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Bris Vegas

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He does well for a littl’un but he will always struggle against a biggun who knows what he’s doing.

Cashin tries to go through his man to get the ball first and is therefore in danger of being turned.

However, I suspect part of the downturn in his form is due to the players around him.

Smith has done well at FB for a midfielder but he is starting to be found out.

The midfield hasn’t been consistent and lacks an enforcer.

Right now we need a strong captain on the field and we don’t have one.

Confidence is low and we need a clean sheet. Conceding two is starting to be a habit.

We need to get a bit more Div One and just win our battles.

Cashin will get his mojo back.

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He has undoubted quality and you can see how much he wants to contribute and do well, but at times he tries too hard. As has been said above, he often gets too tight to his man trying to win the ball. His desire to run with it into midfield is admirable but without a covering defensive midfielder you can see what’s coming a mile off if he loses the ball, or his pass doesn’t find its target. The diag ping is a thing of beauty, when it comes off. Ultimately, he’s a young lad learning the game and his place in the back 3/4 is pretty assured on the basis of what’s behind him. And being one of our own he’ll never attract as much negative attention as the likes of Dobbin, White or Springett.

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Good Championship level player if he keeps developing, but hindered by lack of height and pace. Like others have said, he tries too hard to win balls that he shouldn't be going in for, but that'll come with time and actually playing with a proper CB regularly (I love Foz, but Cashins downturn has aligned with Foz being caught out more and more).

Worth building the backline around for the next few years at least.

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I wonder if he’s carrying a slight injury at the moment - last few games he seems to have lost a bit of mobility and the little burst of pace that used to get him to intercept the ball - may just be a loss of form, but he’s not been the same player since he came back from his injury…

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I really like Cashin, I was so pleased when we re-signed him. With regards to the original post (and a recurring theme of late) it’s not a simple this or that question and answer. 
There is a good player in there, he’s shown that this season and last. He’s also young, inexperienced and developing. In part I think we’re unlikely to see consistency from him until he’s gained a bit more experience, fortunately for us he’s learning every week.

As others have said, he’s got some limitations, he doesn’t have blistering pace and isn’t the tallest for a cb. He also has strengths, Cashin is tough, strong and determined, can tackle and pick a pass and at times reads the game very well.
I think if the recruitment team can find a right footed cb to partner Cashin, one who is a bit more mobile and athletic than our current options and complements Cashin’s attributes we will have a very solid foundation at the back. A league one (or championship 🤞)  Vidic and Ferdinand type combo. There will be options that meet that description available on a free this summer, not the calibre of the two I named of course but someone with a bit more pace and mobility than Forsyth/Davies/Stearman to clean up after Cash occasionally gets caught under a high ball. 

Edited by Caerphilly Ram
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3 hours ago, NorwichExile said:

Good Championship level player if he keeps developing, but hindered by lack of height and pace. Like others have said, he tries too hard to win balls that he shouldn't be going in for, but that'll come with time and actually playing with a proper CB regularly (I love Foz, but Cashins downturn has aligned with Foz being caught out more and more).

Worth building the backline around for the next few years at least.

Why is he hindered by a lack of height? He’s won the most aerial battles in League One. Pace I agree with.

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I have to admit… even when he was playing well I did say that he just goes for absolutely everything full-blooded. The reply to that was “exactly, he’s reading play and defending well”.

I honestly don’t know. He’s just ultra competitive. You won’t outwork him, you’re in for a battle, he’ll snap onto any lacklustre forward play.

He’s a better defender than Bucko (granted he was doing it at a higher level) but not as good with the ball at his feet.

Edited by cannable
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2 hours ago, Caerphilly Ram said:
I think if the recruitment team can find a right footed cb to partner Cashin, one who is a bit more mobile and athletic than our current options and complements Cashin’s attributes we will have a very solid foundation at the back. A league one (or championship 🤞)  Vidic and Ferdinand type combo. There will be options that meet that description available on a free this summer, not the calibre of the two I named of course but someone with a bit more pace and mobility than Forsyth/Davies/Stearman to clean up after Cash occasionally gets caught under a high ball. 

As long as we can keep Cashin our defence for the future should be built around him and Rooney. If Bielik’s around next season and we build towards Warne’s 3 at the back I think a 3 of Rooney, Bielik and Cashin would be worth a look.

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Cashin's form has dropped off a bit as soon as we started lumping it forwards, the midfield got to tired to chase it back every time and we just get endlessly counter-attacked on.  We're literally engineering the situations that Cashin struggles the most in (quick forwards running at him with no support).  Forsyth's form has dipped at exactly the same time, as has Smiths, which also suggests it's something structural in the team, rather than an individual player.  When we were controlling games a lot more, moving the ball through the thirds etc, Cashin was excellent. 

And for what it's worth, I don't even think his form has dropped enough to warrant a thread like this.  He's been fantastic all season and even with a slight dip he's more than good enough.  He was nowhere near our worst player on Saturday - I can easily think of 4 or 5 who were worse, and arguably more than that.

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Good defender but as with Knight, I think our fanbase hugely overrates him. I think he will be a mid-top end Championship defender and have a very decent career but that is his ceiling for me.

Pros - comfortable on the ball & great passing range, good character, tackling and last-ditch defending (although this is often caused by his cons!) and decent enough in the air.

Cons - positioning, pace, mobility, height, concentration and decision making

To answer the initial question, I think he is a decent defender, slightly out of form, as per the majority of the team but when/if we get over the blip, he will be a key player in the run-in at this level.

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Just a thought. Young players who break into a team often have a good first season and then suffer "2nd season syndrome". Cashin's downturn in form started in January. One year after Rooney was "allowed" to use him due to squad size restrictions. He looked better at Posh last weekend. Hopefully, he's on his way back and his second season/year dip has ended.

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