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Gary Lineker


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22 minutes ago, GboroRam said:

Sorry, can't remove the emojis. 

Why do you say being a Socialist costs? How does it cost? 

A lot of Socialist aims (pretty much all of them) are well intentioned. But it is the cost of them that is the main issue... a cost that would need to be borne by our children and grandchildren.   I do think a better health service will cost some money. And social housing. And better welfare benefits. And education. And pensions. And if you want more illegal immigrants, you have to pay for the lawyers and the Judges to asses their claims (or maybe just let them in anyway) ,  and the translators, and the hotels and the housing, the roads and the rail network (HS2 anyone?) and more health services and education costs . If you want us to go for net zero well fine replace your gas boiler , put in solar panels and  cavity wall insulation and double glazing. Buy an electric car which is more expensive and less efficient. Meanwhile we will destroy the environment anyway by building all those houses, roads and railways over natural habitats. If you want us to have equal pay for women well that seems fair but tough luck if you are a man you might  need to take a pay cut (which even Lineker had to do). Or not get the job you want at all because you are not diverse enough. And so on. It means more taxes (and other costs) out of people's incomes they can ill afford at the moment. 

I think it's fine for Mr Lineker (if he wasn't funded by me)  to be saying what he thinks, but maybe people who have not been as lucky (or when he was a footballer quite gifted) might have different views and perhaps be a bit upset about being called racists for holding those views.     

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4 minutes ago, PistoldPete said:

A lot of Socialist aims (pretty much all of them) are well intentioned. But it is the cost of them that is the main issue... a cost that would need to be borne by our children and grandchildren.   I do think a better health service will cost some money. And social housing. And better welfare benefits. And education. And pensions. And if you want more illegal immigrants, you have to pay for the lawyers and the Judges to asses their claims (or maybe just let them in anyway) ,  and the translators, and the hotels and the housing, the roads and the rail network (HS2 anyone?) and more health services and education costs . If you want us to go for net zero well fine replace your gas boiler , put in solar panels and  cavity wall insulation and double glazing. Buy an electric car which is more expensive and less efficient. Meanwhile we will destroy the environment anyway by building all those houses, roads and railways over natural habitats. If you want us to have equal pay for women well that seems fair but tough luck if you are a man you might  need to take a pay cut (which even Lineker had to do). Or not get the job you want at all because you are not diverse enough. And so on. It means more taxes (and other costs) out of people's incomes they can ill afford at the moment. 

I think it's fine for Mr Lineker (if he wasn't funded by me)  to be saying what he thinks, but maybe people who have not been as lucky (or when he was a footballer quite gifted) might have different views and perhaps be a bit upset about being called racists for holding those views.     

Is Lineker now calling the government and it's supporters racists as well as Nazis.

When did he tweet those? 

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7 minutes ago, PistoldPete said:

A lot of Socialist aims (pretty much all of them) are well intentioned. But it is the cost of them that is the main issue... a cost that would need to be borne by our children and grandchildren.   I do think a better health service will cost some money. And social housing. And better welfare benefits. And education. And pensions. And if you want more illegal immigrants, you have to pay for the lawyers and the Judges to asses their claims (or maybe just let them in anyway) ,  and the translators, and the hotels and the housing, the roads and the rail network (HS2 anyone?) and more health services and education costs . If you want us to go for net zero well fine replace your gas boiler , put in solar panels and  cavity wall insulation and double glazing. Buy an electric car which is more expensive and less efficient. Meanwhile we will destroy the environment anyway by building all those houses, roads and railways over natural habitats. If you want us to have equal pay for women well that seems fair but tough luck if you are a man you might  need to take a pay cut (which even Lineker had to do). Or not get the job you want at all because you are not diverse enough. And so on. It means more taxes (and other costs) out of people's incomes they can ill afford at the moment. 

I think it's fine for Mr Lineker (if he wasn't funded by me)  to be saying what he thinks, but maybe people who have not been as lucky (or when he was a footballer quite gifted) might have different views and perhaps be a bit upset about being called racists for holding those views.     

You forgot the billions in arms aid to fight a war in Ukraine without a hint of trying to find peace then the billions to rebuild after what is obviously going to be a very long drawn out destructive war ,

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15 minutes ago, PistoldPete said:

A lot of Socialist aims (pretty much all of them) are well intentioned. But it is the cost of them that is the main issue... a cost that would need to be borne by our children and grandchildren.   I do think a better health service will cost some money. And social housing. And better welfare benefits. And education. And pensions. And if you want more illegal immigrants, you have to pay for the lawyers and the Judges to asses their claims (or maybe just let them in anyway) ,  and the translators, and the hotels and the housing, the roads and the rail network (HS2 anyone?) and more health services and education costs . If you want us to go for net zero well fine replace your gas boiler , put in solar panels and  cavity wall insulation and double glazing. Buy an electric car which is more expensive and less efficient. Meanwhile we will destroy the environment anyway by building all those houses, roads and railways over natural habitats. If you want us to have equal pay for women well that seems fair but tough luck if you are a man you might  need to take a pay cut (which even Lineker had to do). Or not get the job you want at all because you are not diverse enough. And so on. It means more taxes (and other costs) out of people's incomes they can ill afford at the moment. 

I think it's fine for Mr Lineker (if he wasn't funded by me)  to be saying what he thinks, but maybe people who have not been as lucky (or when he was a footballer quite gifted) might have different views and perhaps be a bit upset about being called racists for holding those views.     

Your first point about a better health service makes the rest of it unreadable.

A better health service would cost less if billions weren't being hoovered up by the private sector. A truly joined up public health service, with prevention and education without any interference from big Pharma at its heart, would be cheaper for the country.

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38 minutes ago, uttoxram75 said:

Your first point about a better health service makes the rest of it unreadable.

A better health service would cost less if billions weren't being hoovered up by the private sector. A truly joined up public health service, with prevention and education without any interference from big Pharma at its heart, would be cheaper for the country.

How much of our NHS bill do you think is hoovered up by the private sector? In total NHS costs the taxpayer About £180 Billion a year plus the NHS pension scheme costs, also tens of billions. How much of those costs are taken up by the private sector? I agree with you about Big Pharma by the way. 

Edited by PistoldPete
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42 minutes ago, 1of4 said:

Is Lineker now calling the government and it's supporters racists as well as Nazis.

When did he tweet those? 

People  who voted for Brexit have been called racists, people who are against illegal immigration have ben branded racists too. Lineker's inflammatory tweets and comments on both those topics only adds fuel to that  type of offensive language.   

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15 minutes ago, PistoldPete said:

How much of our NHS bill do you think is hoovered up by the private sector? In total NHS costs the taxpayer About £180 Billion a year plus the NHS pension scheme costs, also tens of billions. How much of those costs are taken up by the private sector? I agree with you about Big Pharma by the way. 

Glad we agree about big pharma. Stopping their influence on drug prescription would save vast amounts of money alone. 

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7 hours ago, G STAR RAM said:

And you think I give a flying f*** that you think that? ?

You really ought to consider standing as a Tory candidate in the next general election.

You don't appear to give a toss about anybody other than yourself, so you are perfectly qualified.

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3 hours ago, PistoldPete said:

And if you want more illegal immigrants

Who's actually demanding we let in more illegal immigrants? I think most people are asking for safe means of seeking asylum to be established and humane conditions for applicants, whilst also not wishing to have scores of deaths in the English Channel. 

I saw on the news today that job vacancies have reached 1.1m and employers organisations are saying that this is holding back growth, which in turn means the treasury isn't maximising its income from employment taxes which could be used to increase spending on key services. They're calling for the government to allow them to recruit more temporary and permanent workers from abroad because they can't fill those vacancies from the existing population. 

What a conundrum.... 


Edited by Crewton
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1 hour ago, Eddie said:

You really ought to consider standing as a Tory candidate in the next general election.

You don't appear to give a toss about anybody other than yourself, so you are perfectly qualified.

I'll be honest mate. About 15 years ago I went to see Margaret Beckett about retaining 300 jobs in Derby at the same time she was in the news for claiming 70 k for a house in Derby that was already paid for and renting out a London flat paid for by the taxpayer.  If the building had caught fire it may have piqued her interest to become engaged but that would have been about it. I was told you can't slow progress. 7 years later in opposition, when those plans put forward became activated, she was like Zebedee on speed sticking her oar in.  The less said about Tony and Cherie's Bristol flats and later property purchases the better. 

I also voted for Lib Dem just the once as I had received payment for tuition fees for 5 years further education.  I was working full time to facilitate this as well but finding probably 18k on top would have deemed this impossible and it seemed a worthwhile vote.  That was a mistake.  I believe Nicks next venture was too take up a 3 million quid a year job with facebook, a company he had spent years saying was an appalling organisation.  Apparently, he only did this tackle the problem from the inside.  I believe him implicitly. 

I've given up on politicians and would consider myself unlikely to find any candidate not in it for themselves.  The higher you get to the top, the closer you'll find yourself swimming near the bottom. 

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7 hours ago, Eddie said:

You really ought to consider standing as a Tory candidate in the next general election.

You don't appear to give a toss about anybody other than yourself, so you are perfectly qualified.

Thats not true to be fair, I care about my family too.

And to be fair during the Covid pandemic I did long to be like you, saving the world wearing your mask, well apart from when you was drinking in the pubs.

See the difference between people like me and you is that I will gladly hold my hands up and admit that my thoughts and decisions are selfish and based around what I think are best for me and my family. Whereas virtue signallers like you pretend otherwise.

So come on then Edward, what do you do that is so great for the rest of humanity?

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9 hours ago, PistoldPete said:

A lot of Socialist aims (pretty much all of them) are well intentioned. But it is the cost of them that is the main issue... a cost that would need to be borne by our children and grandchildren.   I do think a better health service will cost some money. And social housing. And better welfare benefits. And education. And pensions. And if you want more illegal immigrants, you have to pay for the lawyers and the Judges to asses their claims (or maybe just let them in anyway) ,  and the translators, and the hotels and the housing, the roads and the rail network (HS2 anyone?) and more health services and education costs . If you want us to go for net zero well fine replace your gas boiler , put in solar panels and  cavity wall insulation and double glazing. Buy an electric car which is more expensive and less efficient. Meanwhile we will destroy the environment anyway by building all those houses, roads and railways over natural habitats. If you want us to have equal pay for women well that seems fair but tough luck if you are a man you might  need to take a pay cut (which even Lineker had to do). Or not get the job you want at all because you are not diverse enough. And so on. It means more taxes (and other costs) out of people's incomes they can ill afford at the moment. 

I think it's fine for Mr Lineker (if he wasn't funded by me)  to be saying what he thinks, but maybe people who have not been as lucky (or when he was a footballer quite gifted) might have different views and perhaps be a bit upset about being called racists for holding those views.     

But socialism isn't about a working health service. It isn't about benefits, or education. Pensions, we'll, if we actually get out what we put in, how's that costing money - I'd say I'm more interested in stopping the government raiding our money let alone private businesses. It's not about net zero and saving the planet. I don't think fair pay is socialism, unless you're arguing that capitalism is about unfair pay. Socialism isn't about diversity. 

I'm not sure why Lineker's paymaster should mean we control what he's allowed to say. That's definitely not socialism. 

All the above things are about being decent human beings trying to make the best of a difficult situation. Which as a Socialist, I'm all in favour of. 

Socialism is seeking to stop the raid of working people's labour, to profit from other people's hard work. 

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6 hours ago, Crewton said:

Who's actually demanding we let in more illegal immigrants? I think most people are asking for safe means of seeking asylum to be established and humane conditions for applicants, whilst also not wishing to have scores of deaths in the English Channel. 

I saw on the news today that job vacancies have reached 1.1m and employers organisations are saying that this is holding back growth, which in turn means the treasury isn't maximising its income from employment taxes which could be used to increase spending on key services. They're calling for the government to allow them to recruit more temporary and permanent workers from abroad because they can't fill those vacancies from the existing population. 

What a conundrum.... 


It is a “conundrum” in that immigration can bring economic benefits as well as economic ( and environmental) costs. Which is why we do need to ensure that the people coming to this country bring an economic benefit that outweighs the cost.. or that there is a genuine humanitarian need that we can satisfy. 

however the economic growth per capita has been flat for decades despite high levels of immigration. 

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26 minutes ago, GboroRam said:

But socialism isn't about a working health service. It isn't about benefits, or education. Pensions, we'll, if we actually get out what we put in, how's that costing money - I'd say I'm more interested in stopping the government raiding our money let alone private businesses. It's not about net zero and saving the planet. I don't think fair pay is socialism, unless you're arguing that capitalism is about unfair pay. Socialism isn't about diversity. 

I'm not sure why Lineker's paymaster should mean we control what he's allowed to say. That's definitely not socialism. 

All the above things are about being decent human beings trying to make the best of a difficult situation. Which as a Socialist, I'm all in favour of. 

Socialism is seeking to stop the raid of working people's labour, to profit from other people's hard work. 

Lineker wants us to spend more taxpayer money on accepting illegal immigrants. But doesn’t want to pay the tax himself . And he says all this despite being funded at great expense by ordinary working people paying their licence fee. Sounds like the opposite of Socialism to me as you just described it. 

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32 minutes ago, GboroRam said:

But socialism isn't about a working health service. It isn't about benefits, or education. Pensions, we'll, if we actually get out what we put in, how's that costing money - I'd say I'm more interested in stopping the government raiding our money let alone private businesses. It's not about net zero and saving the planet. I don't think fair pay is socialism, unless you're arguing that capitalism is about unfair pay. Socialism isn't about diversity. 

I'm not sure why Lineker's paymaster should mean we control what he's allowed to say. That's definitely not socialism. 

All the above things are about being decent human beings trying to make the best of a difficult situation. Which as a Socialist, I'm all in favour of. 

Socialism is seeking to stop the raid of working people's labour, to profit from other people's hard work. 

Out of interest do you class Lineker and Neville as socialists?

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7 minutes ago, PistoldPete said:

Lineker wants us to spend more taxpayer money on accepting illegal immigrants. But doesn’t want to pay the tax himself . And he says all this despite being funded at great expense by ordinary working people paying their licence fee. Sounds like the opposite of Socialism to me as you just described it. 

Its empty gestures that make people popular these days, not actual actions.

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45 minutes ago, Archied said:

Out of interest do you class Lineker and Neville as socialists?

Humanists yes. I don't know their politics regarding fair distribution of wealth so couldn't say. 

Being rich isn't an indicator. Paying your tax is more about personal morality. He can still be Socialist and abuse a broken capitalist tax system. 

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1 hour ago, PistoldPete said:

however the economic growth per capita has been flat for decades despite high levels of immigration. 

That's not the fault of immigration, it's primarily due to a lack of investment by businesses. Previous studies have shown that immigrants contribute more to the economy than they take out, though some people don't want to hear that. 

The economic model in British industry is all about returns to investors and personal gain. No long term planning, just short term gain. People build a business and their first thought is often "how can we get as much personal wealth out of this as possible before it goes tits-up?" rather than "how can we best use the momentum and brand we've built and the profits we're realising to further grow the business and improve the rewards for our workforce?". 

Even without changing the mindset of business, companies need those vacancies filling in order to achieve growth. That seems unlikely to be achieved using only the current pool of labour, so we're going to have to import labour one way or another. 

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