience and have a sense of entitlement that we should be winning every game from the word go ad would be moaning after a couple of games 

f*** im good 

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8 minutes ago, Vyrdasm said:

Half time team talk.

"Lads not going to change tactics or anything just do it for your families, DO IT FOR YOUR KIDS!"

WhatsApp - chat 

Warne - guys it’s fine it’s fine no worries I’ve found a funny meme on Facebook I want to send you at 2am whilst I catch up with back to back family guy 


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On 07/08/2023 at 14:37, oldtimeram said:
22 hours ago, Brammie Steve said:


2 minutes ago, Malty said:

It’s only 1/0. We might have set up wrong and perhaps look crap at the back. But we do have good players. We just need to draft a few openings and we’re back in this. Right?

Aged well

Edited by strawhillram
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How bizarre. I thought defence was the least of our worries. Turns out it’s abject.

Warne ought to be careful. Hate to be like 2015 Derby County but lose here and Saturday……..

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