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Things that annoy me that should annoy me


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1 minute ago, BaaLocks said:

The Ajanta on Sacheveral Street was always a much better venue for those sort of bands. A venue that was an Indian porn cinema by day and a punk rock venue by night - now that's how to use a facility.

Imagine if they'd been a murder there? 

The suspect list would be thousands strong once they'd swabbed everything. 

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4 hours ago, Grumpy Git said:

Hard working families (AKA Daily Mail readers)

In my experience Daily Mail readers rarely refer to hard working families. They much more frequently refer to families doing no work at all, and being paid a fortune by the state.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Me!, Moved some furniture last week in the bedroom, Forgot that there was a shelf right above my head, After cleaning the skirting board I get up and smack my head right on the corner of the shelf, Blood pi$$ing out...a right gouge, Strapped a bandage to my head and hoped it would stop bleading...it did...eventually.

Got up this Morning and decided to move the furniture back to whence in came...getting old can be frustrating at times ?

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31 minutes ago, FindernRam said:

Ally McCoist. I actually love his comments but why oh why does he have to say everything twice, everything twice!

"What a goal! What a goal!" "I have to say that's a booking all day!  That's a booking all day for me!" 

It must be all those years singing "Follow Follow" 

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Filament-thin retractable dog leads, in a sort of invisible steel-grey colour, on an overcast steel-grey sort of day, at least as long as the smooth wide tarmacadam shared cycle/footpath is wide, when used in conjunction with an 8" tall rodent-reminiscent curious dog, and an owner who is half-way to being comatose sat on a park bench, whilst simultaneously seemingly forgetting that he had been put in charge of said curious dog and aforementioned semi-invisible retractable lead.

A big shout out for Hydraulic disc brakes, says I, as due to the very low height of the lead, I strongly suspect the poor dog would have been decapitated, as opposed to the cyclist (me!) being flipped over the handlebars.

I saw the owner sat on the right, well in advance.  I also saw the dog on the left, with plenty of time to react accordingly, and utilise the full 2.5m width of the seemingly clear pathway between, with equal ease and consideration.

What I almost failed to see in time, was that FUCKIN' POXY LEAD!   



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26 minutes ago, Mucker1884 said:

Filament-thin retractable dog leads, in a sort of invisible steel-grey colour, on an overcast steel-grey sort of day, at least as long as the smooth wide tarmacadam shared cycle/footpath is wide, when used in conjunction with an 8" tall rodent-reminiscent curious dog, and an owner who is half-way to being comatose sat on a park bench, whilst simultaneously seemingly forgetting that he had been put in charge of said curious dog and aforementioned semi-invisible retractable lead.

A big shout out for Hydraulic disc brakes, says I, as due to the very low height of the lead, I strongly suspect the poor dog would have been decapitated, as opposed to the cyclist (me!) being flipped over the handlebars.

I saw the owner sat on the right, well in advance.  I also saw the dog on the left, with plenty of time to react accordingly, and utilise the full 2.5m width of the seemingly clear pathway between, with equal ease and consideration.

What I almost failed to see in time, was that FUCKIN' POXY LEAD!   



I has a similar experience a few years ago (thankfully didn't come off the bike) - explained to the woman how dead her beloved dog would have been if I'd hit it or the lead stretching from where she was wandering onto the grass on my side of the path. Her response was that I shouldn't have been riding my bike there - to which I responded in fairly robust language that I was riding on a fecking cycle path which was quite clearly denoted by all the pictures of bikes painted on the fecking pavement....

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Pancakes, they can get in the bin.

Literally, when I attempt them. 

Even bought a brand new pan, still no effing joy, as I watch the hot oil vacate the middle and gather at the edges. 

I've not had a decent pancake, or indeed any pancake, since I left home in 1996! 

If anyone responds with how delightful their pancakes where, how they melted in the mouth in a sugary lemony explosion of taste, I've one word for you.



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Just now, Rev said:

Pancakes, they can get in the bin.

Literally, when I attempt them. 

Even bought a brand new pan, still no effing joy, as I watch the hot oil vacate the middle and gather at the edges. 

I've not had a decent pancake, or indeed any pancake, since I left home in 1996! 

If anyone responds with how delightful their pancakes where, how they melted in the mouth in a sugary lemony explosion of taste, I've one word for you.



Really, t0sser.

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3 hours ago, Rev said:

Pancakes, they can get in the bin.

Literally, when I attempt them. 

Even bought a brand new pan, still no effing joy, as I watch the hot oil vacate the middle and gather at the edges. 

I've not had a decent pancake, or indeed any pancake, since I left home in 1996! 

If anyone responds with how delightful their pancakes where, how they melted in the mouth in a sugary lemony explosion of taste, I've one word for you.




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